George Lee

Been waiting awhile for that one eh . .

I did what I said I would like Lee to do. I clarified my feelings on a certain topic. You questioned my motives (which you are entitled to do) and I replied, you chose to assume that I am dishonerable or just incompetent in how I interpret information.

People can make up their minds about whether or not what I say is the truth or whether or not Im soley speaking from a vested interest point and I come to a small website (meaningless in the overall scheme of the markets) to try to confuse and bamboozle people with points that might make them think they should buy my products . . ;)

And anyways, Im telling people how I see things in the current climate. You actually argued that 15% unemployement was not equivilant to 85% employment. In the scheme of things and the country it means more then simply 15% but as far as 85% of the working economy, they have jobs, income and should be able to afford to get by.

You will always get one economist saying that the world is going to end and another economist might say things will improve soon (even professionals can interpret information differantly). Some people try to take the good out of news and others prefer to see all the negatives.

Your arguement is similar to your man on the Late late show who I had to laugh at. He Says "dont buy property it will come down at least 30% in the next year". Absolute in his prediction, no room for debate. Then he says buying a property should be a 20 year plan. I can safely say that I would be confident if you bought a property now, lost 30% in the next few years, you would be back to there or thereabouts what you paid. But lets look at the negatives and forget individual circumstances or people who are ready to buy, theyre mad because there is only one way of thinking . . . right . . .

Ive made my points clear on why I have questionmarks over George Lee, you just appear to be a bandwagon fan of popular opinion. Whatevers in is right. George Lee is in, hes hype, hes right. Being depressed and gloomy is in, its hype, its right . . .. .
I have a real dilema:
  • I am in Dublin South
  • I am fed up listening to George's gloom and doom on TV
  • He rarely seems to have anything positive to say
  • I would not therefore vote for him
  • But I would normally vote FG
  • I cannot bring myself to vote FF (can those responsible for the mess clean it up???). I still have some principles.
  • But if I vote for George and he is elected, I wont have to listen to him on TV ( I might start watching RTE News again...maybe)
  • So do I prefer George as a TD or on TV?
Decisions, decisions, decisions.....
Has Paris Hilton done more for the people of Dublin South than George Lee?

What work with community organisations has this guy done?

What econonomic books or journals has he written?

Or are his apprearances on RTE his only claim to fame?

FG and Indo Newspapers wanted to cut stamp duty before the last general elections. This measure would have blown up the property bubble to a greater extent. FG does not have answers to problems with the economy.

I was canvassed by a FG guy last night. I asked him what was the optinum number of local authorities. We have 114. He was clueless.

Lee was great with the doom and gloom. Coming up with solutions is the key. In my openion, opposition parties have failed to do this.

FG with the Green Energy policies is a joke. Wind and tidal power is unproven for mass energy generation. Yet FG come up with this clap trap.

At least FF are not throwing money around any more.
Lee was great with the doom and gloom. Coming up with solutions is the key. In my openion, opposition parties have failed to do this.

FG with the Green Energy policies is a joke. Wind and tidal power is unproven for mass energy generation. Yet FG come up with this clap trap.

At least FF are not throwing money around any more.

Thats the funniest thing I have read in ages!
From what I can see FG already have someone who does seem to pick up on the core mistakes made and proposes some reasonable points: Richard Bruton.

The problem I see is that it's always easy to sit on the sidelines and pick holes in various things, especially when things go wrong. If anything as a race we're world experts in naysaying with the benefit of hindsight.

As others have said, stick around taling things down for long enough on economics and you're bound to be proven right at some point.

It's a bit like the Soccer Pannel on rté, they're great at ranting on about how this or that manager got something wrong, yet how many of them have proven themselves as worldclass managers?

Armchair punditry is easy. What will be interesting is if he has the balls or the knowhow to figure out some solutions and be accountable for them. However, I doubt he will be expected to or can do so. I think he'll be there as a point scorer for FG, someone to just hit the Government on where they went wrong without any substance or proposition as to how to improve. He's there to get FG a TKO.

And this is where my blood boils. I think we can all agree on the mistakes, the stupidity of the mistakes and the vested interests behind them, however, right now individuals and the country is in a very precarious position it is no time to for political opportunism. All the opposition are trying to do is overthrow a government by systematic death by a thousand cuts. National interests must come before vested person political interests right now.

It's a very cynical move by FG.
Its time for a change in politics. Bring in people with qualifications and experience. For example, why is a Barrister running our Department of Finance? A social worker responsible for trade and enterprise?...

The 'social worker' bit is one I find amusing and sad at the same time. Given that Mary Coghlan was about 21 when she was elected (or, more accurately, inherited the seat) she cannot have been a 'social worker' for any length of time! Unless you count a possible summer job during her studies. FF are desperate to give her some credibility - I think she is possibly OK as a local politician but utterly without the experience and background needed for Enterprise and Employment. And it shows - I cringed when she took off to the US to drum up support for Irish Enterprise. Heaven help us!
Lets hope we have more like George Lee putting their money where their mouth is.
That is exactly what we need now in this country people with passion and ability getting off the sidelines and becoming actively involved in politics.

The level of the debate on this thread is pretty feeble I have to say
From what I can see FG already have someone who does seem to pick up on the core mistakes made and proposes some reasonable points: Richard Bruton.

The problem I see is that it's always easy to sit on the sidelines and pick holes in various things, especially when things go wrong. If anything as a race we're world experts in naysaying with the benefit of hindsight.

As others have said, stick around taling things down for long enough on economics and you're bound to be proven right at some point.

It's a bit like the Soccer Pannel on rté, they're great at ranting on about how this or that manager got something wrong, yet how many of them have proven themselves as worldclass managers?

Armchair punditry is easy. What will be interesting is if he has the balls or the knowhow to figure out some solutions and be accountable for them. However, I doubt he will be expected to or can do so. I think he'll be there as a point scorer for FG, someone to just hit the Government on where they went wrong without any substance or proposition as to how to improve. He's there to get FG a TKO.

And this is where my blood boils. I think we can all agree on the mistakes, the stupidity of the mistakes and the vested interests behind them, however, right now individuals and the country is in a very precarious position it is no time to for political opportunism. All the opposition are trying to do is overthrow a government by systematic death by a thousand cuts. National interests must come before vested person political interests right now.

It's a very cynical move by FG.

And FF picking Seamus Brennan's son to run for them wasn't cynical? What does he bring to the table apart from the Brennan name?

Of course FG knew what they were doing when they got George Lee to run. Nobody knows what he will be like or what ideas he has but he is entitled to run if he feels like he can improve things. I still think fair play to him.

Had to laugh at Barry Andrews yesterday having a go at him for having the option to return to RTE if he doesn't get elected saying he wasn't fully committed to politics. Wonder is he saying the same thing to all the TD's from all parties hanging onto their teaching jobs for 20 years!
And FF picking Seamus Brennan's son to run for them wasn't cynical? What does he bring to the table apart from the Brennan name?

Of course FG knew what they were doing when they got George Lee to run. Nobody knows what he will be like or what ideas he has but he is entitled to run if he feels like he can improve things. I still think fair play to him.

Had to laugh at Barry Andrews yesterday having a go at him for having the option to return to RTE if he doesn't get elected saying he wasn't fully committed to politics. Wonder is he saying the same thing to all the TD's from all parties hanging onto their teaching jobs for 20 years!

Nope, you're right, however this is about George Lee. Brennan isn't being seen/portrayed as a possible Messiah to the economic state of the country though.

And yes Andrews was talking rubbish, though I always thought Lee was "commissioned" to make programmes rather than a direct full time employee as is the norm. More of a contractor situation, though I could be wrong.
Nope, you're right, however this is about George Lee. Brennan isn't being seen/portrayed as a possible Messiah to the economic state of the country though.

To be fair I don't think Lee or FG are saying that. As I say, he could well end up being a crap TD and I would like to know more about where he stands on certain things but I still welcome his decision to stand. Its not about George Lee as such. As someone said, its good to have people who feel they have something to offer come into politics. I would rather people like Lee came forward than have someone standing because of who their Father was. Having said that, Shay Brennan could end up being the best candidate.
The very fact that there is such a debate about Lee says it all really. the truth is he should come out and directly deal with the issues that some people have. He should allow reporters question him vigurously on his motives all along. If he answers honestly (and theres no question marks over his answers) then he deserves to be taken on his word. As I said, if you have nothing to hide the truth should be easy and transparent . . .

Somebody asked me what has lee done to suggest he has been lieing about his alliegance. Thats not how it works, its up to Lee to proove to us all that he is as honorable as he says he is. It might take time or a total honest interview like I mentioned, but until then there will always be question marks over his real intentions the last 10 years and his sudden decision to jump on the FG rollercoaster . .

That said, it is good to see somebody with knowledge that could be vital to help the country out, running for a seat in any constituancy . .
That said, it is good to see somebody with knowledge that could be vital to help the country out, running for a seat in any constituancy . .

Hurlers on the ditch are common. So too are armchair generals.

Because there's none left to throw. They've wasted it all.

Same could be said for Obamas stimulus package.

Has Paris Hilton done more for the people of Dublin South than George Lee?

What exactly has Lee achieved?

Apart from a pundit role in the bloated RTE.
cork have you a point other than to write off someone who has literally just put his name forward to run?
He should allow reporters question him vigurously on his motives all along. If he answers honestly (and theres no question marks over his answers) then he deserves to be taken on his word. As I said, if you have nothing to hide the truth should be easy and transparent . . .
Do you not think your assumptions are somewhat loaded? "If he answers honestly .." If he answers honestly, but the answers aren't what you want to hear you're not going to believe him. Beyond ripping off his shirt to display a big "I love Enda" tatoo across his chest what do you expect him to say?

That said, it is good to see somebody with knowledge that could be vital to help the country out, running for a seat in any constituancy . .
Ultimately this is what it boils down to. We need to get away from the Butcher, Baker and Candlestick Maker type of politics thatwe've been mired in since I can remember. I'm completely non-partizan and have voted right across the board in the past. We need honest, skilled individuals of integrity in politics. George may or may not ultimately be that but at this point in time he looks a good candidate.
What exactly has Lee achieved?

Apart from a pundit role in the bloated RTE.

George Lee, from Templeogue, Dublin,[1] was an economic analyst and reporter with Radio Telefís Éireann (RTÉ), the public broadcasting service of the Ireland, from 1992 to 2009. He was appointed Economics Editor with the national broadcaster in 1996.[2]
Lee was named Irish Journalist of the Year in 1998 after helping uncover a major tax evasion and overcharging scandal at National Irish Bank. He has devised, researched and presented several television series, including 'Moneybox', 'More To Do', and 'Winds of Change'.
Prior to his move into broadcasting, Lee was Senior Economist at Riada Stockbrokers. He also worked as Treasury Economist with FTI and as an economist with the Central Bank of Ireland. Lee is a graduate of University College Dublin and holds an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economics.
[broken link removed])
Has Paris Hilton done more for the people of Dublin South than George Lee?

What work with community organisations has this guy done?


I believe that our system is fundamentally flawed because of the reasons above, that is why we've morons such as Dempsey and Cullen running the country because of this mentality , it is time for national interests to take forefront