Summer of rage

So I put the question to you. Do you think it is impossible for middle class people to turn violent and riot or is that job exclusively dedicated to the working classes only?

Everbody is able to turn violent, different persons just have different trigger points.

In Greece the so called "middle class" actualy are buying the stones to throw at their goverment. Well at least to some report in the guardian.

According to the unions I'm upper class, according to upper class I'm workers class and according to myself I don't care.

I also have no intention to riot but than again it's not down to me what other people do.
I'm arguably "middle class" and as such, I think you all have equally valid points and all have a perfect right to voice them. ;)
Apart from a predictable rise in anti-social behaviour (which no one should tolerate or approve of), there won't be any "riots" unless the IMF arrive.

The disturbances in O Connell St during the Love Ulster parade were nothing but scangers looking for trouble. Most of them wouldn't find there This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language with a map, let alone the North of Ireland.

The middle classes savings, pensions and investments will be wiped out. They'll be lucky to own the clothes on their backs.

Ah! sorry, had been reading about California and had visions of the Terminator coming 'a shooting. Yeah, but then the way we have as a Nation been spending on credit, it may be more of a case of hoping their debt is wiped out!!
Some of the strongest views I've heard expressed against the pensions levy have come from the Gardai, who had 2,000 members (out of a total of 14,000 I think) on the streets today protesting against the levy.

I'm not expecting any summer of rage, except maybe in Fianna Fail HQ on the day after the local/european/byelections in June.
I've only heard one Garda complaining about the levy so far. Giving out as he'd only recently put an extension on to his already substantial house.
My boyfriend is a Guard and he's not too bothered about the pension levy as he expected the cuts to be worse. However, he thinks that if they don't make a big fuss now that they might be seen as a "soft touch" and hit again with cuts in the near future.
I have been told by someone working on the set up for the Fianna Fail Ard Fheis that they are putting on loads of extra security this weekend and are preparing for everything including roits. Should be great craic
The French Revolution was led by the 'middle class' of the Third Estate, the Bourgeoisie and the lower classes rowed in with them; The Sans Culottes (in modern terms, roughly translated as those with no @rse in their trousers). It happened because of inequitity in the tax system. Does history repeat itself?
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The American Revolution happened because a bunch or rich land-owning Freemasons didn’t want to pay their taxes either... strange how thing turn out.
I've only heard one Garda complaining about the levy so far. Giving out as he'd only recently put an extension on to his already substantial house.

The cheek of him, eh - Imagine a public servant getting above his station (no pun intended) and having a 'substantial house' - get thee back to the tenaments.
The cheek of him, eh - Imagine a public servant getting above his station (no pun intended) and having a 'substantial house' - get thee back to the tenaments.

That made me laugh, you need it this early in the morning! Most people are worried about losing their jobs, his only worry was that he had just finished building his extension and that the *******s were taking a bit extra off him.
his only worry was that he had just finished building his extension and that the *******s were taking a bit extra off him.
So he's one of the few people in the country keeping builders and banks in business, and presumably had substantial bills to pay and repayments to make, and find it unreasonable that he's concerned about an 8% cut in his gross pay?
Listen, PaddyW's opinion and turn of phrase is only one person's perception of another person's views. I'm sure the PS had more than the cost of an extension as his argument against the levy!

Give it a rest, lads! It is not a them and us situation despite what the government would like it to be. Remember the old adage 'divide and conquer'!
Give it a rest, lads! It is not a them and us situation despite what the government would like it to be. Remember the old adage 'divide and conquer'!

I couldn't agree more, at the weekend a friend who works as a Lecturer and Researcher in a Uni was telling me that her sister (who ironically as this tale transgresses works for a major financial institution who have been in the news for all the wrong reasons lately) told her that she (and all public servants) should take a pay cut because she "gets paid a lot" It is kinda funny how the opionated tentacles of Talbot Street wrap themselves around our psyche.