Formalities at big sporting events


Registered User
I was at the Ireland v England rugby game at the weekend and I don't know if I haven't noticed before or if this was particulary long but has anyone else noticed how long they keep the players standing around. They line up, President walks out and stops, Presidential salute is played, President walks down the line meeting the players, President walks back to seat, English national anthem is played, Irish National anthem is played and finally Irelands call is played. The whole thing lasted over 10 minutes. It must drive the players mad. In this day and age, is there any need for the President to meet the players at all and this charade of two anthems also has to stop.
I didn't see it but remember the first Ireland / England clash at Croke Park a few years ago and it could be said that the emotion drummed up during the singing of the anthems prior to the game may have set the scene for victory. Anyway that was nothing to having to watch Hector poncing about prior to the Dublin v's Tyrone game at the end of January, the only highlight being Hectors legging it after he foolheartedly approached Hill 16 with a cheery greeting only to be met with a response reserved specially for Meath men.
Whilst I have no interest in any sport I do think that the whole meeting/greeting & anthem thing seems rather quaint and uptight in this day and age.
I was never a fan of anthems at sporting events.

And the fact that we have 2 must make us the laughing stock of the sporting world:rolleyes:
I was never a fan of anthems at sporting events.

+1 - particularly as we constantly have the talking heads telling us that politics and sport should be kept separate from each other e.g. olympics and apartheid etc.
Why shouldn't there be national anthems, especially at international games? Representing your country is probably the biggest single honour for any sporting person and I'm sure they revel in hearing the anthem played and knowing that they are ready to give it all for their country.

I noticed how long it took though after Mary greeted the players, to get to her seat. A bit too much for sure, I was practically roaring at the screen telling her to hurry the feck up.. The players on both sides were raring to go, they shoulda got things over and the match started asap.
A lot of professional sports people like the formalities. A timetabled structured procedure is good for calming the nerves and getting into the correct mindset. It reduces the anxious waiting time - if they didnt have the formalities, they'd be hanging around the dressing room. It can also help to get atuned to the venue - parading out and standing on the pitch for 10-15 mins, looking around etc. in a calm controlled manner can make you feel more comfortable in the venue.