Why have beagle dogs bad reps?

Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

Disagree, different if the dog has another dog for company but long days penned up alone not good for any dog.

OP has specified that husband will be home at lunch time to dog, so if that's true then dog will be on it's own for four-five hour periods - I don't think that's unacceptable.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

OP, I also, would love to have a dog, but I work alot as does my wife so I don't think I could give it the care it needs. It is a massive responsibilty to take on so put the romantic idea to one side and be true to yourself. If your happy you can cope, go for it.

A mate of mine has a house on a one acre site, he put that electric underground system in, it's where the dog wears a collar and it beeps followed by a short shock if the dog wonders to close to the boundary, it has been a great success in keeping the dog on the property and giving him loads of room to move around during the day when he and his wife are out.
He did however find that the dog was a bit sad, even though they spent loads of time in the evening together. He got a second smaller dog and the two of them have great craic together during the day.
It may be wise to consider you may need a second dog in the future.

best of luck.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

OP has specified that husband will be home at lunch time to dog, so if that's true then dog will be on it's own for four-five hour periods - I don't think that's unacceptable.

Depends on how long the lunch time is and if it really materialises......

Still could be alone for two very long stretches twice a day.

Course the real issue here is that people (like me) may be on saying 'oh dont do that, shelters wont give you a dog to do that' etc.... but if OP goes to private breeder and buys a dog there is no one to ask after the welfare of the animal.

No suggesting OP is intent on being nasty to a dog - but it is an issue that people go and get dogs from places that dont care what happens to the dog after its been paid for.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

Hi, I have no intention of conning the system or been cruel at all. I am going to a dog pound because I want to at least give one of their little faces a home. I won't get a beagle as you answered my suspicions, I can just ask the kennel people and see what they say.
But I do understand what you are all saying, perhaps two wee dogs would be better, its just at mums house, she is usually at home and I don't really see the harm in having a large pen to run around all day in, kennel when it rains, in at 5.15 every evening in front of the fire. Perhaps two little dogs, perhaps terriers (fantastic personality) might suit. Will see what they say.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

There has been a recent thread where someone suggested restraining a dog in a garden on a spike and chain! I honestly dont know where ignorance ends and cruelty begins.

We do this with one of our dogs as he cant be trusted, once the tether is long enough and he cant wrap himself around anything its no harm.

A pocket beagel dog isnt that big so a few hours on its own each day in a decent siized run + kennel to shelter in would be alright. Exercise in the evenings is a must in this instance obviously. Our dogs are out all day every day these days so walks arent as big a deal. When they were home alone for a few hours each day they were walked every evening, and that included a long stint off the leash and often a good swim.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

Perhaps two little dogs, perhaps terriers (fantastic personality) might suit. Will see what they say.

I adore terriers and have one myself (with another cross breed) but beware! you need to make sure you're garden is escape proof. Terriers (ie jack russell style) are very mischievous and clever so can get bored easily. Our terrier has gotten to the roof of the shed, ended up in next door neighbours garden, also made it to top of 7 foot aviary and one night had to be pulled out from the bottom of the neighbourhood electricity box. She's brillaint craic and i wouldn't change it for the world but she does require alot of attention and play, and that's with having another dog to play with during the day.

It could be worth your while to see if the DSPCA etc have two dogs that need homing together that would be past the puppy years.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

Hi, I know, we always had terriers/jack russells at our home house, I love them, they are great craic especially the mungrels, just my husband wants a beagle but I think I will bounce it on the head, terriers seem more robust to me anyway. I was going to go for an older dog anyway, around 1 if possible, as pups sell quick anyway, plus with the new house, the kennel will have them potty trained already. Will probably, if allowed, get a brother & sister or something like that, that are used to each other, get on.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

Mongrels are definitely a better option imo, they are far less likely to suffer from health issues that can be related to certain breeds of pedigree dog, and as far as i'm concerned they have much better characters. Also as someone previously said beagles are very much pack dogs and would probably not do as well by themselves.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

We do this with one of our dogs as he cant be trusted, once the tether is long enough and he cant wrap himself around anything its no harm.

I dont understand what this means, its the owners responsibility to ensure that an area in which a dog is kept is safe and free of anything that the dog cant be 'trusted' with. I agree that its safe to tether a dog for short waiting periods, but the suggestion I referred to was to actually keep a dog in a back garden this way - as his normal way of life.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

Hi, I know, we always had terriers/jack russells at our home house, I love them, they are great craic especially the mungrels, just my husband wants a beagle but I think I will bounce it on the head, terriers seem more robust to me anyway. I was going to go for an older dog anyway, around 1 if possible, as pups sell quick anyway, plus with the new house, the kennel will have them potty trained already. Will probably, if allowed, get a brother & sister or something like that, that are used to each other, get on.

Two dog will definitely sort out the loneliness issue, if you mean 'pound' when you refer to 'kennel' then dont expect them to be house trained, they are not always depending on the circumstances in which they were found. Be aware also that older dogs from pounds can have behavioural problems from being 'institutionalised' that you may need to work on.
Litter mates are definitely a good idea for ensuring the get along with each other, I know our local shelter often houses 2 existing pals together if possible and would be delighted to have both homed together.

Depending on where you get a dog they are likely to do a home inspection, so you should have your set up ready in advance to show your intentions.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

Lots of decent advice here and viewpoints of all sorts. Whatever the OP decides to do, it is important to avoid the situation where a dog is behind a side gate barking at everything that passes because it is home alone and bored. I've encountered this several times in large housing estates and it strikes me as incredibly selfish of the owners to keep often big animals locked up in postage stamp gardens all day.

I had a dog once and it would take a lot to convince me to get one again. It was like having a child... except I didn't have any children and my life was not set up for kids. The dog suffered, I suffered and it was a great relief all round when it went to a new home - it was great to know that it would have all-day company in the new set up.

I think that you can only really suck-it-and-see with a dog. Their personalities can be so strong and unique that it may be the situation that one will not settle and another will.

Another thing that was said to me was that an older dog would be better choice, less exercise and more tranquil, but that went down like a ton of lead with the partner in case 'the dog might die soon'.

I rationalised that if the pounds are full of unwanted animals and the motivation is to give one a home, then the older, seemingly 'less desirable' dog could be a better choice for someone who hasn't as much time.
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

I hear you about the older dogs as they are the ones that really pull on your heart strings but like your partner, I would also fear they would die soon. You get so attached to a dog, and in a way, it is like a child, but when they die it is like a small death in the family. After our last dog died I was in bits, we all were, but our new little terrier is full of life & fun, so you do get over it eventually, because they can be replaced which seems sad but it's true. Probably why they are looking to clone dogs now using the old dogs DNA!!!
Re: Why have beagle dogs bad reps? why was it closed

What really annoys me is people getting dogs and not known the commitment that's involved. Some people I know have dogs that are locked up in the back all day long. I absolutely love dogs... after all they are not judgemental and don't care how you look .. lols.... I look like a cross between Freddie Kruger and the serial killer out of Silence of the Lambs... anyhow do I have a dog? No, becuase I simply can't commit to it at this moment in time. Mind you didn't the serial killer have a dog?
So, because we work all day (my husband will go home at lunch), you state we can't own a dog even though it will get loads of love off us in the evenings and weekends.

I doubt vey much that if you and your husband are working all day that your dogs will be the main priority in the evenings.

I just don't get people that lock their dogs in gardens all day long. Exactly what do they get out of it??:mad:
If you're commited to your dogs in the evenings and weekends that's a great life for a dog. Realistically most households are empty during the day but a walk before work, a walk and a play in the evenings and alot of walks and attention at the weekends is plenty, as most posters are saying the commitment and time involved cannot be underestimated.
I doubt vey much that if you and your husband are working all day that your dogs will be the main priority in the evenings.

I just don't get people that lock their dogs in gardens all day long. Exactly what do they get out of it??:mad:

Couldnt agree more, what about the shopping/cleaning/eating/sleeping/chores/socialising etc that people have to do of an evening when they work full time? Realistically how much time would you be giving to a dog?
I feel many old and not so old people living alone would be delighted if they got the attention which some posters feel should be given to dogs. I fully agree dogs need company and attention but it can be overdone. Incidentally if OP has children he might consider getting two dogs in case one of them passes away which can be very emotional experience both for the kids and the owners