should "some" L drivers really be on the road?

I think tomorrow i'll apply for my surgeon's licence pass a theory test which any fool can pass and next week i'll just give it a go and see what happens.

I'll be your first patient Sam!!

As for people getting practise, they should do so under the supervison of a driving instructor, not going it alone out on the roads.
Wouldn't argue with what you are saying here, plenty of drivers on full licenses shouldn't be driving either but until there are more Gardai on the road arresting these cretins, the rest of us will just have to keep an eye open and hope for the best
Pls don't use the term 'cretin', it is an insulting term once used to describe children born with an underactive thyroid. Now it is never used in modern medicine, as it has pejorative connotations.
Things must of changed a lot as i did call them and reported her and they told me that all they do is pass on the information to the garda station, they dont actually act on it themselves.

The advantage of using the TrafficWatch line over just calling the local station is the level of follow-up. When reporting things to the station, I get the feeling they normally get filed into the bin. When reporting incidents to TW, I usually get a call back fairly promptly, as the paper trail has been started when the call is first recorded.

I can't see how calling this phone number would work. at the end of the day it's your word against there's. The other driver could deny everything and the Garda won't be able to do a thing.

This number was set up as a publicity stunt. The government had to be seeing to be doing something about dangerous and reckless drivers. A waste of time and money.
Most cases in most courts on most days of the week are a matter of one person's word against another. The Garda can and indeed will prosecute on basis of a signed statement. It goes to court and then it is up to the judge to assess the 'one persons word against another'.

I've had drivers fined, given penalty points, and making substantial contributions to the court poor box arising from incidents reported to the TW line.
With all respect you didn't see the way she was driving....... mechanical problem my bum!!! Since when has breaking lights, not being able to steer around a corner, kangaroo hoping and mounting curbs being classed as car problems,
Sounds like a problem with the brake and clutch fluid to me which caused them to momentarily lose control.
Medical problem?
Being attacked by wasp?
A panic attack brought on by people in Monstrous 4x4 taking their kids to school
We do not Know

Practice yes of course people need that, if you read earlier posts you would of seen that i said it should be enforced that people have some sort of lessons before they get into a car and are taught by friends/family. It crazy that anyone can get into a car and drive on a road with others with no practice. I think tomorrow i'll apply for my surgeon's licence pass a theory test which any fool can pass and next week i'll just give it a go and see what happens. A little different yes i know but the same principle!!!!
It sounds to me like you must have learned to drive in a different Country
because in Ireland there is a different tradition for learning to drive.
Nearly everyone with a licence broke the law to practice driving.
The majority of people who are on the Irish roads did not do a theory test
A percentage got their licence from a raffle.
The vast majority are progeny of this system.
A better example would be.Do not get on that bike until you can ride it!!!

I doubt you would call it sad if she crashed into you or someone you knew and caused them harm.
Of course it would be sad.I have read your post again and can not find any reference to the crash.Did you miss that out?

And it never suggested she should be arrested I just want her off the road cause she shouldn't be driving. Even if she had a provisional licence and her passenger had a full licence she didn't have L plates on her car.
The woman has as much right to be on the road as anyone
I would love less traffic on the road and a better system for training but draw the line at wasting Garda resources
There have been Laws concerning Learner drivers for years which have been ignored .Now that you have got your licence it is time to shut up shop?
I know I drove on my first provisional without an accompanying driver many times while I waited over 6 months for my test
I didn't, and neither did my younger or older brother. I don't know of any of my friends both before and now doing it either, so I'd be interested to see those statistics that mick said about.
Originally Posted by samanthajane
With all respect you didn't see the way she was driving....... mechanical problem my bum!!! Since when has breaking lights, not being able to steer around a corner, kangaroo hoping and mounting curbs being classed as car problems,

Sounds like a problem with the brake and clutch fluid to me which caused them to momentarily lose control.

Your in a world of you own!!!

Medical problem?

I'd love to know how you think this. Since her brakes worked fine when she had to stop for oncoming traffic. oh i know could it be she had no control over the clutch and thats why she couldn't pull off in 1st gear.

Being attacked by wasp?

if you cant be serious keep quiet.

A panic attack brought on by people in Monstrous 4x4 taking their kids to school

I was actually driving home from school tut tut pay more attention
We do not Know ERRRRR yeah i do cause i saw her and I wasn't the only that reported her....maybe were all wrong.

Practice yes of course people need that, if you read earlier posts you would of seen that i said it should be enforced that people have some sort of lessons before they get into a car and are taught by friends/family. It crazy that anyone can get into a car and drive on a road with others with no practice. I think tomorrow i'll apply for my surgeon's licence pass a theory test which any fool can pass and next week i'll just give it a go and see what happens. A little different yes i know but the same principle!!!!

It sounds to me like you must have learned to drive in a different Country

Opps wrong again...not doing to well are you

because in Ireland there is a different tradition for learning to drive.

Tradition lol lol is all i have to say about that.....wonder how so many driving schools are still in business!!!! Since according to you no one uses them.....must be the fairys

Nearly everyone with a licence broke the law to practice driving.

I may of made MISTAKES but i certainly didn't break the law.

The majority of people who are on the Irish roads did not do a theory test

Are you sure about this? Everyone has to now it the law (not tradition) not sure how relavent your assumption are.

A percentage got their licence from a raffle.

now your just taking the ****

The vast majority are progeny of this system.
A better example would be.Do not get on that bike until you can ride it!!!

nope i think mine was spot on.

I doubt you would call it sad if she crashed into you or someone you knew and caused them harm.

Of course it would be sad. I have read your post again and can not find any reference to the crash.Did you miss that out?

Do you need glasses??? Can you not see the "if she crashed" bit. Do i need to explain what if means to you?? And you know full well in what way you meant sad!!! And in what way i meant it.

And it never suggested she should be arrested I just want her off the road cause she shouldn't be driving. Even if she had a provisional licence and her passenger had a full licence she didn't have L plates on her car.

The woman has as much right to be on the road as anyone.

like hell she does, you are not allowed to drive a car without a again more bs from you.

I would love less traffic on the road and a better system for training but draw the line at wasting Garda resources.

I'd hardly call it waste if it saves even 1 life, and it has nothing to do with less traffic.
There have been Laws concerning Learner drivers for years which have been ignored.

Now that you have got your licence it is time to shut up shop?

No i have a full licence and i'm still subject to the rules of the road.

And just to sum things up...... i am so glad that you live in cork which is no where near me. If you think that this was even a little bit acceptable driving then i dread to think what your driving is like.
Now that's what I call letting off steam,

But lets back up...You saw a woman who had lost control over her car...And from this you knew every fact about her and her car and her medical and her driving history?

And the part of Ireland you live in has a 100% record for learning drivers,never going driving without a qualified driver?

I must have a look at that place,next time I visit Nardia.
I didn't, and neither did my younger or older brother. I don't know of any of my friends both before and now doing it either, so I'd be interested to see those statistics that mick said about.

You can do your own survey by looking out the window.
Or you can go to the CSO website and the figures are there.
I didn't, and neither did my younger or older brother. I don't know of any of my friends both before and now doing it either, so I'd be interested to see those statistics that mick said about.

My younger and older sisters did. My husband did, this was back when they didnt enforce the law of course. My mother got her licence in that "raffle" where you got a licence if you were on the waiting list. I dad passed his test the morning the "raffle" was announced
There are some terrible drivers out there and some have passed their driving test.
The first time DH did his driving test he failed. A friend of his mother did her test the same day and passed. This woman was and is a terrible driver. She has caused a number of accidents in her time. She only ever looks straight ahead and so has no idea what's going on beside or behind her.

There is just a culture here of driving without a full license. After I'd been driving here for a few years we moved to the UK. I had a provisional license and people there were horrified that I used to drive without another person in the car. (In Ireland that is, not the UK)
Now that's what I call letting off steam,

But lets back up...You saw a woman who had lost control over her car...And from this you knew every fact about her and her car and her medical and her driving history?

And the part of Ireland you live in has a 100% record for learning drivers,never going driving without a qualified driver?

I must have a look at that place,next time I visit Nardia.

She didn't just lose control she couldn't drive.

The facts that i know:-

kangaroo hoping in 1st and 2nd gear is a clear sign someone hasn't had much experience behind the wheel.

also stalling the car when your trying to pull off in first gear is another sign you haven't had much practice in driving. I'm not talking once i'm talking several times.

Not being able to turn around a bend in the road with out mounting the curb...could it be...yes again, she's had hardly any driving experience.

And there are loads of crap drivers around but this was the worst i've ever seen, that where this whle post has come from. That some l drivers shouldn't be on the road in the first place.

Lets not mention the kids bouncing around in the back seat!!! That braking the law, so is not having L plates on the car.

I know nothing about this woman apart from she cant drive. And if she did have a medical problem that caused this then she still shouldn't be driving in the first place....what ever her reason is she's still a danger on the roads.

But i do know that she isn't driving anymore cause i've seen the same car a few times and she's hasn't been driving it her partner has. Car problems must of cleared up when he got in the car...ummmm thats strange...could it be there wasn't any and it was just her driving.

I'm sure there are loads of people that are still driving on provisional licences on their own, but at least they can drive, and they have been driving for a while and are not a danger on the roads. Anyone can be a danger on the road...drink drivers, not enough sleep, lapse in concentration ect ect. But this wasn't the case she just didn't have enough experience.

So to my original point... should "some" L drivers be allowed on the road? No they shouldn't, you should have to have some lessons from a professional driving instructor. She wouldn't of had half the problems if she was able to pull off in 1st gear, go around bends and not hit the curb and actually know the rules of the road.
I don't want to upset the women folk here, but they are at a disadvantage with cars and mechanical things. I have seen them trying to change wheels without jacking up the car, I also saw a woman run out of petrol because she thought the temperature guage was the petrol. I wonder if that is in the theory test?
I don't want to upset the women folk here, but they are at a disadvantage with cars and mechanical things. I have seen them trying to change wheels without jacking up the car, I also saw a woman run out of petrol because she thought the temperature guage was the petrol. I wonder if that is in the theory test?

Speaking as a male who is married to a member of the Institue of Advance Motorists I'm not sure I'd be inclined to agree with you, especially as she has a brother who put petrol in a diesal car
I was watching the new Gardai traffic corp TV programme on Sunday night. Not sure who was the most dangerous, the 17 yr old in Donegal on a provisional licence driving a banger unaccompanied, which has steam coming out of the bonnet and no wing mirrors or the guy in the SUV on the M1 who passed a Gardai car at 160kph, drove through a red light at the off ramp, didn't realise that the Gardai wanted to pull him over until they drove next to him and then stopped on the right hand side of the motorway.

What scared me is that both were left drive away, the guy in the SUV (late for a meeting don't you know!!) got 2 penalty points and an €80 fine when he could have killed someone