How to you deter sales people calling to your house.

I wish I knew, when I eventually answered the door on Saturday morning in a state of disshevelment and near undress after about 4 or 5 rings over a period of 5 or so minutes thinking it must be important enough to get out of bed for, only to be met by a couple selling God, they stated "oh I'm sorry to disturb you when you are doing the cleaning"! I said "eh I wasn't cleaning" they then proceeded to tell me about how This post will be deleted if not edited immediately had saved them and could do the same for me. The surreal vision in my mind of me cleaning on a Saturday morning when there was a lie-in to be had was the one highlight of the conversation.
Fortunately I had my mobile and was able to call the police. They arrived within minutes and arrested the guy.
You're lucky; I called the police when there were people downstairs in my house and it took them 2.5 hours to get there (the station is a 3-5 minute drive away).
Interesting, the number of people who don't answer the door to unexpected callers. When I was a kid, the woman two doors down was like that and we all thought she was a bit odd (nice, but odd). Now myself and lots of people I know ignore the doorbell if we're not expecting someone. I wonder have we just become more anti-social, more safety concious or just used to friends and family texting if they're thinking of calling around.
Personally, if I'm having a planned quiet night at home, the last thing I want is unnanounced visitors dropping in and I wouldn't drop in unannounced on anyone (except my parents, who are always thrilled to see me!!)
I'm terribly lucky - we get no callers at all to the door, not even on Halloween. I think if someone did call and I didn't want them to I would probably just say 'no thank you' and close the door while they are standing there.
Wow, I'm amazed that so many people dont answer their door!! I have to admit I ignore mine sometimes but only if I'm in really rotten humour.

So much for "If your Irish come into the party there's a welcome on the mat!" haha
Wow, I'm amazed that so many people dont answer their door!! I have to admit I ignore mine sometimes but only if I'm in really rotten humour.

So much for "If your Irish come into the party there's a welcome on the mat!" haha

I always thought it was - if you're Irish, come into the Parlour.....

I never open the door either.
I always open the door.
If I don't want to buy/contribute/listen I say "no thanks" and close the door.
I always open the door.
If I don't want to buy/contribute/listen I say "no thanks" and close the door.

What do you say if its a bunch of unexpected visitors and you were planning a nice big glass of wine and a plate of spag bol in front of the telly (in your pjs and slippers)?
What do you say if its a bunch of unexpected visitors and you were planning a nice big glass of wine and a plate of spag bol in front of the telly (in your pjs and slippers)?

I invite them to join me; happiness is derived from our interaction with the people around us, not the possessions.
They dont have right to enter peoples property and inconvenience them in order to make a living. A lot of them are somewhat dodgy - making a living by preying on unsuspecting vulnerable people such as pensioners is not a noble profession.

Thats a bit harsh, not too many professions can be considered noble, but it takes a real thick skin to constantly be rejected in the hope that you pull through one call a day to meet your target. Maybe it is noble to go through this hell to provide for a family than it is to talk down or be unnecessarily rude to these people.
I always thought it was - if you're Irish, come into the Parlour.....

I never open the door either.

Sorry MandaC. Your post reminded me of the time when Jack Charlton was Irish manager. There was a possibility that Arsenal player, Ray Parlour, could qualify to play for Ireland under the Granny Rule. One of the newspapers had a headline something like:- "If you're Parlour, come in with the Irish." :)
I always open the door.
If I don't want to buy/contribute/listen I say "no thanks" and close the door.

That's what I do also. And if they're working for a charity, etc., I explain to them that I already have a standing order for one (Trócaire) and away they go. I wasn't as nice to someone who called recently from eircom, though. I explained to him that it wasn't personal and I don't think he'll be coming back again. I always answer the door. Never know who it might be. And I have no problem getting rid of people who're looking for some of my money if I don't want to give it to them.

Can't wait for the next election, though! :D
Thats a bit harsh, not too many professions can be considered noble, but it takes a real thick skin to constantly be rejected in the hope that you pull through one call a day to meet your target. Maybe it is noble to go through this hell to provide for a family than it is to talk down or be unnecessarily rude to these people.

I actually did this for a living many years ago - commission only so potentially earning zero. I never did though - usually made reasonable money. It had it's upsides but it's only something I could do for so long as it can be soul destroying on slow days.

As for 'preying' on pensioners, well I certainly didn't and unless you call to sheltered accomodation or something how will you know who is going to answer the door anyway or what age they are?

Met some extremely interesting people though and it may surprise people to hear that in about a year of doing this on a daily basis, I can count on one hand the people that were actually rude to me.

Come to think of it, I got more "offers" if you know what I mean than rudeness...
I always feel sorry for these guys - expect the one French guy called and tried to sell me his painting and when I said no he asked if I wanted to make a contribution to his fund to travel the world:)...he was for real!!!

I get a lot of callers - eircom, NTL, charity collectors etc ...It must be a brutal job ... it costs nothing to be nice. I would never be rude to someone who called to my door. I might say 'no thanks - best of luck' or whatever but would never ignore the door or treat people badly. I made one young lad a cup of tea as it was ****ing rain and I just felt sorry for him...could be my son one day (or me if I lose my current job ;))