Renegotiate cost of childminder


Registered User
Has anyone successfully renegotiated costs with their childminder since recession began? I gave mine a 10% rise in 2007, but have since had fairly big reductions in my earnings, between salary reduction, overtime ban and an income levy. I've mentioned all this to my minder, she is well aware of it, but no mention of her doing similar. I felt it was fair to give her a raise after a couple of years due to my own salary increases, and I had also said this to her.
Her work is easier than ever, supervision rather than 'minding' as my child is old enough to do his own thing, just not to be left at home alone. "Meals" are provided but they are not nutritious and I have to cook something proper in the evenings to supplement.
Would I be mean-spirited to ask her to take a reduction now, say €100 instead of €110 for after-school care? During holidays it's closer to €170 and I pay every day of the year, no 2-week break like at the creches.
Suggest you find out what the current market rate is for the same service elsewhere in the locality and if it is much below what you are paying, then talk with her about it. However, if the child is content and their needs are being met with play, reading etc. I would be slow to rock the boat. But by looking around you may have the luck to find a better environment for less money.

Mind out though, there are some severe critics on this site who will rant about you not minding your own child etc etc.
You probably should have a look about as I sense it is not just the cost of the childcare that is bugging you.

You mentioned that the meals are not the best - I'd rather pay €10 extra & know my child is getting a decent meal.
The child is at a different age now & as you say, needs a place to be able to go to rather than minded (I have one at the same age). She's not going to offer a discount - you need to find out the going rate & if you can get a better all round deal elsewhere.

If you want to stay with her, you'll have to be up front and suggest a new figure pointing out the changes in your situation & the change of "minding" of the child. You should also get her to change the menu!! Years of your kid eating unhealthy could have consequences on their health down the road.

You probably found it difficult to get a childminder initially, but I reckon you'll see there are plenty of people who are available now.
I understand where you are coming from but on balance I would suggest that your childminder does such an important job for you that I would really hesitate to think about reducing their pay.

About the meals- if you are not happy then perhaps you could cook your own meals for your child to bring in to eat. This is what I do. That way I can be sure my children eat balanced meals. Also it leaves the childminder free to concentrate on other things ( hopefully the children!).

I consider the childmnder fees to be one of the prioritised monthly payments and would prefer to supplement this and cut down in other areas. I am also careful to show them appreciation for a good service ( I am really happy with my childminder) by giving gifts at Easter/Christmas etc and thank you cards.

Your relationship with your childminder is really important for your own happiness IMO and needs to be treated very carefully.
I agree with Vanilla on this, we have taken various hits and cuts but because I am happy with my childcare I will cut all other expenses before I look at reducing childcare costs.

In my own circumstance my childminder's hubby has had very little work in the past 8 months so there are weeks where their main income is the 150 I pay. If on the other hand she was minding 5 kids and making 500 a week I might feel differently!!

On the food front - I have always asked her just to feed the kids a quick sandwich after school as we have a family meal at 6.30 most days. If you do really need the pay reduction maybe you could renegotiate on the basis of 'no hot meals'?? That way you pay less and also don't feel like your kids are being fed food you wouldn't give them.
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I'd agree with Vanilla & Galway IF you are 100% happy with her in all other ways. I just get the feeling there are some other things nagging you, so it may be no harm to see if there is anyone out there that will suit your needs better at this time - the ideal childminding setup for a 1 year old will not be the same as for a 12 year old.

If you do change, make sure you agree things like meals, if you pay for holidays, etc. It is easier to have these things sorted up front.
It might also be worth checking out as there is a whole section devoted to Childcare Issues.
There are a lot of things nagging at me about this arrangement, not least that I feel my child is the cash cow for this family at the moment... I have never begrudged childcare fees, but feel that with the way things are right now, and this person knows I am struggling, it has become a complete one-way street. My child has been with this person for a long time which is why I've stayed loyal up to now.
The requirements for an older child are indeed not the same as for a younger one, and this maybe just isn't working any longer. That's a good idea about meals; I'd actually rather he didn't eat there at all than to eat what he gets, I worry about trans-fats, and all the other nasties in what they are given. Unfortunately all other children have left over the years, and he's the only one still there - and it's the same food as the family's own children are given.
The replies here have probably helped me make my mind up - IF everything else was fine, I would not rock the boat, but the money is actually not the main issue here, rather the whole environment. (Cue the 'why don't you stay at home' brigade...)
I'd better get my skates on and look for someone else, fingers crossed before the summer starts.

ETA: Just read through the replies again... it's reassuring to see that people are happy with their minders - I had someone like that before, it's unfortunate we moved and it was too far away to stay. Today for example, they had noodles for dinner... basically Mum is too busy doing a million other things to spend any time concentrating on the kids, and I'm becoming more and more unhappy about it. As I said, time to start looking around, and as someone pointed out, there are probably far more people available now than before.
Thanks everyone.
There are a lot of things nagging at me about this arrangement, not least that I feel my child is the cash cow for this family at the moment... I have never begrudged childcare fees, but feel that with the way things are right now, and this person knows I am struggling, it has become a complete one-way street.
My child has been with this person for a long time which is why I've stayed loyal up to now
The requirements for an older child are indeed not the same as for a younger one, and this maybe just isn't working any longer. That's a good idea about meals;
I'd actually rather he didn't eat there at all than to eat what he gets, I worry about trans-fats, and all the other nasties in what they are given. Unfortunately all other children have left over the years, and he's the only one still there - and it's the same food as the family's own children are given.
The replies here have probably helped me make my mind up - IF everything else was fine, I would not rock the boat, but the money is actually not the main issue here, rather the whole environment. (Cue the 'why don't you stay at home' brigade...)
I'd better get my skates on and look for someone else, fingers crossed before the summer starts.

ETA: Just read through the replies again... it's reassuring to see that people are happy with their minders - I had someone like that before, it's unfortunate we moved and it was too far away to stay. Today for example, they had noodles for dinner... basically Mum is too busy doing a million other things to spend any time concentrating on the kids, and I'm becoming more and more unhappy about it. As I said, time to start looking around, and as someone pointed out, there are probably far more people available now than before.
Thanks everyone.

Re the area Ive highlighted,Im just curious to know why you are suddenly concerned with the food the child is being given?
You say he has been with the childminder for a long time.Has the food changed lately?
Re the area Ive highlighted,Im just curious to know why you are suddenly concerned with the food the child is being given?
You say he has been with the childminder for a long time.Has the food changed lately?

It has become more relaxed in every area recently, and food is one of them; there used to be proper dinners most evenings with convenience options once a week. Now it's more like convenience every evening and a mince dinner on the days that actual cooking happens.
I've calmed down since last night, and I've worked out a plan to minimise time spent with minder, reduce cost accordingly without reducing the rates, and will provide nutritious snacks that we have at home for the afternoons, then give proper dinner myself. Only another year or so to go, and maybe not worth rocking the boat at this stage.