Can you give a Fair assessment of the Governments Performance!!!


Registered User
Just curious if anybody out there can give a fair assessment of how FF have been performing over the last year.

Are they rabbits in the headlights, changing their minds constantly, or are they simply like their foreign counterparts who have also been caught off track (and struggling to get to gripes with this crisis).

They must of done something right in their tenure for us to of been in such a healthy position at one stage. Their biggest mistake was not saving and planning for an eventual downturn. I know in England Brown is having similar issues, it was funny to see the whole "politicians remuneration" come up as an issue there aswell.

I know its obvious that its been a disaterous year and that serious mistakes and bumblings have occured but could anybody of done an awful lot better under the circumstance. In hindsight many things could of been done better, but in all fairness the way the landscape of world economies was changing it is understandable to a degree that it was so difficult for them to adapt. Having to change policys and budgets nearly every month didnt help. Yes, they may deserve to be ousted, but are you confident that Kenny or Gilemore will have the vision to steer us back on track . .

This is not a "defend FF" thread (anybody who has read some of my comments on this government will see Im not an FF sympathiser). This is just trying to play devils advocate to see how bad they really did do overall.

I could write forever, but just wanted to see if theres anybody out there who can give an honest, impartial, fair assessment of FF (particularly over the last year) taking into account there has been unprecedented incidents that even Georgie Lee didnt predict and that there were certain actions they had to take (protecting the banks) . . .
Just curious if anybody out there can give a fair assessment of how FF have been performing over the last year.

Bumbling from disaster to disaster, while making it up while they go. You should see some of the emails I’ve been CC'ed in the few months, from so called top level civil servants making decisions of 'national importance'! I’ll say no more.

To be honest, I don't think any of the other parties would do any better, except for clearing out the Galway Tent brigade. Maybe it is time for a national government, consisting of the best brains from the lot of them.
most people feel its chickens coming home to roost, so while maybe nobody could stem the tide of the last year, people arent about to let FF off the hook that easily since they percieve FF to be at the root of the crisis we are in.

As a start we have:

  • HSE administrator heaven - direct result of Bertie not rationalising when HSE formed.
  • Pensioner medical card debacle
  • Empty coffers after "buying elections" in the good times
  • Now taxing the economy into deeper recession
Does anyone else agree that its critical that the minimum wage is slashed? Isnt it about €10, compared to £4.70 in the North. No wonder we cant keep agriculture, manufacturing & the like going. In the end on a certain % of the population will be rocket scientists/up the value chain etc etc., everyone else is priced out of work they would be willing to do.
Does anyone else agree that its critical that the minimum wage is slashed? Isnt it about €10, compared to £4.70 in the North.

Less than €10 (about €9?) and more than £4.70 (about £6?)

But yes, we have apparently the highest minimum wage in the world?! Doesn't make sense and needs to be reduced.
The minimum wage is €8.65 an hour.
Minimum wage level currently being reviewed by the Labour Court who are unlikely to recommend a cut in the rate as none of the parties concerned (Unions , IBEC and the Government )have requested a cut but the final call will be made by Billy Kelleher labour affairs minister.
Obviously he will be under pressure to reduce the rate but if he does the Unions will go berserk.
From the Government's point of view there may be shades of the medical card debacle as there may be a perception of hitting the most vulnerable again.
Less than €10 (about €9?) and more than £4.70 (about £6?)

But yes, we have apparently the highest minimum wage in the world?! Doesn't make sense and needs to be reduced.

Its €8.65 v approx €6.37.

The minimum wage can be looked at in terms of the deflation that we are currently going through and an argument can be made that the floor should be reduced which would also allow unemployment benefits and other social welfare payments to be reduced with it.

However, I don't buy the argument that if we decide to reduce the minimum wage that it will increase employment. This has never been proven beyond doubt to be the case and there is plenty of research that shows otherwise. As a matter of fact the UK minimum wage was increased 1.2% this week.
While I would accept there are factors out of the government's control, I do not rate Cowen/government's performance for the past year.
They totally underestimated the extent of the problem with the public finances when they brought forward the budget last October. As far back as last December many commentators thought a Spring budget was inevitable. The government resisted this but of course were forced to conceed defeat in April.

Cowen refused to reduce the number of junior ministers even when some had offered to resign. Again a couple of months later he was forced to cut them from 20 to 15.

I also think his appointment of Mary Coughlan to Minister for Enterprise (and second in command) because they were buddies rather than giving the job to someone more qualified was a big mistake.

None of these would make me have confidence in the government.
While I would accept there are factors out of the government's control, I do not rate Cowen/government's performance for the past year.
They totally underestimated the extent of the problem with the public finances when they brought forward the budget last October. As far back as last December many commentators thought a Spring budget was inevitable. The government resisted this but of course were forced to conceed defeat in April.

Cowen refused to reduce the number of junior ministers even when some had offered to resign. Again a couple of months later he was forced to cut them from 20 to 15.

I also think his appointment of Mary Coughlan to Minister for Enterprise (and second in command) because they were buddies rather than giving the job to someone more qualified was a big mistake.

None of these would make me have confidence in the government.

Can't argue with any of that. On the other side certain people have impressed me. Barry Andrews seems capable as does Dick Roche. Pat Carey does a difficult job well when been thrown to the wolves to discuss Government cock ups. Dermot Ahern is a solid Minister Of Justice and Batt O Keeffe has the makings of a decent Education minister. Mary Hanafin is also solid enough.

Unfortunately Brian Lenihan is out of his depth in Finance (but is a good politician). Coughlan hasn't come up with one good idea to my knowledge. Mary Harney is counting down the days to retirement. Less said about Martin Cullen the better. All Willie O Dea cares about is keeping those first preference voters in Limerick happy. The two Green ministers have good intentions but no ideas and have sold their souls. Brendan Smith? Have no idea what he has contributed. And at the very top you have Brian Cowan who I have no doubt is a decent man and capable politician but like Gordon Brown in the UK, is unable to lead a Country.
I'd actually have time for Willie O'Dea in that unlike some of the other ministers (anyone seen Micheal Martin lately??) he at least will go on TV and defend some of the decisions they've made

My biggest issue with them is that they just don't inspire me as being in control of things. The Greens at least seem to be trying to get some of their policies through and Gormly deserves credit for trying to end the e voting saga after his 2 predecessors acted like ostriches over the matter. However I just get the impression that Brian Lenihan is making it up as he goes along. Medical cards, parking tax, 2nd housing tax, cutting TDs expenses etc etc, all things that in themselves may have had some merit but never seem to have been thought through properly so that they could be implemented speedily and effectively
Maybe it is time for a national government, consisting of the best brains from the lot of them.

Hmmmm. Might need more than that. Maybe it would also need people with high IQs that live in the real world and know how to answer a direct question.
Maybe it is time for a national government, consisting of the best brains from the lot of them.

So when we have those two or three people, we'll need to add in a few more to make up the numbers for government.
My biggest issue with them is that they just don't inspire me as being in control of things. The Greens at least seem to be trying to get some of their policies through and Gormly deserves credit for trying to end the e voting saga after his 2 predecessors acted like ostriches over the matter. However I just get the impression that Brian Lenihan is making it up as he goes along. Medical cards, parking tax, 2nd housing tax, cutting TDs expenses etc etc, all things that in themselves may have had some merit but never seem to have been thought through properly so that they could be implemented speedily and effectively

Id prescribe to alot of whats been said in this post and above in particular.

People want to believe that those leading us can get us out of this disaster. They want to be inspired, they really do want to believe that Cowan or any leader this country has, will lead by example and hoist us back into a thriving economy.

The truth is that this government has been, at best, a damp squid. Some of the decisions they have made are absolutely undefencible, but for me, one of their biggest sins has been back tracking on certain decisions made. By backtracking they look like they either didnt think their decision through or were afraid of how they would fare in the polls because of this decision.

If tough decisions need to be made, they have made very few , if any. Sitting on the fence about so many issues have made them appear weak, unsure and disjointed. Simple problem solving, go through all the facts at hand at any one time, go through differant alternatives available at that time, make a decision and go with it. Dont change your mind because people are marching or protesting. Dont pick on the vunerable (they are the last people who should ever be targeted).

I mean this is basic stuff . . .

Coughlin . . I mean seriously, how is this public servant in such a privaleged position. ANYBODY who voted for this person should hang their heads in shame and never vote again. This woman is clueless and offers nothing in any area of national politics. There are plenty more politicians who are equally as useless. I would be ashamed if I had voted for some of the incompetent fools that run our dail . .
The truth is that this government has been, at best, a damp squid.

I'm not marine biologist but I'd say you're right, squid are probably damp most of the time, if not downright wet. I think you might have been referring to ;)

p.s. this is just a joke, maybe it was only a typo by you but I didnt know the true meaning. On the same vein (sp?) I checked out a while back "harbinger of doom" - another phrase I might say but would have been afraid to write or type.
Cowans choice of cabinet is very mystifying - it has a very gombeenman feel to it. Its almost as if we've gotten into a time machine and gone back in time to old style Killnaskully type characters. Its totally out of step with the sentiment of the electorate who I believe want a more progressive modern Ireland. Even within his own party, he could have found a much better cabinet. I've always had a sneaking feeling that the current Government is the last stand of the gombeenman in Ireland - whatever comes afterwards will be very different. Even the FF party will be very different after the next election.

I must add, that I think that the Enda Kenny's poor ratings, which are at odds with his parties, are because the electorate perceives him to be an old style rural politician.
I'm not marine biologist but I'd say you're right, squid are probably damp most of the time, if not downright wet. I think you might have been referring to ;)

p.s. this is just a joke, maybe it was only a typo by you but I didnt know the true meaning. On the same vein (sp?) I checked out a while back "harbinger of doom" - another phrase I might say but would have been afraid to write or type.

Good spot, it was a typo indeed . . .

Wouldnt want anybody thinking I was going easy on the government, sorry to all squids offended . .
House prices are still inflated. This is down to poor regualtion and peoples own stuupidity.

FG wanted to cut stamp duty before the last election.

Cowen in fairness stood up to that lobby.

Cowen is doing his best in bad worldwide economic circumstances.
I must add, that I think that the Enda Kenny's poor ratings, which are at odds with his parties, are because the electorate perceives him to be an old style rural politician.

I'm sure the thousands of rural people who voted for Kenny in Mayo have no issue with him being an old style rural politician.

To me the problem with Kenny is that he just doesn't seem to have an original thought in his head. I'm waiting on him to mimic Obama and perhaps borrow a quote from another Cbeebies character.
I'm sure the thousands of rural people who voted for Kenny in Mayo have no issue with him being an old style rural politician.

To me the problem with Kenny is that he just doesn't seem to have an original thought in his head. I'm waiting on him to mimic Obama and perhaps borrow a quote from another Cbeebies character.

He does JFK. Does he do Bob the Builder as well?
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Cowen is doing his best in bad worldwide economic circumstances.

That's not good enough. We could put a magpie up there and he'd do his best. We could put a baby up their and they'd do their best. We need THE BEST, not somebody doing their best.