Bag Packers and Ticket Sellers in Supermarkets

because its not about paying them - its about donating to a worthy cause... and who said i packed my own bags? showing someone how to do it correctly is an active learning situation if you get me.
There was a previous thread about this. I'm not very keen on these bag packers either but sometimes feel obliged to donate, particularly in a local community setting where I know the collector. I even once donated to a charity that wanted to offer homeopathy in the third world. :rolleyes:
those folks are not scouts or looking for a trip to adventure. I have to say i would never pass a charity which i feel is being hard done by, by a government which does not gather enough taxes to take care of them properly. Those with disabilities in this country are often unseen and unheard of so if their charities are raising money so they can have a voice or get some additional care then so what if my bags are packed poorly.
I wish people would keep these issues in mind when it comes to voting in elections. We need to stop providing basic, essential services through charity, and start providing basic, essential services as a matter of right.
I wish people would keep these issues in mind when it comes to voting in elections. We need to stop providing basic, essential services through charity, and start providing basic, essential services as a matter of right.

I do not often agree with Complainer but he has a point there. The State must provide core services and maintain a minimum standard of care.

Now quite possibly complainer and me are going to disagree about what are core services and who many people we need to deliver them but that is good because we need a debate about that.

If the state will efficently delivery what charities are doing than I'm more than happy to pay the state the money I currently give to different charities. But that is a big IF.
Never mind H Williams. I remember the Liptons bicycle deliveries hail rain or snow.