Sun Protection

Ash 22

Registered User
With all the talk of the high incidence of skin cancer would'nt it be a good idea if the Cancer Society ran warning ads on the telly to make young people in particular more aware of the dangers of not wearing sun screen. I think young people do not realise the real danger and unless they see something paraded in front of their eyes each night it will not hit home.
Do they have the funding for this?

I think it comes down to the parents as well to make sure their children are protected. When they get older like teenagers you cant really follow them around all the time, you just hope they have a it of sense to listen to you.

I was on holiday a few years ago and a woman let her son of only 5 or 6 walk around the pool in the mid-day sun with the worst blisters i have ever seen all over his shoulders! I watched her for nearly an hour. Not once did she apply suncream, or put a t-shirt on the poor child. It was only because my bf stopped me from going over and giving out to her that i didn't. I was also very tempted to go and put suncream on him myself, only because i didnt actually get the chance to do this that i didn't.
I agree I also think the HSE should be doing something along the line of the recent smoking adverts.

My brother works outdoors and I think suncream should be made available during the day like soap. I wear min factor 30 and 50 when out for longer. I keep my blind down in the afternoon when the sun gets too strong.

I think you could have ended up with a few nasty blisters yourself!

I have the spray suncream lol would of just walked past and sprayed!

Seriously i'm not going OTT the state of this poor boy's shoulders enought to make you feel the pain it must of been causing him.