Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biased?


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Ryan Tubriddy has been anounced as the Late Late shows new presenter .
There has been a lot of talk in the media about George Lee and asking was he biased /comprimised etc.
Ryan Tubriddys brother is running in the local elections and is a Fianna Fail man.Does this mean that Ryan will be biased?
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter,is he biased?

Ryan Tubriddy has been anounced as the Late Late shows new presenter.
There has been a lot of talk in the media about George Lee and asking was he biased /comprimised ? etc.
Ryan Tubriddys brother is running in the local elections and is a Fianna Fail man. Does this mean that Ryan will be biased?

I am biased about sloppy grammar and spelling.
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter,is he biased?

Can anyone buzz him and tell him to tell his brother to raise his posters a little higher. Some around here are only navel high. Maybe that is the height of his ambition. As regards Tubridy being biased? I wouldn't say any more than the next media personality. You've got to be pretty single minded to climb to the top of the mast at Montrose. Possibly at the expense of everything else.
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter,is he biased?

Ryan Tubriddy has been anounced as the Late Late shows new presenter .
There has been a lot of talk in the media about George Lee and asking was he biased /comprimised etc.
Ryan Tubriddys brother is running in the local elections and is a Fianna Fail man.Does this mean that Ryan will be biased?

I don't understand.

Biased towards what? Fianna fail?
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter,is he biased?

Possibly at the expense of everything else.

I would have to say that it hasnt come at the expense of basic good manners and down to earthness. I met him when I was on a quiz show on RTE before and I had gotten lost in a corridor, he found me, didnt know I was a contestant on a show he was presenting, just thought I was some loon lost in RTE - he couldnt have been nicer or more helpful.
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biase

The Tubridys' grandfather, Todd Andrews, was a founder member of Fianna Fail, AFAIK.

Would this have made Ryan prejudiced in favour of FF if his brother were not an election candidate or would the question have arisen if the brother hadn't announced his candidacy?
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biase

The ire of the FF community about Lee is highly amusing. They were never too worried when Ryan was giving softly softly interviews to Bertie or Cowen, or when Joe Duffy (FF apologist) brought on Jimmy Guerin (FF prospective candidate at the time) to explain how the tribunals were hounding poor Bertie, or when Alex White (ex-RTE employee) is brought onto the Late Late instead of Pascal O'Donoghue (FG) for reasons of gender balance????

But as soon as George raises his head above the parapet, they explode in indignation! Great sport altogether...
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biase

The ire of the FF community about Lee is highly amusing. They were never too worried when Ryan was giving softly softly interviews to Bertie or Cowen, or when Joe Duffy (FF apologist) brought on Jimmy Guerin (FF prospective candidate at the time) to explain how the tribunals were hounding poor Bertie, or when Alex White (ex-RTE employee) is brought onto the Late Late instead of Pascal O'Donoghue (FG) for reasons of gender balance????

But as soon as George raises his head above the parapet, they explode in indignation! Great sport altogether...
That's one of the funniest posts I've read in months. I am not an FF supporter but the idea that RTE are anything other than left wing is laughable. They epitomise the small minded public sector orientated middle income sanctimonious begrudger that’s the life’s-blood of the Labour party. They aren’t called the “Public Sector Broadcaster” for nothing.

While I think it's great that George Lee is running and I think he deserved credit for doing so it was poor on his part to lay into the government as the RTE economics editor a few days after getting his FG photos taken. FF do have a point there.
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter,is he biased?

I would have to say that it hasnt come at the expense of basic good manners and down to earthness. I met him when I was on a quiz show on RTE before and I had gotten lost in a corridor, he found me, didnt know I was a contestant on a show he was presenting, just thought I was some loon lost in RTE - he couldnt have been nicer or more helpful.

is the quiz show on youtube? ;) how well did u do?
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter,is he biased?

Ryan Tubriddy has been anounced as the Late Late shows new presenter.
There has been a lot of talk in the media about George Lee and asking was he biased /comprimised ? etc.
Ryan Tubriddys brother is running in the local elections and is a Fianna Fail man. Does this mean that Ryan will be biased?

I am biased about sloppy grammar and spelling.

I find your post rather condescending,I am dyslexcic.
I am biased about posters attacking the person and not the opinion..
Why dont you start another thread about your bias?
Why did you not bother to respond to the post instead of pointing out "sloppy grammar".Or are you going to go through every post ,point out the sloppy grammar and not bother to respond to the actual post?
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter,is he biased?

I don't understand.

Biased towards what? Fianna fail?

If it can be claimed that George lee has been biased ,then cant we say the same about all who are in the media?
Especially those whom have family connections with Governing parties.
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biase

The ire of the FF community about Lee is highly amusing. They were never too worried when Ryan was giving softly softly interviews to Bertie or Cowen, or when Joe Duffy (FF apologist) brought on Jimmy Guerin (FF prospective candidate at the time) to explain how the tribunals were hounding poor Bertie, or when Alex White (ex-RTE employee) is brought onto the Late Late instead of Pascal O'Donoghue (FG) for reasons of gender balance????

But as soon as George raises his head above the parapet, they explode in indignation! Great sport altogether...

Agree with you on this one...and thats why I raised the issue.
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biase

Everyone in Ireland has some political bias of some way shape or form, be it George Lee or Ryan Tubridy. At least with Tubridy his potential bias is out in the open

Actually, I really don't care about his politics, he can't be an worse then The Plank. Good look to him is all I can say.
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter,is he biased?

I would have to say that it hasnt come at the expense of basic good manners and down to earthness. I met him when I was on a quiz show on RTE before and I had gotten lost in a corridor, he found me, didnt know I was a contestant on a show he was presenting, just thought I was some loon lost in RTE - he couldnt have been nicer or more helpful.
I was alluding to everything to do with his life ............ things will never be the same. This morning he was on air talking about his not being able to have a walk in the park in private. Whew! For a person that courts the media so assiduously, what is this all about? All these people do ......... it's a necessary step in celeb life. Even by coming out with this statement he gives himself more media coverage. If he had wanted a quite life there are a few smallholdings for sale in Leitrim. :) But as Mpsox stated ....... things could have been worse. Pat could have had a rethink abut his departure. :eek:
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biase

Didn't Miriam O'Callaghan's brother run for Fianna Fail in the last election? Given that she was the person responsible for presenting RTE's main current affairs programme at the time and chairing the debate between Bertie and Enda, I think FF have a bit of a nerve getting so hot under the collar about George Lee.
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biase

Everyone in Ireland has some political bias of some way shape or form, be it George Lee or Ryan Tubridy. At least with Tubridy his potential bias is out in the open

Actually, I really don't care about his politics, he can't be an worse then The Plank. Good look to him is all I can say.


It kind of makes me laugh a bit all this brouhaha about potential bias from any side. Every single person in the media has their own bias seeing as, hopefully, they all vote in elections, whether along a party bias or individual candidate. Naturally this shouldn't come across in their broadcasts, and by and large, I can't say I've noticed any bias in any of those mentioned.

It reminds me a bit of football fans. Depending on the given day, the panel on RTE is either ABU, anti-Liverpool, anti-Chelsea, anti-Arsenal, depending on what bias the individual fan has when watching. They can't all be right.

Sometimes allegations of bias say more about the bias of the person making the claim than the so-called wrongdoer.
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biase

A few questions.

Are you suggesting that family members of politicians are not allowed have careers in the media, even in light entertainment.

How do you know that Ryan Tubridy supports FF ? ( It's not obligatory to have the same political leanings as your family, funnily enough)

The Late Late show is light entertainment, not current affairs. Does it REALLY matter that the presenter is from a political family ?

Do you not think you are getting your self into a knot about nothing ?
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biase

Heard Tubbers saying that the show is going to be more of a talk show - more like Parkey, less Ross, so there won't be too much politics/current affairs (which is a shame IMO), so it probably doesn't matter about his FF affiliations.
Re: Ryan Tubriddy Late Late presenter: very strong FF family connections, is he biase

It will certainly get people back into the pubs again on a Friday night. I reckon the vintners association lobbied the governemnet and R.T.E. to give him the job. :)