Does the whole 'twitter' concept annoy anyone?

very little face to face contact with these gadgets. I feel sad when i see people gazing at screens for hours on end. However this is my personal view .
Yep - I don't get it either - I've enough dull things going on in my own life besides getting updates from other peoples dull lives. Maybe I'm turning into a dinosaur or something - but I have the same feeling also abut bebo, twitter etc as I do about Big Brother. I just couldn't be arsed!

Now, having said that, I'm going out to cut the grass & then I'll going to woodies to buy a new strimmer - I'm be sure to keep you all updated on how I get on - I'll post a picture of the strimmer also - oh I bet you can;t wait to see it - it's going to be mmmmmaaaaaddddd altogether! Twit ya later hommies!
Hey, I bought a new strimmer today too! Was that you in Woodies I elbowed out of the way to get the last one on special?
Hey, I bought a new strimmer today too! Was that you in Woodies I elbowed out of the way to get the last one on special?

Did you really buy a new strimmer or are you just trying to make our boring lives seem inadequate by comparison?;)

I've only barely heard of 'twitter'- something about Stephen Fry doing it. I've also heard of facebook, bebo, messaging something or other and some sort of internet world where you can be a whatyoumaycallit and build your own house, own land, sell things etc. I've never felt any real compulsion to check them out though. Oh yeah, I remember now- avator ( I kind of like the word, that's why I remember it). No, it doesn't annoy me in the slightest. Why would it? I have an uncanny ability to push things like this to the back of my mind, and instead concentrate on higher things. Erm, like, erm ( ah just put in something suitably high brow here).

Now, I'm off to
Quite sadly I have a Twitter page, although I don't really know how to use it yet. I am a regular on Bebo, and have a Facebook page although thats kinda complicated!

I like my bebo page because I can keep in touch with a lot of people I haven't seen in years. I don't allow 'unknown' people to add me as their friend, I just want my own friends, not strangers who want to push up their friends numbers!
Quite sadly I have a Twitter page, although I don't really know how to use it yet. I am a regular on Bebo, and have a Facebook page although thats kinda complicated!

I like my bebo page because I can keep in touch with a lot of people I haven't seen in years. I don't allow 'unknown' people to add me as their friend, I just want my own friends, not strangers who want to push up their friends numbers!

Jeeze smashie between facebook, twitter, bebo & hunting for bargains on AAM do you ever get out at all?? :eek:

"Oh no the weather is quite dull today and I am tired!"
I set up a Twitter account two months ago. Still finding my way with it but this is what I have observed to date :

...for personal use

* Twitter is a great 'leveler'; like Texas Hold'em. You sit down with strangers and you can't predict an outcome.
* Twitter helps you mix with communicators that are better than you. This helps to lift you up a notch or two.
* It brings out the willingness in people to be helpful.
* If you are an information junkie, you're made.
* If you have addictive tendencies; you might be in trouble using Twitter.
* Fear of what to update focuses the mind, but may inhibit the content.
* Strong personalities shine through.
* Selecting people to follow, at random, is not a good idea.

...for business use

* Twitter for business should be like subliminal self-promotion. The 'in-your-face' repetitive promotion is a no-no.
* The greater the number of people that know you exist; and what business you are in, can't be a bad thing.
* The Development of a Twitter business 'relationship' has to be gradual.
* The personality behind the business usually comes to the fore.
* Twitter provides you with an opportunity to be 'busy being busy' as opposed to 'busy being productive'.

I tend to follow people that I either know or have an interest in what they have to say/or do . You can view their updates prior to following them so that you can make up your mind about them. If you follow them and then change your mind about what they are updating, you can block them.If they have not completed a 'Bio' and I don't know who they are, I would tend to pass on a recriprocal follow.
From the Twitter website "Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?"

I don't understand what you mean by predicting the outcome?, what is to predict when somebody informs you that they are sitting down having a latte??

Twitter helps you mix with communicators - yes people who can communicate thoughts on internet but not so much face to face??. Also do they qualify as thoughts??

Twitter to me is just like a bloggers page (no offence), just someone's random thoughts & opinions - rarely interesting and normally unnecessary unless dealing with professional issues from a professional standpoint. The point of twitter is to update your friends and those who choose to follow you during the course of your 24 hour day - i.e the little things such as I'm getting a coffee, I have a headache etc etc. The fact that people feel the need to share so much about their day is just as sad as the fact that people they know want to hear about their day!.

Re Business!. I gotta tell you If I was doing business with someone who had a twitter account, I would seriously reconsider it!

I am going to have a wrap for my lunch now! tweet you later homies!
The point of twitter is to update your friends and those who choose to follow you during the course of your 24 hour day - i.e the little things such as I'm getting a coffee, I have a headache etc etc.

It may well have started out that way but less than 5% of the updates received by me answer the 'What are you doing?' question.

Is AAM not a 'social' outlet for some people to express their thoughts and opinions on a vast array of subjects, not all financial?

We are posting in a forum called 'The Depths' (letting off steam & shooting the breeze) after all :)
Agreed aam is a social outlet however it is annonymous, people learn something here, you know virtually nothing about how people spend their day and what they are doing! You don't get updates and you don't follow or be followed by anyone! Normally except in the depths questions are asked that people really need to know! Very diff in my opinion!
Jeeze smashie between facebook, twitter, bebo & hunting for bargains on AAM do you ever get out at all?? :eek:

"Oh no the weather is quite dull today and I am tired!"

Ha I hardly ever use it, and its mostly for recieving messages than writing them!

I was told before I should have a twitter page for the bargains!
Like a lot of sites, Twitter is one that I dip into every so often - I'm not glued to it all day every day. You can choose to follow only people that you share interests with, so if your Twitter page is cluttered with references to people's breakfasts or nights out, you're following the wrong people, unless you're interested in that sort of thing.

As a small business networking forum, it's good too. There are plenty of small Irish businesses on Twitter who will ask and answer queries about where to source a recommended product or service etc.

FBD, Dell and others use Twitter to try out special offers.

There's a fair bit more to Twitter than just mindless tweets about the dull lives of dull people.
Not being into technology I have an amazing gadget nowadays called the landline to communicate. I've heard of twitter facebook etc and I know that Demi Moore has a very nice bum and that she liked Susan Boyle, but I found out that the old fashioned way in a printed newspaper.

I also have in my possession one of today's most prized possessions the 'old' Nokia mobile phone. And I use it for um you know, phone calls and about one text a week, this weekend I had to text OK for my brother in law who's 49 in reply to a text he received, I don't think he has twitter either.

One of my best friends who's not very tame tells me some of these sites get really wild at night with people stripping off and all sorts. From that I gather it's not a good idea to be a member of these sites on Saturday night after a few pints or joints.
One of my best friends who's not very tame tells me some of these sites get really wild at night with people stripping off and all sorts. From that I gather it's not a good idea to be a member of these sites on Saturday night after a few pints or joints.

Ah well nobody told me that!.................... sign me up so:D
See, now thats the bit that annoys me. Mindless and dull TO YOU, but obviously interesting to somebody.:

Quite possibly but definitely mindless and dull to me!

Theres an element of intellectual snobbery about it, the notion that these are pathetic indivduals with nothing to say, saying it anyway. Well why shouldn't they, and if somebody else wants to listen to them, well fair play to them. :

I agree with you, if someone wants to listen, fair enough, I myself don't and think it's rubbish.

Everybody is dull to somebody and utterly fascinating to somebody else. Why do you feel the need to judge them and put them down? How does it bother anyone else?

I judge because I can, that is my right! I don't think it's putting people down it's just commenting on their comments which as it so happens are usually quite useless to me i.e just having toast for breakfast! It bothers me when I hear about it in the media etc and have to listen to people talk about Demi Moore's ass as if it were newsworthy. So, in your world people on twitter, facebook etc can say what they want, make comments about absolutely every element of their lives if they feel like it and generally put anything they like on the internet for all to see but somebody on AAM is not allowed to have an opinion about them doing that hmmmmmmmmm double standard maybe??
See, now thats the bit that annoys me. Mindless and dull TO YOU, but obviously interesting to somebody. Theres an element of intellectual snobbery about it, the notion that these are pathetic indivduals with nothing to say, saying it anyway. Well why shouldn't they, and if somebody else wants to listen to them, well fair play to them. Everybody is dull to somebody and utterly fascinating to somebody else. Why do you feel the need to judge them and put them down? How does it bother anyone else?

Okay - sorry - maybe I didn't put that point across very well. I use and enjoy using Twitter. I only follow people who I find interesting. Other people may find them dull. I don't follow people that I find dull. Other people may find them interesting. Some people might find the things I write on Twitter interesting. Lots of people would probably find what I write dull and I wouldn't expect them to follow me if they do.

I just think that writing off Twitter as nothing more than tweets about Demi Moore's backside or uninteresting tweets about people's breakfasts is missing the point of it altogether.

P.S. - I haven't actually seen anything about Demi Moore's backside on Twitter but I'm off now to have a look. :D
P.S. - I haven't actually seen anything about Demi Moore's backside on Twitter but I'm off now to have a look. :D

I only saw the picture of her bum in a newspaper but as I'm female I await your final judgement as it's a bum a woman can only dream of but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a man's dream...................