Is it true 75% of new car sales are to Public sector workers ?

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I know new car sales are down 65% to 70% this year , according to reports. I heard though that of the new 2009 cars that were sold this year, three quarters were to public sector workers of one type or another ( people whose job and pension was guaranteed by the government ).

Any truth in that rumour?

I know from a friend who has a quality clothes shop in a smallish town (where everyone knows most people ) that most sales there over the past six months follow the same pattern.

Thank God someone is spending money anyway or the government would have no tax coming in at all.
I don't think these statistics exist.

I think rabbit is setting up a "straw man" here and will proceed to beat it to a pulp! :)
It does not take an einstein to arrive at that conclusion, if most in the privtae sector have lost their jobs, all the cowboys in the building trade have had their come uppance(hee hee heee) then it follows that the public sector are the only people with money to spend. And dont forget the Greens kept fianna fail in power. I for one cant wait for the next general election and I know who will get elected. Talk about gluttons for punishement.

A final example, a top man screws up, offers to resign, instead retires and then in effect wins the pools. What incentive is there for anyone to do a proper job in the future. I get more if I fail. Of course he will rush out and buy his car or cars in the uk.

Just out of curiosity has anyone been ever asked what their occupation was when buying a car, unless finance is being provided.

I would take this with a large quantity of salt. Just sounds like another angle to get at public servants again. Bring back the ceasefire again please Sueellen.
who keeps them kind of statistics?
I read "new car sales are down 65% to 70% this year" in the paper, as well as hearing it on the grapevine from those in the motor trade. One garageman said 75% of his sales were to public sector people or people with government jobs eg teacher / lecturer / nurse etc. Its hardly surprising seeing as much of the rest of the economy has dried up. A farmer I was talking to recently complained about the price he was getting for milk was half what it was a few years ago etc. Shops / retail sales are way down, the construction industry is very quiet etc....its not rocket science for a garage man to know who most of his customers are.( He knows many people in his locality....and if they buy a car off him, he know then then !)
Question is, is that experience ( of 75% of sales to public sector people ) widespread ? As I said, thank God someone is spending money anyway or the government would have no tax coming in at all.
Public sector workers don't have to buy new cars. They get them for free, like their pensions.

A guy in a garage told me.
No I disagree, TD's etc are public sector as well, and look at the way they have organised their pay, pensions for leaving cabinet payable immediately plus existing salary, retaining teaching jobs, I could go on. We are paying for all these OBSCENE arrangements, ala la enda, gave up a pay rise but kept quite about his 15,000 grand pesnsion. Bertie gets a fortune. The man resigned in shame.

And a public sector person retires on a pension based on the grade and when the current pay for that grade increases his/her pension increases accordingly. If one had set up a committee on how to screw as much as possible from joe soap they could not come up with anything to beat the current arrangements. A proper leader would bite the bulllet make proper decisions. They pay themselves more than anyone else in the WORLD not just europe and what do they do of any note ... in a word NOTHING. Its immoral, unethical and we have these people to blame for the mess we are in.

I should add that no doubt UNIONS the protectors of the common people had a hand in these financial deals and did not do anything about the unfairness of it.

Aresene winger excuses time afer time, .. I did not read that, I was not told that, it was not brought to my attention etc etc. We are treated like idiots.

I know new car sales are down 65% to 70% this year , according to reports. I heard though that of the new 2009 cars that were sold this year, three quarters were to public sector workers of one type or another ( people whose job and pension was guaranteed by the government ).

Any truth in that rumour?

I know from a friend who has a quality clothes shop in a smallish town (where everyone knows most people ) that most sales there over the past six months follow the same pattern.

Thank God someone is spending money anyway or the government would have no tax coming in at all.

Car sales are down by over 66% (with BMW and Merc’s down over 80%). That's a matter of record as VRT info is publically accessible.
The rest is hear-say but even if true then so what?
That is a bizarre assumption.

Am in the motor trade and if those kind of stats were available I would know about it.
That is a bizarre assumption.

Am in the motor trade and if those kind of stats were available I would know about it.

I got this list from a guy in the motor trade;
Passenger: 2009 2008 over/under
Total Total Total
B.M.W. ..............268.......1476.......-81.8%
LAND ROVER...........12........312...........-96.2%
PRIVATE IMPORTS...170.......230............-26.1%
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I took MandaC to be referring to the assumption of the OP

So did I.

Rabbit, do your reliable sources have any stats for who bought the most 4X4s, mercs etc over the last 2-3 years. I bet it wasn't public servants.
I'd imagine most cars being bought are purchased in the UK so the govt. are probably still coining it in with VRT payments. Its the middle of February now and I still haven't seen a 09 registered car on the road.
I know new car sales are down 65% to 70% this year , according to reports. I heard though that of the new 2009 cars that were sold this year, three quarters were to public sector workers of one type or another ( people whose job and pension was guaranteed by the government ).

Any truth in that rumour?

Probably not.
I took MandaC to be referring to the assumption of the OP

Absolutely correct. I have all the stats in the world as to what models have been bought, ranking, whats going up, whats going down, etc, but where someone is coming up with details of the occupations of the people buying the cars I just cant fathom.
I know new car sales are down 65% to 70% this year , according to reports. I heard though that of the new 2009 cars that were sold this year, three quarters were to public sector workers of one type or another ( people whose job and pension was guaranteed by the government ).

Any truth in that rumour?

I know from a friend who has a quality clothes shop in a smallish town (where everyone knows most people ) that most sales there over the past six months follow the same pattern.

Thank God someone is spending money anyway or the government would have no tax coming in at all.

Rabbit, i have a very very very big spoon here if you would like to borrow it to stir the $hit:rolleyes:
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