Former FF minister blame British for Irelands culture of abuse !


Registered User
I nearly choked on my cornflakes this morning when I heard former minister Michael Woods, on RTE radio, defending the decision to buy-off the religious orders with an indemnity against abuse accusations. He said that the British were to blame for abuse in Ireland because they introduced physical punishment into the education and 'reform' system.

I don't recall the British being in charge in the 50s, 60s or 70s when a lot of this abuse occured.
I know politicians can be guilty of waffling but Michael Woods is possibly the greatest waffler of the lot of them and that takes some doing.

Is/was Michael Woods a member of Opus Dei? Makes a lot of sense if he was.

Opus Dei do have a way of worming into high places and enabling others of that ilk to seek high station. Without starting a witch hunt perhaps a few pertinent questions should be asked.
Is/was Michael Woods a member of Opus Dei?

Don't know if he is member of OD, but he is, by his own admission, a devout Catholic, so when he did the infamous "deal" with the Catholic Church, it was like they were negotiating with themselves.
... Is/was Michael Woods a member of Opus Dei? ...
I seem to remember the question being asked of him and his denial, if that's worth anything, but I can't find a supporting reference.

The standard FF response to everything that's wrong is to blame the Brits, except Tony and Cherie Blair of course who are mostly our Scottish Celts-in-law and almost Catholic. :D
I seem to remember the question being asked of him and his denial, if that's worth anything, but I can't find a supporting reference.

The standard FF response to everything that's wrong is to blame the Brits, except Tony and Cherie Blair of course who are mostly our Scottish Celts-in-law and almost Catholic. :D
And not forgetting that Master Blair attended Brompton Oratory wich is/was an OD feeder school.
Sugar - and I thought this was the one - [broken link removed]
Irreverant mathepac.:D I hope Yawyeh doesn't take offence. They are well fixed now with Escriva slipping into sainthood.
I nearly choked on my cornflakes this morning when I heard former minister Michael Woods, on RTE radio, defending the decision to buy-off the religious orders with an indemnity against abuse accusations. He said that the British were to blame for abuse in Ireland because they introduced physical punishment into the education and 'reform' system.

I don't recall the British being in charge in the 50s, 60s or 70s when a lot of this abuse occured.

Which programe was that so I can have a listen please.
Marion Finnucane's show on Saturday 23/5 - Rachel English was in the chair (and let him off far too lightly I think)

I don't think she let him off too lightly. She challenged him, but he was operating in a mode that was detached from reality as I would see it. I think it then became a matter of allowing him the rope with which to hang himself. And hang himself he did.