Does the whole 'twitter' concept annoy anyone?


Registered User
Well, I say 'concept'... :rolleyes:

Is it just me or is this one of the most pointless things to have emerged over the last while? I suppose big brother needed a blog type equivalent - because that's all it is as far as I can see.

Why on earth does anyone care what some anonymous 17 year old in Nebraska had for breakfast? Apparently even the 'celeb' twittering is incredibly dull - and by people who you would expect more from e.g. Stephen Fry, Eddie Izzard etc.

"Oh it's all a big community" they say - WHAT ?!

The fear some decades ago was that public executions or similar would become mass media entertainment - little did they know it would be watching or writing about paint drying instead.
Oh sweet jebus couldn't agree more!. There's something so needy about people having to inform other people about their crap lives. I had to set up a bebo page a while ago to stay in touch with the brother in law in Australia. Needless to say other people joined my site as friends, I used to log and see their daily updates such as " oh no rain again" or " i'm off to bed now good night". Thank god don't have to use bebo anymore as he's back home now but it was quite the eye opener to see just how dumb some of my friends are! :D . Particularly the friend who kept saying things like "Bebo is gone very quite these days! " :rolleyes:

Anyone over the age of 20 who feels the need to update people daily on their lives need some serious help!
I have no Bebo, Facebook, Twitter etc. but I hate how some people see a good night out as a way to get loads of pictures for their site just to show how crazy they are.
I have no Bebo, Facebook, Twitter etc..

Not just me so then ;)

I am amazed at the valuations being mentioned about Twitter. I can't see it having any sustainable value. Once they start trying to 'monetise the tweets', people will desert it in droves.
It is poor. That said - If you could recieve updates on your phone - It would be better.
It is poor. That said - If you could recieve updates on your phone - It would be better.

You can recieve updates and send "twits" by phone.

I set up a twitter account having heard that it was errrr " the best thing since sliced bread" it's not, it's actually quite dull and boring.

Needless to say i dont use it anymore.

Just to add from what jaybird said i do have a facebook page and like him, i find it very good on keeping in contact with friends/family that live abroad. Just sending pictures of the kids and things like that.
I don't understand this attitude. If you don't like it or think its pointless, don't use it. How does it effect you at all? If other people like it, and they seem to in large numbers, who cares?
I don't twitter, but I do have a Facebook page. Its a very handy way to keep in touch with friends and family(most of mine live abroad) and share pictures of the children etc. I'm not a teenager and I don't use it to meet people or boast of nights out, but its a very useful tool that enhances my life in a small way.
I can't understand why so many people feel the need to have an opinion on it though. You don't want to twitter or facebook or Bebo, well don't. Simple as.

I would differentiate between facebook/bebo and twitter - the former having social value etc as you mention. The latter has no discernible social or contact 'raison d'etre' as far as I can see.

And of course this is LOS by the way - you are lucky Jaybird if you can simply ignore everything and anything that annoys you :)
To be honest I have often got Jaybirds reaction from friends when I slag them about their bebo or facebook pages and the constant need to update everybody on all the minutiae of their lives - for some reason they also get very defensive about it..... :rolleyes:.

Like I said I also had a bebo account to share photos with bil in Oz, it was then that I began to get friend requests etc even from old school friends and that it how I became annoyed with sites such as bebo, although I have to say for me it was a great way of staying in touch with brother in law. Closed account & am relieved, no more reading rubbish stories and looking at crap photos of nights out etc etc. Re Twitter however, never had a twitter account, but yet somehow I have managed to form an opinion :rolleyes:. The problem is Jaybird, I keep hearing in the normal media about twitter and celebrities using it etc. most recently demi moore was twittering about susan boyle etc and unfortunately that kind of stuff somehow makes it to the news!. So it is not always possible to avoid what you don't like - if it was I'd be a happy camper!
... I can't understand why so many people feel the need to have an opinion on it though...
How positively Orwellian. "All Winston Smith think-alikes with opinions report to the Thought Police in Room 101."
.. If you don't like it or think its pointless, don't use it.

I don't (like it), I do (think it's pointless) and I don't (use it).

I have a view on Twitter because it is currently hard to avoid. Radio stations refer to Twitter updates as being worthy of comment, for no reason other than they were received via Twitter. Journalists make reference to it as being a significant social phenomenon, whereas I think it's a fad.

I would rather continue to listen to the radio and read a newspaper and let off steam about Twitter, than shut myself off from media outlets because they may, on occasion, make reference Twitter.
I can't understand why so many people feel the need to have an opinion on it though. You don't want to twitter or facebook or Bebo, well don't. Simple as.

I have Facebook and Bebo as I have people scattered all over the world. School reunion in September is a lot easier to organise than my mothers was only ten years ago :) I get slagged, particularly for the Bebo which is seen as being for kids, tend to agree but that won't stop me using it.

Twitter? I have an account but I don't use it, to be honest, I don't really get the whole twitter and tweak thing. :confused: Will stick with Bebo and Facebook and refrain from making negative comments about people who make negative comments about them.
I'm in the 'Twitter is pointless' and the 'it's a fad' camp. I also have no time for the "social networking" sites, but maybe that's because I'm anti-social. My view of Facebook is pretty much the same as that of Some Grey Bloke.
Not just me so then ;)

I am amazed at the valuations being mentioned about Twitter. I can't see it having any sustainable value. Once they start trying to 'monetise the tweets', people will desert it in droves.

Me to..never had never will.
Has any got any tips for keeping my tamagochi alive? It keeps dying.

*fidget, fidget*

Still it could be worse, they could all be snorting heroin or injecting marijuana, grumble, grumble, young people. In my day you had to do all your exams on the one day. 48 hours long that day was.

I agree about the valuations and the utility value of Facebook/Bebo for keeping in touch (not that I use them!). I use LinkedIn for work contacts, but the thought of paying for LinkedInPro is ridiculous. And this is something that might have a return at some point. Why would anyone pay for Facebook/Bebo, never mind Twitter?
I'm just saying that people seem to have very strong opinions on it when its quite easy to avoid, hardly a reason to call me Orwellian! ..
That may have been what you meant to say, but what you actually said was
I can't understand why so many people feel the need to have an opinion on it though...
and I didn't call you Orwellian (I don't call people names), my reference was to the sentence I quoted.
Yep - I don't get it either - I've enough dull things going on in my own life besides getting updates from other peoples dull lives. Maybe I'm turning into a dinosaur or something - but I have the same feeling also abut bebo, twitter etc as I do about Big Brother. I just couldn't be arsed!

Now, having said that, I'm going out to cut the grass & then I'll going to woodies to buy a new strimmer - I'm be sure to keep you all updated on how I get on - I'll post a picture of the strimmer also - oh I bet you can;t wait to see it - it's going to be mmmmmaaaaaddddd altogether! Twit ya later hommies!
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Let us know the gauge and the colour of nylon string you get in the strimmer - I'm soooo excited!!
How did people survive without all these gadgets like twitter, facebook, bebo, mobiles etc. I reckon they were more contented then by just saying hello and having a chat. Nowadays people pass by with gadgets stuck in their ears. Do they ever actually talk?
How did people survive without all these gadgets like twitter, facebook, bebo, mobiles etc. I reckon they were more contented then by just saying hello and having a chat. Nowadays people pass by with gadgets stuck in their ears. Do they ever actually talk?

I have a lot of gadgets and the like in my life but I still don't get why people hear a ringing phone and will immediatly stop what they're doing to answer it. Friends of mine are amazed to see me not so much as blink when my phone rings if I don't want to answer it.