Why do so many Girls like Rugby?

What about the love of the game, state the bloomin obvious. The excitement in rugby when BOD breaks through and passes to Heaslip, who scores a try or when its 17-15 with only 3 minutes to go and O'Gara is lined up for a penalty. It is just the tension, excitement, adrenalin, passion, all lacking in soccer but present in GAA (not my cup of tea though), seen as most rugby players descend from Gaelic playing. Look at Kearney amongst the rest, he was a great Gaelic player.

Middle class sport, perhaps. It was for sure 20 years ago, even 10. Rugby is inherited mostly I think. It has been played in my family for generations. Leinster would have the middle/upper class rugby players with Munster not as much, even the team provinces are dissected in class.

But to answer your question, which I did in the first paragraph, the other reason, speaking about a small majority, watch it because a) we are doing really well in this area and Ireland, in general, loves to be proud of its country, but when we are playing bad, they will disperse b) rugby shirts look good on women, especially with the D&G shades like! c) the men that go to rugby games to watch, tend to be dishy, should I even say dishier than other sports, my head will be handed to me for that, so checking out the talent basically d) if the talent attending the match isn’t up to scratch, the talent on the field always suffices.
It's all about the eye candy.

While I have played almost all the sports possible under the sun, must say the women who go to look at rugby matches are better looking too ;)
Although when younger I must admit to having been dragged to a few rugby club socials I have no interest in any kind of sport such as rugby, GAA, football or other. When Mr.V watches rugby or the Grand Prix or whatever I can be found far, far away.

I consider these to be pasttimes, much like someone having a pasttime of gardening, or sailing or horseriding. I do not particularly want to watch someone else indulging in their pasttime, male or female.
Although when younger I must admit to having been dragged to a few rugby club socials I have no interest in any kind of sport such as rugby, GAA, football or other. When Mr.V watches rugby or the Grand Prix or whatever I can be found far, far away.

I consider these to be pasttimes, much like someone having a pasttime of gardening, or sailing or horseriding. I do not particularly want to watch someone else indulging in their pasttime, male or female.

Well said Vanilla, pretty much how I feel - with the sole exception of snooker for some reason. I love playing it (although I'm not very good) and find it soothing/mesmerising or fascinating/exciting to watch - depending on who is playing.

Oh, and of course the guys look lovely in those starched white shirts and tight black 'slacks' ;)
Seems a ridiculous reason to like another sport cause you dislike the habits prevalent in another field sport. The three sports mentioned are not comparable they are so technically different to be beyond comparison and diving while sad is a part of the conning referee and time wasting aspect of soccer and is as regretable as eye-gouging in rugby and fisticuffs and dragging in GAA although not as common in hurling. Your case needs to be stronger

In fairness i donlt think i need to make a case to justify why i like something!
In fairness i donlt think i need to make a case to justify why i like something!

No, but its fairly annoying when watching a game in a busy pub trying to see the TV through hordes of squealing women who only cheer when the good-looking players get their hands on the ball and berate the ref or opposition players for hurting or penalising their heart-throb when they haven't a bull's notion why. Not that I'm suggesting you are one of these Ciara, but they do exist.

Still though, gives me something to peruse during the half-time ad breaks.:cool: