What would you change about yourself if you could?


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Just finished watching this really brilliant programm about dinosaurs.

They have found tissue in a fossil that was 35 million years old, before they said this could only survive for 2 million years.

This had lead them on to try and get the DNA of a dinosaur and hopefully have a jurassic park.

Also they were tweeking certain genes in other animals such as fly's, bee's and chickens.

They were able to find the correct gene that made a bumble bee have wings and they were able to produce a bee with no wings. They also found the certain gene that made a chicken grow a longer tail and teeth. If they wanted to "make" a dinosaur they would start with an emo as it's the closest.

This got me thinking that in years to come they could tweek certain genes of humans. Would be brilliant to eliminate certain medical issues but would they take things to far ( i'm sure there was a film about this years ago) that you could in a way make your own child. Choose how tall he/she was, the colour of their eyes everything!

Then eventually maybe change yourself. Like the growth gene you could make it that it started working again so you would be a few inches taller.

Not that it's going to happen in our life time, but if it was would you want to change anything about yourself? What would you change? And would you pre-programm your child so he/she would turn out exacetly how you would like, or would you just leave everything to mother nature?
Teeth! :D

Why do we only get two sets of teeth for our fairly long lives? Every time a shark loses one, another one grows. You would have thought we would have evolved by now to have a continuous supply of them to last for 70 or 80 years.
Less Hair Growth for ladies of a certain age.
A second "crop" for balding men.
Less Hair Growth for ladies of a certain age.

Yeah! in all the places it gets harder to reach with a razor as we get older :D

Love the thread in a lighter sense (what would you change?) but don't agree with that side of science so it would have to evolve naturally for me.
I'd like to hjave the same button nose as my sister.

Teeth w/o gaps like the rest of my siblings.
I wouldn't change a thing.

I'm far from perfect BTW, but as a matter of principle I still wouldn't change anything at all.
I'd love a thin gene. Eat all you want and still fit into size 10.

Thats me, like a greyhound!! It would be great to be able to keep eating all the goodies we like but no matter how thin we are we still have to think of our cholesterol and all that. Thin people need to look after their health also.
Wings would be excellent! No expenses on cars,bus fares, petrol, no air pollution and it would so much fun.
I like that one wings. But i bet if you could grow wings they would introduce a flying/wing tax lol

My bf said the same thing he wants wings, and claws coming out of his hands, and to be able to control metal......bascially everything that he saw on x men!
Wings would be cool alright but did you see X-Men? Yer man wasnt into his wings at all and tried to cut them off. I wouldnt like that scenario - he he!
Thats me, like a greyhound!! It would be great to be able to keep eating all the goodies we like but no matter how thin we are we still have to think of our cholesterol and all that. Thin people need to look after their health also.

i have lowish cholesterol thankfully. i think these things are mostly genetic.
Wings would be cool alright but did you see X-Men? Yer man wasnt into his wings at all and tried to cut them off. I wouldnt like that scenario - he he!

but in the end he loved them he saved his daddy after all because he could fly...such an ahhhhh moment1

i have lowish cholesterol thankfully. i think these things are mostly genetic.

well dont hog all the good genes start sharing them around will you :)
Well if we're now onto superpowers rather than simply "changing something" then it has to be invisibility - the ultimate.
Haha so much for not changing a thing.

agreed to be invisible would be great. I'd like to be able to transform into anyone or anything ( is there a name for this ) i think i'd start with looking like angelina jolie for a day.....brad pitt here i come!!
Be able to shift time and freeze it, am I the only one that knows for sure that if I had super powers I would use them for evil? (Not very evil mind).