Happy Friday Everyone!


Registered User
Just thought I would spread some good cheer today as I am feeling very happy. My fiance just finished college yesterday after 6 years hard slog part time. It was no joke for either of us. The fact he is finished just feels amazing. We are getting married now in 2 months and very happy and excited about our future together, even with all the doom and gloom out there!

So just thought I'd say Happy Friday to all, I hope you have a great day!
Good to hear Deedee!

I'll just add that after 10 years of marriage I love my wife even more than when I first met her, I have some great friends and love, good food/drink and music is more than enough to keep me happy in this life.

Hey, I'm getting even happier just by typing this. :)

And, don't forget all the "experts" say there is a heatwave on the way for June/July and all....

Can life get any better?? :D
Thats brill Caveat, I hope I'm as happy as you after ten years of marriage :D

Ooh and the prospect of good weather in June and July has brightened up my day even more!

I always find that speaking to happy, upbeat people always lifts my mood so no harm in having a post where people state why they are happy, god knows there's enough posts stating why we are unhappy!!
Best of luck to you both deedee. Hope you have a great wedding day and a happy and healthy life together. Well done to your boyfriend in keeping going for six years, long time but now you'll both look back and say it was well worth it. Fantastic achievement.
Thanks a million guys!

Thats what he just finished Firefly! I think there were times when I found it more difficult than he did!
Congrats Deedee! I got engaged in March and tonight i'm introducing my two bridesmaids to each other (along with copious amounts of sparkling rosé), very exciting! Happy Friday to all!
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Congratulations Deedee, six years is an awful long time!!

I'm happy because I had a little wander round the town and was able to splash out a few bob for the first time in months (bought myself some socks and a top, if you're interested :D)

This is my last weekend in my 30's :eek:
Hi Deedee,
This is a great post on what is a dismal dirty day here in Dublin. Too much emphasis on gloom and doom in the media at present. For for what it's worth me and the present wife have been together for 28 years. We have got through ill health and redundancy (after 28 years in a job) and come out the other side all the better. Now dealing with our teenagers. We have friends getting laid off in SR technics and other companies. Good people, who are the silent majority, pull through together. Ignore the AIB shower and the rest of them. Your posting is an inspiration to me as a 49 year old and is the kind of spirit that is great about us Irish. Well done to you both! You will have a great life with that attitude. Celebrate!
I love posts like yours, Deedee. Good to know that someone out there has great news for us. Good luck to you both.

I can't help thinking that if Caveat was living in Cork, his life would be complete.

Guess it just goes to show that nobody has it all. :D
I love posts like yours, Deedee. Good to know that someone out there has great news for us. Good luck to you both.
+1. This thread cheered me up as well and made me think of lots of good things in my life, my family, good friends and good health. Congrats deedee and I wish you a lifetime of happiness together. :)
This is my last weekend in my 30's :eek:

A big Bday congrats......not far behind you - have one myself nearer the end of the year!!!!! You know what they say.....mid life and all that, so cant let this doom and gloom talk get us down...... the red sporty car arrived yesterday....now I have a happy grin today too.

On the negative - a good friend of mine has had some worrying news health wise....so I am keeping fingers, toes crossed at this point and hoping for good news and a bit of luck.

Congrats DeeDee.........it is always great to hear good news and something positive. Your hubby to be must be so proud at his achievement.
Engagement Ring

Wedding Ring

Suffering !!!!!:D

Only if you are a man!:D


deedee80 I wish you all the best for the future


thank you for the bright ray of sunshine