Tribunal anyone?


Registered User
Its funny that we spent millions and millions and many years on tribunals for relatively small planning & property deals and yet now when we need a 'tribunal' to investigate large scale Bank corruption, nobody has the appetite for them...
Totally, totally agree with Ninsaga on this one. There really has to be jail time done by the guilty parties in the banking system and probably by their apologists in the political system too.

Anglo is ever increasingly looking like Enron. The tragedy for Ireland is that our government bails out the guilty rather than jails them.
On a related point, which tribunals are still ongoing and does anyione know the approximate cost of keeping them going?
Think I saw this on the Examiner the other day that tribunals had cost €366mil so far. Alot of wealthy solicitors as a result!
The one good point about the transgressions of Bankers is that there is transparancy, there is an easily detected moneytrail once its looked for so there isn't necessarily a tribunal needed to attempt to unearth who said what and who received which brown envelope as is the case with the recent Tribunals. On the other hand it is part of the same culture, if we as a society had the appetite to seriously tackle corruption it would have sent a clear message to these people about what is acceptable and what is criminal.
The one good point about the transgressions of Bankers is that there is transparancy,

How many brown envelopes would be required to to hold 7Bn in used notes? You would need several articulated trucks and fork lift to shift that lot accross a car park.
Listening to radio yesterday. Talking about earnings for barristers etc.
Some earned up to €6m for a tribunal. What a waste.
Listening to radio yesterday. Talking about earnings for barristers etc.
Some earned up to €6m for a tribunal. What a waste.

Planning tribunal and Moriarty tribunal: 500 million

Seeing Ray Burke getting into a prison van: Priceless.

The Tribunals were worth every penny to expose Zanu FF corruption. I am only sorry a few more did not go to jail. But it's not over yet: Dunlop has pleaded guilty to corruption, so hopefully he will have a few mornings in the showers in Mountjoy - he'll be popular there!
In case of the money transfer from ILP to Anglo Irish, I wonder if this not a case for the CAB anyhow. Why would we need a tribunal if our current law enforcement agencies would act.

Tribunals are an irish solution to an irish problem I something think. Wouldn't it be more sensible to allow the existing enforcement agencies to enforce the law and investigate?
Listening to radio yesterday. Talking about earnings for barristers etc.
Some earned up to €6m for a tribunal. What a waste.

I know.

No wonder the world laughs at us. It will not be so funny when we cannot borrow the 23 billion a year just to keep going. When there will be rioting on the streets here over food, the top politicians + fatcats will be long gone abroad.
Does anyone know if there has to be a specific complaint made to the fraud squad before they launch an investigation? If there does have to be a complaint, does it have to come from a victim of the fraud or can anyone file a complaint?
I know.

No wonder the world laughs at us. It will not be so funny when we cannot borrow the 23 billion a year just to keep going. When there will be rioting on the streets here over food, the top politicians + fatcats will be long gone abroad.

You mean we get a government in exile like any self respecting banana republic?

Maybe it's time to stock up on long term food products so that I'm prepared for the food riots I hear so much about.