Questionable Oil Change


Registered User
I just had my oil & filter changed at an independant service centre. The car is less than 2 years old. I was assured that Fully Synthethic Oil and Original Manufacturer's filter were used. After collecting the car, I drove 2.5 miles home. I checked the dipstick and was surprised to see that it was still quite black. I rang the mechanic and he told me that that's the colour of the "Special Oil" that he used. I went back to the garage and demanded to see the old filter and the new oil that they were supposed to use. I could not determine 100% if my filter was changed because it's an internal one inside a casing, but the fresh oil they showed me was light brown in colour and clear to the touch after I dipped my finger in it, so the story about the Black coloured Special New Oil made no sense. I asked them how my oil managed to go black after only 2.5miles of driving. No reasonable explanation was given and the atmosphere started to get very tense. I suspect that they did not fully flush out the old oil and possibly did not clean the filter casing, so some old oil was still left behind. It's hard to determine, how much new oil they put into it. I was charged 80 Euro for oil change + filter. Nothing else done. I'm kicking myself I did not look over their shoulder while they did the job and also for not dipping it before driving home. Considering Small Claims but not sure if it's worth it. Comments ? Thanks
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Is your car a diesel? If yes 2.5 miles is more than enough to turn the new oil black.

Who decided on "Fully Synthethic Oil"? Is that what the manufacturer specifies or was this a "sales gimmick" by the service centre?

Were the sump plug and / or washer changed (check your invoice)? If not, then they used an oil extractor to suck the oil out via the dip-stick tube and this never, ever gets all the old oil out - a very unsatisfactory way to attempt an oil-change.

The disposable filter-element (just spotted it) inside a reusable housing is a classic for short-cut merchants as you high-lighted (this also suggests a diesel-engine).

My tuppence worth.

I'm assuming this is one of those yellow coloured places that may also sell tyres? Personally I don't even buy tyres off them.
Were the sump plug and / or washer changed (check your invoice)? If not, then they used an oil extractor to suck the oil out via the dip-stick tube and this never, ever gets all the old oil out - a very unsatisfactory way to attempt an oil-change.

Cant the old plug and washer be re-used. I know they should be changed but I have often done an oil change without replacing these.
Cant the old plug and washer be re-used. I know they should be changed but I have often done an oil change without replacing these.

I change the oil and filter myself.
Have re-used the pulg and washer many times.... never a problem.
But then I don't suppose either of you charge yourselves professional rates ;)
What has this got to do with changing the sump plug & washer? I've never replaced a washer I just heat the washer over the gas ring until the flame turns green quench it in water and voila the washer is as good as new.Only replaced one sump plug and that was from a friend's ageing opel kadette after he had taken the dreaded vise grips to same plug and destroyed it.
Going back to original post,I would get the oil changed again and never use those cowboys again.