Vista..Is it any better now, or should I try to get XP?


Registered User
Hi all
My laptop is just about to die (battery now not recognised by computer, power cable had a dodgy connection, and I only replaced it 6 months ago, also had to upgrade RAM etc, so this old computer has cost me a fortune already!), so rather than continuing to replace bits and pieces I want to get a new laptop.

I have heard such negative things about Vista, and was thinking if I could get a downgradable to Windows XP model, I might go with that.

My questions are:
1) Is Microsoft not going to be providing updates etc for XP computers?

2)is Vista any more usable now than when it was first released? Or is it still terrible?

3)Has anyone done the downgrade to Windows XP, and has it been difficult to do (dual Vista/XP on the new computer, with downgrade to XP)

Thanks for opinions

My laptop is just about to die (battery now not recognised by computer, power cable had a dodgy connection, and I only replaced it 6 months ago, also had to upgrade RAM etc, so this old computer has cost me a fortune already!), so rather than continuing to replace bits and pieces I want to get a new laptop.

I am getting a new laptop for the exact same reasons, even down to power cable connection dodgy, just replaced six months your laptop a Dell by any chance.
Guess we're both in the same boat, I saw your other thread.

Dell inspiron 2200. It was expensive enough for the new power cable already, and the battery now not being recognised by the computer...Grr.

I've researched this on the internet, seem common problems with Dell.

You're going to go for another Dell though?

Plus, it's strange the new power cable has gone again too, I wonder is there a design fault, as I've been careful not to twist the cable or bend it unnecessarily

I was till I saw your post.....did not realise the Power Cable thing was a Dell problem - I only decided to buy a new laptop last night, so another Dell was the obvious choice - will do a bit more research.

Power cable thing is quite annoying - have to plug in computer, twist the cable around till the compter recognises it, sometimes in the middle of work the wire moves so the laptop powers down. This power cable was bought six months ago. Reminds me of years ago when you had to keep moving the rabbits ears to get RTE reception and might have to stand with them in your hand a certain angle to see the TV program.

I am really poor with Technical IT things, just want "computer turn on and hey presto", so I am a bit lost at looking for a new one.
Why don't you both consider upgrading to MacBooks or MacBook Pros? You just know you want to...
PS MandaC
The battery problem showed up on my research, I don't know if the power cable is a recognised problem..But I've had 2 break on me, despite due care...

Why don't you both consider upgrading to MacBooks or MacBook Pros? You just know you want to...

Am thinking about it.....where is the best place to get a demo.....

To twist an old saying slightly - once you go Mac, you'll never go back.
Just caught the end of an interview about microsofts new windows version called windows 7 might be worth looking in to. Cant understand how vista was ever relased it is so crap.
The Mac's are seriously expensive all right - might take a look at them in PC World later.

Will look at that website too thanks.
Before you do anything, you should phone technical support in dell and get them to diagnose the problem with the battery/power supply.
I had the same problem with my dell laptop a few months ago, the battery would not charge and you had to keep it plugged in to get it to work. They went through a few things with me on the phone and told me the problem was not the battery but the motherboard. They also told me that this was a common problem and they organised an engineer to call to my house and put a new motherboard in, as well as a new screen (there was a small dull area on it).
All very efficient, thankfully it was covered by warranty.
Re:vista, people seem to be saying the new windows 7 will be much better and faster than vista so I would wait for that.

I bought an ASUS in March pre-loaded with Vista but was XP downgradeable, which is what I did. The process is fairly straightforward, takes about 90 minutes to make the changeover, and the only downside was I had to re-install all the drivers (sound, microphone, headset, etc) before everything worked.

The laptop itself is working fine (crosses fingers quickly!!).
I have Vista on my home laptop use it for surfing mail all light enough stuff.

Vista is Grand, haven't had any real hassle. No worse than XP.

Just takes a little bit of getting used to.

I have 3GB of ram seems to do it fine.
With a mac, you get what you pay for.

The new macbook is a sweet computer and I'd get one if I was buying a computer today. The solid aluminium will last much longer than the plasticky crap the likes of Dell specialize in.
Another person rating MAC over the rest and I am actually going to kill Mathepac for planting the idea in my head .....I actually went around laptop shopping today and have to say I really liked the Macbook.

I also did not like the shiny black shells on some of the other PCs.

Any Mac users answer me this.....after 3 years my Dell Inspiron is really outdated....will I only get a similar lifetime out of the Mac before I need an upgrade because it is a lot more expensive than the others.

This is the spec I was looking at.............Aluminium 13 MacBook
Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB DDR3 Memory
160GB hard drive1
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics
Standard keyboard
Aluminium unibody


I will also have to buy the Word and Powerpoint for an extra €100 because I want the same user interface as in work

I really only wanted to spend €600-€700.

All of the PC's on Sale have Vista - nobody seems to know when Windows 7 is coming, but to Nicola M but I dont think I would buy a PC with Vista now that I know this is on the way.
Another person rating MAC over the rest and I am actually going to kill Mathepac for planting the idea in my head ...
You'll love me for it in years to come though, you'll look back and see it as the day I rescued you from the clutches of the Evil Empire (aka Micro$oft) - I'll be King Kong to your Fay Wray. :D