Dublin Bus - Oh the drama


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Where is our law enforcement when you need them?

According to the news Dublin Bus said some drivers were intimidated by the strikers and that stones have been thrown at buses at Phibsboro depot.

Now these strikers are participating in an illegal strike, engaging in criminal damaging of public property and are intimidating people that want to work, that surley must be criminal.

Why is our law enforcement not at the garage with riot gear, swooping up this criminal elements and restoring order?

Blue Flu season or just the fact that Zanu FF does not want to take action just like Mugabe tolerates his war veterans violence against white farmers.

Some lazy bum deceides he does not want to work according to a new schedule which will safe his job and he get's what he deserves, the sack and his coconspirator deceide it's time to engage in intimidating and damaging public goods.

Didn't they a while ago complained that the gardi was not doing enough against people that throw stones at busses in finglas? Now they throw the stones.

Well done Zanu FF!
There should be disciplinary action taken against the strikers with the leaders and anyone involved in intimidation or property damage being fired immediately. There are plenty of unemployed people out there who would be glad of a job with Dublin Bus, including many with the necessary driving licenses. Replacing the fired strikers would not be a big problem.

Dublin Bus should also sue the strikers personally for loss of income - take their homes if necessary.
Just shows how much we need competition on local bus routes. No one group should be able to hijak essential services in this manner.
there should be disciplinary action taken against the strikers with the leaders and anyone involved in intimidation or property damage being fired immediately. There are plenty of unemployed people out there who would be glad of a job with dublin bus, including many with the necessary driving licenses. Replacing the fired strikers would not be a big problem.

Dublin bus should also sue the strikers personally for loss of income - take their homes if necessary.


And anyone found to be throwing stones/damaging property etc should be arrested.
And not a Union spokesperson to be seen anywhere ...

They have plenty to say about the economic crisis, levies, health service etc ... but silence when they lose control of their own members. :mad:
And not a Union spokesperson to be seen anywhere ...

They have plenty to say about the economic crisis, levies, health service etc ... but silence when they lose control of their own members. :mad:

Mrs Sox heard a driver/union rep on the radio yesterday, said he reminded her of the shop steward in the Carry on movie set in a toilet factory whose favourite expression was "everyone out"
And not a Union spokesperson to be seen anywhere ...

They have plenty to say about the economic crisis, levies, health service etc ... but silence when they lose control of their own members. :mad:

I'm not so sure that they lost controll of their own members.

Tactics like this fit right into playbook of congress, just like the roaming war veterans fit into Zanu PF playbook.

If the unions realy lost controll they would throw these people out of the union and make strong statements about how they demand to protect the working people, but there is not the slightest of that.

Never the less it's the state (who demands more taxes from me) that is failing me here by not upholding the law and letting criminals run free disturbing the right of others to work.

This really is becoming a lawless country.
I'm not so sure that they lost controll of their own members.

Tactics like this fit right into playbook of congress, just like the roaming war veterans fit into Zanu PF playbook.

If the unions realy lost controll they would throw these people out of the union and make strong statements about how they demand to protect the working people, but there is not the slightest of that.

Good point. So the suggestion is that union leaders are somehow orchestrating, or turning a blind eye to, this dispute because they do not like the changes being made by Dublin Bus but cannot 'officially' overturn the members ballot which accepted the labour courts recommendations ?
Good point. So the suggestion is that union leaders are somehow orchestrating, or turning a blind eye to, this dispute because they do not like the changes being made by Dublin Bus but cannot 'officially' overturn the members ballot which accepted the labour courts recommendations ?

I don't think I need to suggest that they are turning a blind eye. Giving that nobody has been kicked out of the union for attacking other union members or the union reps not being there trying to assist is a clear sign that they are turning a blind eye.
Given that none of you posting here seem to have any of the correct information, you should all keep your vitriol to yourself.

Its a shame when people believe everything they read in the Herald, and I thought AAM'ers in general had more sense.

Enligten us.
Enligten us.

Bullying and violence in the workplace by co-workers, where i work that results in someone getting fired and recommendation that employee gets gardai involved if they so wish.
Lets wait to see the H&S policy in Dublin bus.
Given that none of you posting here seem to have any of the correct information, you should all keep your vitriol to yourself.

Its a shame when people believe everything they read in the Herald, and I thought AAM'ers in general had more sense.

Even if there is a valid reason why the 128 route rosters are not correct, then this should go thru due process and should only impact on that one route. To stop the services in multiple garages serving 100,000s customers is a gross over reaction and shows a total disregard for the customers who the bus drivers are employed to serve. Drivers who behave like this have no business being employed by a public service. Dont be surprised if the local elections in these areas will be dominated by calls for reform of our bus services which will ultimately lead to other operators being introduced to the Dublin bus network and Dublin Bus drivers losing jobs.
And not a Union spokesperson to be seen anywhere ...

They have plenty to say about the economic crisis, levies, health service etc ... but silence when they lose control of their own members. :mad:

prize for most repeated quote by union officials during last 4 months (doesnt matter what union or what they are discussing)

'our members did not benefit during the boom years yet now we are expected to pay for the bail out of the banks'

find it hilarious how the Unions have conveniently forgotton about benchmarking!
And now that Dublin Bus (owned by you and me) has caved in and re-instated the person that refused to do his job all is back to normal.

3 days of illegal action including what must be criminal damage, Intimidation, Extortion and the gods only know what else everything is back to normal.

But not only did these people refuse to accept the new work schedule, they actualy made demands that would have meant that the 40 drivers refusing to operate the 128 route would end up in the depot as 'spare drivers' being paid to do nothing.

Again, where is the Minister for Transport on this. Sure he does not even know what a Bus looks like as he has his offical car and driver but this is getting out of hand.

One drivers refusal to work (and even if the schedule was wrong, he could have used the offical dispute process to fight his suspension) causes the loss of Millions of € in our economy by bringing large parts of Dublin to stand still.

How can our goverment let congress get away with this?