should "some" L drivers really be on the road?


Registered User
I cant believe what i have just seen coming back from picking my daughter up from school!!!

Some stupid woman doing 20km an hour, kangaroo hopping, breaking red lights, which i realised after was because she was never going to be able to move off in 1st gear cause 2 min later she had to stop for on coming traffic and wasn't able to. Not to mention the kids bouncing around in the back seat. She had no idea what her car width was, she was all over the place, In 15 mins i saw her nearly cause 2 accidents, only reason there wasn't was because the other drivers saw her coming!!

How is this person allowed on the road? She's going to cause a serious accident one day, if she hasn't already.

There is NO way this woman has a full licence, ( didn't have L plates on her car ) and even if she did she still shouldn't be allowed the road.

I took her car reg and reported her, but i doubt much will come out of it, the guard said we will have a word, but without them personally seeing what happened there's not much can be done.

I know that you are not allowed to drive on your own if you dont have a full licence, someone needs to be with you, but what use is that when someone this bad at driving is still allowed behind the wheel of a car.

I think there should be some rule that learner drivers have to of had some driving lessons before they are unleashed on the rest of us. I know they need to learn, and being taught by a friend or a family member can save money, and if i am ever behind a learner driver i am always patient, we all had to learn at some point, but this was totally different what i saw today.
Wouldn't argue with what you are saying here, plenty of drivers on full licenses shouldn't be driving either but until there are more Gardai on the road arresting these cretins, the rest of us will just have to keep an eye open and hope for the best
I thought a rule came in that you needed to take so many lessons before getting your licence?

I believe its not just L drivers, theres an awful lot of drivers that shouldn't have a car or a licence at that.

I think some got theirs in a lucky bag
I saw one yesterday approach a roundabout in the left lane and then turn across the traffic in the right lane to go right at the roundabout!

There appear to be lots of people on the road who don't have a licence and with no L plates up. Unfortunately, no guards around that I have seen to stop and check cars.

I suppose it'll take a child to be run over or God forbid one of those poor hobby cyclists riding 4 abreast on a country road to be knocked off his bike for the guards to do anything!
I saw one yesterday approach a roundabout in the left lane and then turn across the traffic in the right lane to go right at the roundabout!

I'm seeing this regularly!! Happened to me 3 time one day last week - the Blanchardstown roundabout is well known for it. TBF, this is not just "L" drivers.

I don't think most of the new rules they brought in for learner drivers is being enforced 'cos I regularly see "L" drivers on their own in cars. (and I'm not talking about the mammy/daddy forgetting to take down the "L" plates. They are always on the motorways also. I know it can be a long way around the back roads, but every other county enforces this.

Another bug-bear is when they can't put the "L" plate up correctly...that should be an instant fail:D
I saw one yesterday approach a roundabout in the left lane and then turn across the traffic in the right lane to go right at the roundabout!

There appear to be lots of people on the road who don't have a licence and with no L plates up. Unfortunately, no guards around that I have seen to stop and check cars.

I suppose it'll take a child to be run over or God forbid one of those poor hobby cyclists riding 4 abreast on a country road to be knocked off his bike for the guards to do anything!

Cyclists are entitled to...ah cycle on the roads just as much as the next person. Granted 4 abreats is not wise.

Anyhow when riding on country roads most motorists think that cyclists should actually cycle inside the ditch.
I thought a rule came in that you needed to take so many lessons before getting your licence?

I believe its not just L drivers, theres an awful lot of drivers that shouldn't have a car or a licence at that.

I think some got theirs in a lucky bag

Obviously not the case smashbox, but it would be a great idea if they could do that. I wish i could of recorded her driving just to show you how bad it was!!!

Where can you get these lucky bags??? I wonder what else you can get lol
I took her car reg and reported her, but i doubt much will come out of it, the guard said we will have a word, but without them personally seeing what happened there's not much can be done.

If you reported it to a garda station it probably won't get investigated as they have so many other things happening and everything gets prioritised, however if your reported it to traffic watch 1890 205805 it will be investigated as this is their speciality.

You will get a call a couple of days later and the garda traffic person will ask if you want it dealt with as a warning or if you wish to make a statement with a veiw to prosecution. - The warning is probably the best route.
Cyclists are entitled to...ah cycle on the roads just as much as the next person. Granted 4 abreats is not wise.

Anyhow when riding on country roads most motorists think that cyclists should actually cycle inside the ditch.

I'd be quite happy, when walking on the footpath if cyclists stuck to the road. Last night was out for walk and this guy on a racing bike heading towards me on a footpath just enough for 2 people to barely pass. It was really a game of chicken and in the end he gave me a scowl and moved to the road then back on the path again. This sort of thing has happened a lot lately and on another occasion the guy was coming behind me on the path, I hadn't heard til I heard his repeated tingling on bell and turned round. I was so shocked I moved and he sailed on past. It won't happen again though :mad:

[ PS I do own a bike myself so this is not a rant on cyclists generally ]
If you reported it to a garda station it probably won't get investigated as they have so many other things happening and everything gets prioritised, however if your reported it to traffic watch 1890 205805 it will be investigated as this is their speciality.

You will get a call a couple of days later and the garda traffic person will ask if you want it dealt with as a warning or if you wish to make a statement with a veiw to prosecution. - The warning is probably the best route.

Thanks for that I'll give them a ring as well.

I think the warning should be enough, but if it is found out that she has no licence wont they prosecute anyway regardless of what I want?

I wouldn't want her to be prosecuted, i just want her off the roads which i drive with my children every day, untill she has some sort of grasy on how a clutch works so she's not kangaroo jumping @ 20km down a busy road.
As someone who lives around the border, and is frequently in NI, its not the 'L' drivers who give Southern drivers a bad name, but the middle-aged to older drivers who probably hold a valid full licence (whether they earned it or were just given it is another debate).

I see examples of really bad driving on a daily basis, and the fact that so many have no obvious knowledge of the rules of the road. They can't understand roundabouts, have no concept of what lane you have to be in to go in a centre direction at junctions, stray across lanes while driving, lack signals, drive too slow etc etc.

I would like to think that the new breed of Irish drivers actually might have to take lessons and pass a test, so would probably be better than the older crowd, who are frankly an accident waiting to happen.
I'd be quite happy, when walking on the footpath if cyclists stuck to the road. Last night was out for walk and this guy on a racing bike heading towards me on a footpath just enough for 2 people to barely pass. It was really a game of chicken and in the end he gave me a scowl and moved to the road then back on the path again. This sort of thing has happened a lot lately and on another occasion the guy was coming behind me on the path, I hadn't heard til I heard his repeated tingling on bell and turned round. I was so shocked I moved and he sailed on past. It won't happen again though :mad:

[ PS I do own a bike myself so this is not a rant on cyclists generally ]

I know exactly what your on about. A lot of people both cyclists and motorists think they own the foot paths and roads and us pedestrians better get out of their way. At the end of the day it is simply a case of bad manners.
Don't knock the older drivers. I am 65yrs. and have a car and motorcycle licence, I passed my test at 16 yrs of age, I have many years of no claims. I too see lots of bad driving and jumping traffic lights etc. Some are so bad and so slow they should be off the road, they have no confidence.

A point about cyclist, they seem to ignore traffic lights, or jump off and walk across as pedestrians,. They should also have insurance, what happens if the mark my car while squeezing through the traffic.
If you reported it to a garda station it probably won't get investigated as they have so many other things happening and everything gets prioritised, however if your reported it to traffic watch 1890 205805 it will be investigated as this is their speciality.

You will get a call a couple of days later and the garda traffic person will ask if you want it dealt with as a warning or if you wish to make a statement with a veiw to prosecution. - The warning is probably the best route.

Things must of changed a lot as i did call them and reported her and they told me that all they do is pass on the information to the garda station, they dont actually act on it themselves.
Things must of changed a lot as i did call them and reported her and they told me that all they do is pass on the information to the garda station, they dont actually act on it themselves.

I can't see how calling this phone number would work. at the end of the day it's your word against there's. The other driver could deny everything and the Garda won't be able to do a thing.

This number was set up as a publicity stunt. The government had to be seeing to be doing something about dangerous and reckless drivers. A waste of time and money.
I can't see how calling this phone number would work. at the end of the day it's your word against there's. The other driver could deny everything and the Garda won't be able to do a thing.

This number was set up as a publicity stunt. The government had to be seeing to be doing something about dangerous and reckless drivers. A waste of time and money.

That may well be true it's my word against her's but if she had a knock on the door about her terrible driving and asked to see her licence ( which i doubt she has ) even if she said she wasn't driving it might put the winds up her not to drive again.

At the end of the day thats my main goal...there is no way this woman should be "attempting" to drive within 10 miles of anyone else on the road.

If it stops her getting into the car which she could very well kill herself or someone else, then i'd say it was a phone call well worth the time.
That may well be true it's my word against her's but if she had a knock on the door about her terrible driving and asked to see her licence ( which i doubt she has ) even if she said she wasn't driving it might put the winds up her not to drive again.

At the end of the day thats my main goal...there is no way this woman should be "attempting" to drive within 10 miles of anyone else on the road.

If it stops her getting into the car which she could very well kill herself or someone else, then i'd say it was a phone call well worth the time.

Maybe so, but I know people who have rang this number and sometimes they didn't get a call back two weeks later!
I think it is very high handed and a bit sad that people go around reporting a car that is obviously having some type of mechanical problem.If you were even right in your assumption that this person could not drive (Unless you are a qualified examiner and questioned the woman ,it is only opinion)why should she not gain practice the same way that the majority of people on Irish roads got theirs? Most people who can not drive make mistakes when learning.That is how people learn to drive in Ireland.It was probably a shock for you to see someone with so little control over their car but I think you over reacted,by seeking to get them arrested.where would this leave us
By the way
I saw you drive in a manner that I feel is dangerous for you and your kids so I rang traffic watch 1890 205805:rolleyes: to report you
I think it is very high handed and a bit sad that people go around reporting a car that is obviously having some type of mechanical problem.If you were even right in your assumption that this person could not drive (Unless you are a qualified examiner and questioned the woman ,it is only opinion)why should she not gain practice the same way that the majority of people on Irish roads got theirs? Most people who can not drive make mistakes when learning.That is how people learn to drive in Ireland.It was probably a shock for you to see someone with so little control over their car but I think you over reacted,by seeking to get them arrested.where would this leave us
By the way
I saw you drive in a manner that I feel is dangerous for you and your kids so I rang traffic watch 1890 205805:rolleyes: to report you

With all respect you didn't see the way she was driving....... mechanical problem my bum!!! Since when has breaking lights, not being able to steer around a corner, kangaroo hoping and mounting curbs being classed as car problems,

Practice yes of course people need that, if you read earlier posts you would of seen that i said it should be enforced that people have some sort of lessons before they get into a car and are taught by friends/family. It crazy that anyone can get into a car and drive on a road with others with no practice. I think tomorrow i'll apply for my surgeon's licence pass a theory test which any fool can pass and next week i'll just give it a go and see what happens. A little different yes i know but the same principle!!!!

I doubt you would call it sad if she crashed into you or someone you knew and caused them harm.

And it never suggested she should be arrested I just want her off the road cause she shouldn't be driving. Even if she had a provisional licence and her passenger had a full licence she didn't have L plates on her car.