Don't throw stones at bigger people than you they might be "Israeli"

Palestine is not a member of the United Nations. The most powerful member of the U.N. also tends not to be sympathetic to their grievance.

Maybe, but it doesn't give them the right to keep trying to murder their neighbours, especially when they have been brain washed by other nations.
The Arab population also thought they owned most of the territory awarded to Israel under the U.N. Partition Plan.

The UN partition plan would have given most of the land to the Arabs. The fact is that the Arabs invaded the day after the UN took control of Palestine and tried to take it all. The Jews kicked their collective asses and the border of Israel was established along the ceasefire lines. The next time the Arabs invaded Israel took control of Gaza (which was taken by force by Egypt in 1948 from the British Mandated area), The Golan Heights (which was given to Syria, then the French mandated area of Palestine, in the 20’s by the British resulting in many thousands of Jewish settlers being displaced) and the West Bank (taken by force by Jordan in 1948 from the British Mandated area).
Palestine is not a member of the United Nations. The most powerful member of the U.N. also tends not to be sympathetic to their grievance.
No, but it was granted observer status on 22 November 1974, more than two years before it was let in to the Arab League.
The UN partition plan would have given most of the land to the Arabs.

Incorrect, about 43% of Mandatory Palestine was allocated to the Arab state. In addition, only 7% of Palestine was in Jewish possession by 1947.

It's quite clear where your sympathies lie. Can you say with confidence that they would remain unchanged if, for the sake of argument, the U.N. had decided to partition this country and allocate Leinster and Munster to a Jewish state?
It's quite clear where your sympathies lie.

I hate to create a conflict between posters, but each time there is a conflict in the Middle East, the blame always gets apportioned to Israel and the Jewish State. Absolutely no where in modern history has Israel started any type of conflict, but the world is hell bent is making determined efforts to blame a minority. Is it any wonder that Israel has to maintain a comprehensive military arsenal. The Arabs states do not wish to make any kind of peace moves with the Israelis and overall Jews worldwide have to be thrown and endure Anti Semitic slander to fuel a cause which was not of the Israelis/Jewish making in the first instance.
Incorrect, about 43% of Mandatory Palestine was allocated to the Arab state. In addition, only 7% of Palestine was in Jewish possession by 1947.
I am sure you are aware of the 1939 white paper which imposed prohibitions and restrictions on land transfers to the Jewish citizenry and that as a result much of the Jewish settlement was done informally (almost always through land purchase rather than squatting or land grap)

It's quite clear where your sympathies lie. Can you say with confidence that they would remain unchanged if, for the sake of argument, the U.N. had decided to partition this country and allocate Leinster and Munster to a Jewish state?
My sympathies lie with both sides but I recognise that the bad guys of the piece have been the Arab states who have worked hard not to solve the problem.
Your analogy would be more fitting if the UN gave the six counties of Ulster that are part of the UK to the Irish Republic.
Do you really think that the article warrants comment. So it is OK for the Palestinians to deploy Suicide bombers into Israel to kill as many as possible without warning. But Israel is not permitted to defend its own people. The entire debacle of this entire conflict has been well noted here. I think it pretty useless and stubborn to try and assemble support for a bunch of terrorists. Check as to why this conflict restarted itself - them we all might take the perspective that it is so wrong to kill Palestinian women and children, but it is equally as wrong to murder Israelis. The only difference is that the Palestinians would slaughter ten times more Israelis if they were able.
Do you really think that the article warrants comment. So it is OK for the Palestinians to deploy Suicide bombers into Israel to kill as many as possible without warning. But Israel is not permitted to defend its own people. The entire debacle of this entire conflict has been well noted here. I think it pretty useless and stubborn to try and assemble support for a bunch of terrorists. Check as to why this conflict restarted itself - them we all might take the perspective that it is so wrong to kill Palestinian women and children, but it is equally as wrong to murder Israelis. The only difference is that the Palestinians would slaughter ten times more Israelis if they were able.

Why do people continually throw the line "So it is OK for the Palestinians to deploy Suicide bombers into Israel to kill as many as possible without warning. But Israel is not permitted to defend its own people" at people as soon as anyone dares criticise Israel. Thats not what the poster was suggesting at all as you know well. I also don't think he was trying to assemble support for terrorists
You seem to be suggesting that we should Israel by the same standards that we judge Hammas. But why should we? Developed civilised democratic countries have to be judged using higher standards or else what are we fighting against in this so called war on terror?
I have been critical of the level of force used by Israel since day one and I do believe that they have a serious case to answer for some of their actions. However, articles like this and the reaction of many Israeli people to the stories coming out show that unlike Hammas, Israel does genuinely care about the loss of human life and for that reason they deserve our support in their battle against terrorists. That support doesn't extend to a blank cheque and it doesn't exempt them from having to answer for their actions just like the scrutinty the US has faced in places like Iraq and guantanamo bay.
I have been critical of the level of force used by Israel since day one and I do believe that they have a serious case to answer for some of their actions.

So Hammas has no questions to be answered as to why they broke the cease fire in the first instance. Or the groups collecting signatures or money on Irish streets who make efforts to intimidate people that do not wish to offer support for terrorists although they do so quietly.
Why do people continually throw the line "So it is OK for the Palestinians to deploy Suicide bombers into Israel to kill as many as possible without warning. But Israel is not permitted to defend its own people" at people as soon as anyone dares criticise Israel. Thats not what the poster was suggesting at all as you know well. I also don't think he was trying to assemble support for terrorists
You seem to be suggesting that we should Israel by the same standards that we judge Hammas. But why should we? Developed civilised democratic countries have to be judged using higher standards or else what are we fighting against in this so called war on terror?
I have been critical of the level of force used by Israel since day one and I do believe that they have a serious case to answer for some of their actions. However, articles like this and the reaction of many Israeli people to the stories coming out show that unlike Hammas, Israel does genuinely care about the loss of human life and for that reason they deserve our support in their battle against terrorists. That support doesn't extend to a blank cheque and it doesn't exempt them from having to answer for their actions just like the scrutinty the US has faced in places like Iraq and guantanamo bay.
Well said