Who's the worst member of the government?

Coughlan (in her current role.) Agriculture suited her though!

Coughlan is going downhill rapidly in everyones books. Agriculture suited her to a point but there are similiaritys betwen the closing of the the Greencore factorys in 2005/6 and the Dell plant as she was seen as not doing enough to halt the closures in both situations.
As Tainaiste and Minister for trade & employment I think she is out of her depth.

Cowen is quickly running out of time to redeem himself.
Mary Coughlan is way, way out of her depth. She is a local politician at heart and should go back to the parish pump.

Where to start, oh yes, the Celtic Tiger economy inherited from the Rainbow Government, good times. Things went downhill when Cowen took over from McCreevy in finance. Things have gone steadily downhill since then and look where we are now!!

Not that any of the rest of them are any great shakes but Cowen has screwed the country and now represents us on the international stage as (unelected) leader of the country. No wonder we're in the state we're in!
Not that any of the rest of them are any great shakes but Cowen has screwed the country and now represents us on the international stage as (unelected) leader of the country. No wonder we're in the state we're in!

He is quick to lash out the statement that this country is not alone in these difficult times and that there is a worldwide recession etc. This may be true but in his role as minister for finance and subsequently as Taoiseach, he cant admit that he and is cohorts did not do all they could and should have done.
If they introduced a tough & stringent budget back in October we'd be nearly 5 months in to it and a lot of the moaning would be over and done with before christmas. The Governments continued procrastination is doing as more damage than any opposition party. We need to be led, I would find the whole lot easier to digest if we had a strong confident leaders that we could trust to lead us out of this.
Joan Burton - now imagine her in power!!

Oh God, Angrylad. Totally agree!

Did you see her on with Vincent Browne last night? She kept talking rubbish and refused to give a relevant answer to anything! Infuriating! :mad:

If that's the quality of the Opposition, who the hell are we going to vote for next time round?
That there's been no mention of Noel Dempsey confirms a lot of things I've always thought of him. He's a good "politician", like a good number of other members, but that's nothing to be proud of. The man doesn't have an original thought in his head and couldn't manage his way out of a wet paper bad.

I genuinely expect him to be the next leader of FF.
McCreevey drew the roadmap. Cowen followed it.

Bertie is the man who is to blame for the current mess. Cowan had a hand in it, as did McCreevey, as did the rainbow government which started to spend way ahead of inflation and take people out of the tax net, but the buck stopped with Bertie.
It is worth noting that at no stage did Labour ever suggest that the government cut back on spending or increase taxes in any meaningful way. No amount of BS from Joan Burton will change that.

IMO the last good government we had from an economic point of view (and that's the only criteria I vote on since the courts decide social change) was the FF/Labour government of Albert Reynolds and Dick Spring. I wonder how things would have turned out of Reynolds didn't have the ego/stubbornness or inferiority complex that meant he had to claim total vindication after the beef tribunal and force Dick Spring to pull out of the coalition.
Just what it says, my vote is for Mary Coughlan; a clown amongst clowns.
Yes. Coughlan is chief clown of the troop. Many seem to be out of their depth and treading water, and certainly Roche and Cullen are the hardest to stomach, but Mary C is all/lost at sea. Given the import of her position at this time, she is the most glaring example of the Peter Principle that I've ever seen. What's worse is that she's in that position largely due to nonsense gender balance considerations.
Bertie is the man who is to blame for the current mess. Cowan had a hand in it, as did McCreevey, as did the rainbow government which started to spend way ahead of inflation and take people out of the tax net, but the buck stopped with Bertie.

At least McCreevy controlled Government spending in the early noughties before he was sent into lucrative European exile. He also used some of the surplus revenue for the national pension reserve fund.

Let's keep the blame clearly focused on Cowen and Bertie and not taint McCreevy's name.
At least McCreevy controlled Government spending in the early noughties before he was sent into lucrative European exile. He also used some of the surplus revenue for the national pension reserve fund.

Let's keep the blame clearly focused on Cowen and Bertie and not taint McCreevy's name.

Setting up the National Pensions Reserve Fund was a good move. Just about every other major change he made was not good. He set us down the wrong road in terms of exchequer funding, and pointing that out is not tainting his name: it's putting the blame where it should be put.

Al that Cowen did as Minister for Finance was to follow the trail that McCreevy blazed for him. That is what Cowen did wrong.
i think david Begg is the worst member of government followed closely by turlough o sullivan
Cowen didn't just follow through on McCreevy's policies. McCreevy kept the government in surplus. Cowen pulled out all the stops and took spending out of control. In his first year he increased it by almost 10%, he increased it again the next year and in the third year before the 2007 general election he made one of the most irresponsible budgets in the history of the state. It was clear to many commentators at the time that it was unsustainable.
An awfull pity Cullen didn't follow the door from the helicopter............wait for the claim for post traumatic stress
Yes. Coughlan is chief clown of the troop. Many seem to be out of their depth and treading water, and certainly Roche and Cullen are the hardest to stomach, but Mary C is all/lost at sea. Given the import of her position at this time, she is the most glaring example of the Peter Principle that I've ever seen. What's worse is that she's in that position largely due to nonsense gender balance considerations.

If the whole country can see this, why can't Cowen? To leave her in charge of Enterprise, Trade & Employment when its probably never been a more important and crucial economic Department is irresponsible in the extreme.