Tonight With Vincent Browne.

Lex Foutish

Registered User
I'm watching the above as I write. All the parties are on, minus the Greens, explaining what they'd do to solve our economic problems. Is anyone else watching? It's unbelievable!

Vintage Vincent Browne and nobody can answer a straight question! They're providing indisputable evidence that a change of Government would make no difference whatsoever because they don't seem to have a clue what they're at either! :mad:

I think it's on for an hour tonight.
Did you hear what he said to the Sinn Féin guy? He asked panelists if they could survive on €30k per annum and the Sinn Féin representative jumped in to say that his party has them working for the average industrial wage-to which Vincent Browne replied that they (SF) had a few bob of bank money stashed away somewhere that they could survive on!

Classic tv! :D
It was classic Vincent Browne allright. He lectured the FF guy on how tax non-residents pay no tax in Ireland, even on their Irish income and when he was corrected by the FF'r he still insisted that he was right. And guess what......Vincent was wrong.
Just because he shouts louder than his panel does not make him right. Will Vincent correct his error tonight?
I watched him b***hslap Simon Coveney around the place. The off-camera exasperated sighs were classic :D
I watched him b***hslap Simon Coveney around the place. The off-camera exasperated sighs were classic :D
Vinchenso is a legend, it's the only programme worth watching on TV3. Coveney is a clown; he was on Vincent's show during the Lisbon debate and was entirely clueless.
Vinchenso is a legend, it's the only programme worth watching on TV3. Coveney is a clown; he was on Vincent's show during the Lisbon debate and was entirely clueless.

I have to agree about Simon Coveney. I'm sure he is a nice guy but he doesn't seem the brightest.

Bound to happen when seats get 'inherited' in Ireland the way they do...
well Mr.Browne was on again last night with his own plan for saving the country. He based all his figures on there being 2.4m workers in Ireland but as I always thought, and as the small firms represntative pointed out, the max ever working in this country was 2.1m and thats before a few hundred thousand joined the dole and thousands more emigrated.

Of course he had his socialist icon on last night, Fr Sean Healy of Cori- why don't the church pay up towards the compo claims for sex abuse victims instread of the state picking up the vast majority of the bill in what was a scandalous deal by the Govt - if Fr.Sean wants to see more money made available for the Govt to spend. Of course when cutting the dole was mentioned, the 2 of them were aghast.
Was'nt it the OECD a few weeks ago who said we had the highest social welfare payments in the western world and the least enforecment in terms of punishing people on the dole who don't actively/genuinely seek work

He's sickening to listen to, but I love going to bed angry!!!
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Vintage Vincent Browne and nobody can answer a straight question! They're providing indisputable evidence that a change of Government would make no difference whatsoever because they don't seem to have a clue what they're at either! :mad:

This is so true and yet so worrying. Every time I hear Joan Burton or Enda I dispair.