Taking a real stand,suggestions


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Ok ,boys and girls ,we know the problems in our country.
we post daily on the issues,we talk we complain,we let off steam.
But what will you and I realisticly do?
Not what we think should be done,but what will we do?
let us know what you will do to make a change..
A national day of protest is needed, for me its the wastage and cancelation of essential services.

1. cervical cancer

2. special needs teachers

feel free to add.
A national day of protest is needed,

With all respect, probably a waste of energy and garda resources in the grand overall scheme of things.

I suggest a national campaign HAP ( "halve our politicians" ). Halve the pay, pensions and perks of the politicians. ...or else bring in a tax rate of say 70% for those above 100,000 per annum. The rot starts at the top. Those in RTE as well as ESB also need a big pay cut. The ordinary working people have had enough.
With all respect, probably a waste of energy and garda resources in the grand overall scheme of things.

I suggest a national campaign HAP ( "halve our politicians" ). Halve the pay, pensions and perks of the politicians. ...or else bring in a tax rate of say 70% for those above 100,000 per annum. The rot starts at the top. Those in RTE as well as ESB also need a big pay cut. The ordinary working people have had enough.

But how do you make that happen. Posting on a website ??? oh lets i'll ring Joe Duffy;)

Those in power need to see the anget 1st hand, like the pensioners did.
Well, a national day of protest ( over 1. cervical cancer 2. special needs teachers ) will not achieve very much, in the overall scheme of things . It would be like a business going bust fighting over twopence. As a country we are borrowing 23 billion. When the IMF arrive ( lets hope there will still be an IMF then + they will care enough about us to come in ) they will not say we can afford even as much as we do to those involved in cancer care + special needs. Thats the reality of it.
Back to original post...Could we have suggestions as to what real action can/will be taken by us?
Well, a national day of protest ( over 1. cervical cancer 2. special needs teachers ) will not achieve very much, in the overall scheme of things . It would be like a business going bust fighting over twopence. As a country we are borrowing 23 billion. When the IMF arrive ( lets hope there will still be an IMF then + they will care enough about us to come in ) they will not say we can afford even as much as we do to those involved in cancer care + special needs. Thats the reality of it.

As i said add to it. The two points i raised are the ones that have annoyed me most.

Everyone has their own area, for some its the pension levy, for some its the banks, for some its cost per TD/Minister.

Once again posting on a site will achive
Have I got it right? Call a demonstration, and then decide what people are protesting about?

Down with this sort of thing.
A national day of protest is needed, for me its the wastage and cancelation of essential services.

1. cervical cancer

2. special needs teachers

feel free to add.

Did you hear Brian Goggin of BoI on the One o' Clock News today being interviewed about the bank recapitalisation being provided by the State at a time when special needs children's teacher numbers were being cut?

He said that, in his opinion, the special needs situation was "...a worthy cause."

Condescending pr**k! :mad: In Cork he'd be known as a L****r!
Thanks Cole. I could think of a few better Cork expressions to describe that ghoul!

Remember a few years ago? They reckoned that the reason the Irish currency was called the Punt was because it rhymed with Bank Manager.........................!
Protesting is easy, it's coming up with alternative policies that is the problem, and I mean alternative polices that will actually work, not the "why bail out the bankers" type rubbish that keeps getting trotted out without anyone thinking it through

Instead of protesting against withdrawal of special needs teachers, why not protest outside the INTO headquarters over the 31 days uncertifed sick leave a teacher can take in a year with no action taken against them.
Why not protest outside the INO headquarters about the 7 nurses I saw in Kilkenny hospital last weekend standing in a ward discussing their holidays for nearly an hour or the midwife which didn't know what was wrong with an epidural when all it had happened was it had run out or the medical staff who are too lazy to wash their hands and are spreading superbugs all over the place.
Why not protest outside IMPACT headquarters over the unvouched expenses policies in many public sector areas
Why not protest outside the car tax offices which close at lunchtime, the one time working members of the public might be able to go down there and avail of their "services"

I've no arguement that the politicians, bankers and property developers have a lot to answer for, that we could scrap the undemocratically elected Seanad tomorrow and no one would even notice and lots of other things. But there are a lot of other people who are responsible as well
Protesting is easy, it's coming up with alternative policies that is the problem, and I mean alternative polices that will actually work, not the "why bail out the bankers" type rubbish that keeps getting trotted out without anyone thinking it through

Instead of protesting against withdrawal of special needs teachers, why not protest outside the INTO headquarters over the 31 days uncertifed sick leave a teacher can take in a year with no action taken against them.
Why not protest outside the INO headquarters about the 7 nurses I saw in Kilkenny hospital last weekend standing in a ward discussing their holidays for nearly an hour or the midwife which didn't know what was wrong with an epidural when all it had happened was it had run out or the medical staff who are too lazy to wash their hands and are spreading superbugs all over the place.
Why not protest outside IMPACT headquarters over the unvouched expenses policies in many public sector areas
Why not protest outside the car tax offices which close at lunchtime, the one time working members of the public might be able to go down there and avail of their "services"

I've no arguement that the politicians, bankers and property developers have a lot to answer for, that we could scrap the undemocratically elected Seanad tomorrow and no one would even notice and lots of other things. But there are a lot of other people who are responsible as well

Because everyone has there own point of view and things that are really getting to them at the moment. The removal of special needs teachers really annoys me. Therefore if there was a march that is what i would be protesting about.
It might only be a small savings in the grand scheme of things but I would like to see a total reform of numbers of TDs , number of junior ministers, politicians expenses and ministers pensions.
Now is the best opportunity to force the government to make changes to how much they are paid themselves.
Is it really true that a former minister is entitled to a pension even though he/she may be still a sitting TD and being paid for this?
Surely politicians should earn one salary while they are working and be entitled to only one pension when they retire.
Is it really true that a former minister is entitled to a pension even though he/she may be still a sitting TD and being paid for this?

It was in the Independent yesterday that Bertie Ahern earns €100,000 per annum as a government salary plus €160,000 per year as a ministerial pension - why is he drawing a pension when he is not retired or of pensionable age??. And he also still has a driver, expenses, etc. Yes, the rot certainly does start from the top.
I started moving away from the state monopol and waist of state run company as much as I can.

I switched to Airtricity (saving 10% over ESB)
I switched to Flogas (saving 60% on standing charges)
I switched to Greenstar (saving 50% over county council)
I switched from AIB to Halifax
I boycott my local Hospital and go directly to a private A&E

And while I usualy do my tax return in January I deceided that this year I am going to wait until late before the deadline, do not longer do it online but rather on paper and this time I make sure I claim everything I can (even if I know that most of it will be rejected) rather than just accept that I need to pay a fair share.

In this "democracy" we don't have very many options of what we can do and unless you are part of a special interest group who can mobilize enough people (like elderly, students, taxi drivers, unions) there is slim change that you can bring enough people onto the street to have the goverment do their trade mark 360 turn.

I really don't see the backbone of this country (the average joe, hardworking, paying his taxes) getting any trackion with the goverment.
It was in the Independent yesterday that Bertie Ahern earns €100,000 per annum as a government salary plus €160,000 per year as a ministerial pension - why is he drawing a pension when he is not retired or of pensionable age??. And he also still has a driver, expenses, etc. Yes, the rot certainly does start from the top.

not only that, when he resigned he got a big pay off. Try walking into your boss and see if you can get away with that!!!!!!
Brian Goggin was on the news last night saying his salary would be 'only' around 2 million this year, due to cutbacks. It is really important that everyone gets out and protests next Saturday. Government need to realise that oridinary workers are not prepared to suffer while the rich remain rich and we all get poorer. The purpose of next Saturday is to show the Govt the sheer numbers of people who are not prepared to be walked on anymore. Giving out on these boards but not bothering to add your voice to a national show of outrage is pointless.