12 Years and counting


Registered User
Just wanted to share the fact that today is the 12th anniversary of my retirement - and it's still great!
Cheers Bill! :) I'll be heading your way in, ahh, eight years :mad:
Wow, it's great to see so many old people able to use them computer thingies. :p

Well done Bill, here's to the next 12 (and the 12 after that).
Why the sad face? I have well over thirty years to go, it feels like I have been working a lifetime as is:(.
I wouldn't mind chucking it in if I could afford to. I took a 1/2 pension 1/2 lumpsum in Canada a few years ago and will have to work 'til I'm 65 to qualify for the old age pension here. Oops, that's giving away my age :)
Congrats Bill, I'm waiting for my 6 numbers to come in, so I could retire tomorrow!

Haven't enough years behind me (and too many years ahead of me - hopefully!) to desert the sinking public sector ship just yet.....
Congrats Bill... am jealous. Still hoping my windfall comes early so I can retire at 26 :rolleyes:
Congrats Bill! Heres to another 12! I only have 27 years to go...Yippee! (unless they increase the retiremnt age!) so hopefully my AVC will pick up its value by then!
Thanks to all for your good wishes.
I would like to point out that, rather than being a layabout, I'm still doing my best for the world economy by going on holiday (with Mrs K) five or six times a year. ;)
