Is it true 75% of new car sales are to Public sector workers ?

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A friend of my wife applied for car finance and was turned down....

Reason, she had no dependants....but put on the side she had one on the way. She was turned down on the basis that she might not have a job after maternity leave.
........... I personally think it is mad buying a new car anyway

Agree, better to hold off buying cars for now - can't be long before society breaks down completely - riots,shootings,storming of the Dail (should be easy -never anyone in) barricades,car-jackings.....would be an awful waste to see lots of new cars go up in smoke....better to wait until after the revolution....we could then import cars from Cuba......
Nobody is saying the "only sales are to public servants." However, the owner of one garage does know who his customers are / what they work at. Many people in country areas are like that. If someone is spending 15 or 20 or 30 0r 40 k then someone in the Garage usually knows or gets to know where they work or what they work at. Most garages in the country are finding things very tight this year, so well done to those still keeping a bit of money circulating. I suppose Garages differ and one garages business will not be the same as anothers.

No, but you are saying 75% of sales could be to public servants. Unless people are applying for finance through the garage, then most of the Garages do not know what they work at.

I agree with the person above who said there is still money in the Country, apart from public servants. Anyone who is still working will find their circumstances have not changed. The only thing is, with the media scaremongering, people are not as quick to spend their cash. The feeling in the industry is that people will relax a bit and live their lives as before and those who would normally change their car may still do so. I dont know if this is the case, but I hope so.
Unless people are applying for finance through the garage, then most of the Garages do not know what they work at.
lol lol. Maybe a few of the big garages in the big cities work like that, but I can assure many is the garage owner who knows his or her business knows who his or her customers are. In some country areas, some people would know what ye have for breakfast, never mind what ye work at, if ye gave them 20 or 40 k for a car !

I agree with the person above who said there is still money in the Country, apart from public servants. Anyone who is still working will find their circumstances have not changed.
Rubbish....many people are still "working" but on a lot less money....from the plumber to the tiler to the person who makes breakfast the those who sell luxury items solicitors to estate agents to those who work in those who sell interior those who sell boats or those who work in many factories on a 3 day its not true to say "anyone who is still working will find their circumstances have not changed "
I deal with many garage owners in both country and city areas and they dont know (or care) what exactly their customers do. It never makes it onto any kind of stats list that matters. My point is that there is nowhere that collates these kind of stats, so it is just heresay. I went into a garage in a small enough town enquiring about changing my car. The sales person never asked what I worked at. He was more interested to see if I could get a sale.

Many people are still working in their same jobs and still on the same money, despite what the media tells you....if they are lucky redundancy will not come knocking on their door. Whilst I have some friends not working, I have a good few friends who are better off now, prices have come down but their jobs (and income) remain stable. Not everyone has taken a pay cut. Can they ride it out until the tide changes. Hope so.
I deal with many garage owners in both country and city areas and they dont know (or care) what exactly their customers do. It never makes it onto any kind of stats list that matters. My point is that there is nowhere that collates these kind of stats, so it is just heresay. I went into a garage in a small enough town enquiring about changing my car. The sales person never asked what I worked at. He was more interested to see if I could get a sale.


I don't agree with the stat as it has nothing to back to it up exceep heresay but I don't think you would go to the garages to get the stats. A much better source would be to look at who is getting finance for a new car. That would break it down into profession. I don't have the numbers and don't know if they are published so it will have to remian an urban legend!
I went into a garage in a small enough town enquiring about changing my car. The sales person never asked what I worked at. He was more interested to see if I could get a sale.
Had you bought the car, I wonder would your background / job / requirements have cropped up in conversation at all? If you were remotely from the "small enough town", I guarantee someone working in the garage would have known you or known of you or known someone you knew...thats how things work if you spend 20 or 40k. It makes good marketing / common sense if nothing else to know where your customer base comes from. Many garages do not wait for customers to drop in from Mars, sign a cheque for say 20 or 30 k and only mutter in return "have a nice day" lol Customers are not that plentiful. Plus of course many people who buy a car know someone in the garage already before they even buy it, be they in the same sports club, parish, old school, neighbourhood, etc

. Not everyone has taken a pay cut. .
Earlier you wrote "Anyone who is still working will find their circumstances have not changed." I put it to you that there are a lot of people working who have indeed changed circumstances ( eg from the plumber to the tiler to the brickie to the carpenter to the person who makes breakfast the those who sell luxury items solicitors to estate agents to those who work in those who sell interior those who sell boats or holidays or hot tubs boutiques....etc etc ).
Agree, better to hold off buying cars for now - can't be long before society breaks down completely - riots,shootings,storming of the Dail (should be easy -never anyone in) barricades,car-jackings.....would be an awful waste to see lots of new cars go up in smoke....better to wait until after the revolution....we could then import cars from Cuba......

reason i wouldnt buy a new car is because of depreciation once I pull out of the garage
reason i wouldnt buy a new car is because of depreciation once I pull out of the garage

True, but if you plan to keep it for a long time that shouldn't hit you too badly.

I bought a nissan in Jan 07 and i intend to keep it for a long long long time. Just keep it serviced and fingers crossed once the payments are all made i'll have many years of "free" driving.
MandyC wrote that he " went into a garage in a small enough town enquiring about changing his car ". That was his information.

I think I would trust good friends and family more.
MandyC wrote that he " went into a garage in a small enough town enquiring about changing his car ". That was his information.

I think I would trust good friends and family more.

What does this matter? There appears no point to this thread apart form the OP informing that a friend in the motor trade in a small country town believes that the majority of new car sales are, he thinks, being bought by public servants.

What will we have next, 50% of breakfast rolls in Spar in Chapeizod are bought by students? Is this nota tiny bit irrelevant accepting, of course, the parameters of the LOS forum.
MandyC wrote that he " went into a garage in a small enough town enquiring about changing his car ". That was his information.

I think I would trust good friends and family more.

The problem is not to jump to assumptions as regards peoples posts. Firstly, I am a a woman. Secondly, the fact of the matter is I did go into a garage in a small enough town enquiring about changing my car. (as part of a marketing exercise)

If you read my other posts, I have stated three times that I work in the Motor Trade.

I am telling you first hand, from the horses mouth, that there are no stats available across the board as to the occupations of who cars are sold to. There is no nationwide database.

Your friends who work in the trade must be in quite Junior positions, otherwise they would know this.
So ? Why do you ask ?

I ask because I work in the Motor Trade 40 hours a week and have stats coming out my ears, none of which tell which occupations are buying new cars.

The old saying "teaching granny how to suck eggs" springs to mind.

This thread is a bit weird to be honest. The OP asked the question "is it true that 75% of new car sales are to Public Sector workers"? Yet, when told there is no way of knowing, does not want to accept this as fact.

What is the problem with people in the public sector anyway. Are they not allowed have a new car for some reason. Or am I missing something!
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