Pairc Ui Chaoimh. Time to shut it down??


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I was at the game today and never before have I witnessed such incompetence or stupidity within (and without) a stadium for the hosting of a major match/event.

I have said it before and I will say it again, even though it pains me as a Cork GAA supporter to say it, Pairc Ui Chaoimh (in its present format) should never be allowed stage another big match again.

I arrived at the stadium at 4:10 and saw thousands of people before me, queuing to get in and also queuing for tickets.

I arrived at the end where the Covered Stand meets the Blackrock End and the queues were just unbelievable. People queuing at dilapidated caravans to buy tickets were so long they were merging with people actually queuing to get in at the turnstiles.

As my tickets were for the Uncovered Stand I made my way over to the other side where I was met by more queues to get into the Blackrock End and the Uncovered Stand. Thankfully I had purchased my tickets in advance but the queues were so long I knew I wouldn’t have gotten in before the 5:00 PM throw in. Also I had no idea if the queue was for the Blackrock End or the Uncovered Stand such was the throng of people. I thought it might be a bit easier to get in at the other end so I made my way down to where the Uncovered Stand meets the City End Terrace. As I went I saw two stewards sitting against a car, one on a mobile phone (not sure who he was talking to) but saying that they needed more stewards. Both of them had clearly given up on there duty today such was the over whelming level of the crowds.

As I made my way further up the narrow strip between the uncovered stand and the stream there was barely room to move and while I was comfortable enough I feared for my 11-year-old nephew with me. Arriving at the far end I was met by more queues with people trying to get into the Uncovered Stand. With the crowd and the narrowness of the passageway between the concrete struts of the stadium on one side and the fenced off stream on the other it was a highly dangerous environment. There were 2 turnstiles open to the uncovered stand but only one was allowing people in as the other was reserved for old age pensioners.

Even at that the progress of people getting in was extremely slow because people were at the turnstile with cash rather than tickets and were being refused entry and then had to squeeze past people behind them to get back out. There was a steward at both turnstiles and they had a major row between themselves. I got the impression that one was Munster Council appointed and the other was Cork County Board appointed. The MC guy was abusing the CCB guy saying it was typical of the CCB.

Eventually we got into the ground at 4:50 and the tunnel underneath the uncovered stand was jammed because of a shower of rain and people did not want to get wet.

We climbed up the steps after fighting our way through the throngs sheltering from the rain and the children’s buggies to be met by a steward who was at his wits end. He pointed us in the general direction of our seats but when we got there we found other people sitting in them. People seemed to think they could sit anywhere and there was no one there to tell them otherwise. So we had no other choice but to sit in someone else’s seat. This led to countless arguments with more people arriving late who were looking for their seats. We were allocated seats in Section J and I noticed that there was one steward appointed to look after the entire section. I’ll repeat that: ONE steward for the entire Section J that seated about 1500 people.

The throw in was supposed to be at 5 O’clock but didn’t happen until 5:22 but people were piling in up to 5:45 at least. All looking for seats and they started to just stand and sit on the steps between the sections which was seriously annoying the people already in their seats who now couldn’t see. Eventually a Garda sergeant walked up and down the steps and moved people into seats. Single vacant seats that couldn’t be seen from the steps. An empty seat between 2 big men would be more or less invisible due to the size of the seats. Surely this was a job for a steward and not a Garda sergeant?

The stadium announcer said that there were 30,000 at today’s game and thankfully that was all because if the 43,000 (the stadium capacity) turned up there would have been carnage.

Cork won the game today and its just as well they did because it placated an awful lot of angry Cork people.

I am not sure who was responsible for staging today’s game. Was it the Cork County Board or the Munster Council? Either way, whoever organised it should hang their heads in collective shame because but for the grace of God there could have been lives lost.

But whoever staged the event I would like them to answer these questions:

  • Why were the stewards outside the ground not using loudspeakers to direct the crowds? People outside had no idea where to go or what to do.
  • Why was it decided to stage the game as pay at the turnstile for the terrace and all ticket for the stands? This led to major confusion with the crowd outside the stadium.
  • Have the stewards who were at today’s game any training in crowd control or crowd management? Someone wearing an orange vest for the day does not automatically make them an expert. Especially once the game started and stewards gave up the pretence of stewarding and watched the game.
  • Why are children’s buggies and prams allowed into Pairc Ui Chaoimh for big matches? They would be a major hindrance if trying to evacuate a stadium in the event of a problem.
  • Why are people allowed leave the Open Terrace or Uncovered Stand to shelter from the rain in the tunnelled areas and on the steps leading into the Terrace or Tunnel, especially when other people are trying to climb the steps to get into their seats.
  • Who issues the safety cert for Pairc Ui Chaoimh? Is it the Gardai? The Local Authority? The Fire Department? Why is Pairc Ui Chaoimh issued a safety cert (if indeed one is issued) when there have been constant crowd problems whenever a big game is played there?
  • Will it take the death of a spectator before something is done?

Pairc Ui Chaoimh is a dilapidated stadium that is dangerous at the best of times. Throw in bad stewarding and you are pouring petrol on a fire that is already out of control.
Wait until Monday when the GAA head honchos start getting the spin going. Blaming the patrons for arriving late, for not cooperating with the stewards etc etc etc….

The truth is if a stadium can’t accommodate 30,000 whether they turn up late or not (and they didn’t today!!) then it should be shut down. I remember after the debacle of the Cork V Tipperary hurling game last year when thousands of Cork supporters spilled onto the pitch from the Blackrock End behind Donal Óg Cusacks goal, Bob Ryan (the then Cork County Board PRO) promised on RTE 1s Six One News that an investigation would be conducted and a report issued. Anyone ever see that report? Didn’t think so.

If this stadium was in any other country it would be shut down by the authorities, both for its decayed ancient edifice and for its incompetent stewarding.

But this is Ireland and this is the GAA so of course nothing will be done until a mother loses a son, a father loses a daughter or a wife loses a husband. But then it will be too late and all the “I told you so’s” won’t be worth anything.
I agree entirely with The Banker. As i have little interest in gaelic football i sat on the grassy bank after walking up the marino to witness the chaos. I was there for at least half hour and saw only one steward. Only for the fact crowd was in good humour due to the sun and perhaps the lads playing the loud drums there could have been terrible trouble and likely injury. It was sad to see the long queues outside the caravan waiting for tickets. Some of the turnstiles did not appear to be working. Crazy
Points very well made Banker. I wasn't in the Stadium but I did drive to Mahonpoint (from Blackrock direction) around the time that it was starting. There were Guards at most junctions and they were doing a good job. But I was disappointed to see cars parked absolutely everywhere - on any bit of grass by the side of the road, on the footpaths in between driveways, etc. Parking wardens would have made a mint if they had been in the area. It's a pity that buses couldn't be organised and a park and ride system put in place.
Very good post Banker, i was at the match too in the Blackrock Tce, i got to the ground at 4.30 and took me 25 minutes to move 20 yards in the que out side the ground. Then at the end of the match there is the normal everyone running for the gates, the was no announcement to the stewards to help people out. I would not just blame pairc ui chaoime, i think its a national issue.
Wasn;t at the match but as the OP pointed out, this was not the first time this has happened in PUC. I remember standing at the City End at the '87 Munster Final and seeing crushing down at the wire. The design of the stadium basically sucks and it's hard to imagine the original capacity was 50000

As for stewards, not sure if this is still the case, but historically they come from the clubs. I never stewarded at a match there, but did it once at a gig and never again, the training was non existant

Interesting comment on having to queue to buy tickets and then queue at the turnstilles. I was at Kildare v Wexford in Carlow on Saturday night and the same was happening there. I'd never seen this before at a match in Carlow and it surprises me (and these were tickets for the terracing). Fortunately the gate there was only 9000 so it didn't cause any issues that I could see. I'm wondering is this a new policy in the GAA and if so, why? outside of Croker I've not come accross this in the past
I tried to get tickets from ticketmaster, but they had been removed according to their rep - she had no idea what match I was talking about, and didn't know why the tickets were removed. Official line she gave me for the match was giving an error tone.
I called to Pairc ui Rinn on the morning to find that ticket office closed.

It took us 1 hour to get through Douglas, from Fingerpost roundabout to the Well Road despite garda on traffic duty outside the new SC.
This was probably why people arrived late at the grounds - we got there just after 5 having dumped the car as described above.

Ticket-only for the stands - why?
I saw people queuing at the caravan for tickets, and my son asked if we could get them there and go to the covered stand - I honestly assumed it was some shady operation by the condition of the caravan, and steered well clear!
We went to the city end eventually, stewards said there were shorter queues there, but couldn't get that message across to most of the people queuing at the blackrock end.

The condition of the stadium and grounds is a disgrace - it's an eyesore and walking from one end to the other is like a trip through downtown Baghdad...

A set of empty seats at the top of the covered stand, city end, was apparently due to tickets to be administered by ticketmaster, that were never sold - although they weren't available when I rang.
Heard patrons discussing afterwards, everybody very unhappy with the general organisation of the event.
Heard some of the delays at the turnstiles was that the tickets had to be scanned and apparently this process was very slow and reports say it was abandoned. when was a penny last spent on this place.
It should be torn down and a decent site should be identified to build a new stadium.
It should be torn down and a decent site should be identified to build a new stadium.

It should never have been built down there in the first place as it's a complete bottleneck. Only money that has been spent on it in recent years has been on new seats and that seems to be it.