Baby swallows out in rain.

Ash 22

Registered User
I have a swallows nest in my shed which I've been watching like a hawk (pardon the pun) Its just been so fascinating waiting for the 4 eggs to hatch and for the little babies to grow and take flight which they just did over the past few days.

Now last night the 4 little birds were perched up on an arch beside the shed but out in all the rain with no shelter. The parent birds were in the shed. I was so worried about them I decided to try and catch them and put them into the shed. When I went near them and put my hand up there was no movement so I reckon they must have been asleep so I took three of them very carefully and put them into the shed, the fourth must have awoken and disappeared into the night. Now they were probably a bit distressed at being moved and flew around a bit before they settled but sadly one of them flew out and whatever happened I found him dead outside later on the ground, maybe he hit off something.

I was very disappointed as I had been watching them all day yesterday around the place. Now I'm wondering should I just have left them out in the rain or would it have done them any harm.

Other years the young would have come back into the shed each night and perch there so I was surprised that this did'nt happen this year.
You just have to let nature take its course (there is no pun in that in case anyone is expected one!)
I'm not going to (s)wallow in this but anyway all funny comments aside I'm glad I at least got 2 of them in for the night out of the elements.
Yes Sue Ellen we could learn a lot from them they are unbelieveably clever. When I go out to feed the dogs the robin appears, actually now there are two robins and I usually throw her a little morsel, (hoping the smart dogs with great eyesight won't get there first) and off she goes happy on her way.

We'll keep living in hope for the Lotto!
I always thought if you touched wild baby birds that it could cause the parents to reject them?

Although this may be another idea I picked up from enid blython books...golly!
We were told that if you touched the eggs that the bird would reject the nest. Probably old wives tale to stop inquisitive children.
I heard about touching the eggs also but not sure how true it is. Any of these birds have not come back into the shed since the night I moved the small ones but I did see them perched on the arch yesterday and the mother was feeding them on it.