Suitable chores for 10-year-old?


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I asked my 10-year-old last night to bring his dirty washing downstairs - which he did; to the bottom of the stairs :rolleyes:.
I insisted that he come and move them to the laundry basket, which he couldn't believe. Hilarity ensued and he asked me when did I turn into a "horrible mother" (we do have great fun together! :D).

I'm just wondering what chores do people think are suitable at that age? I can remember being able to bake a cake, do the ironing, cook simple meals at 9 or 10. He is good at keeping his room tidy, but outside of that I haven't expected much so far and think it's probably time...
At that age I was expected to do dishes, hoovering, tidy bedroom (and all that entails) weeding in the garden ... a lot of stuff really.

I was also making my own luch for school by then.
I was also making my own luch for school by then.

Oh, I'm wronging the little angel - he's actually started making his lunch for school the night before of his own accord.. he didn't like how I was doing it!
You might be on to something there ... tidy his room for him in such a way that he positively won't like it, and he just might start doing it himself! Not sure what other chores this method might work on, though :p
I think any child can do light housework as long as it doesnt involve electricity or gas or any source of heat ie. cooking, ironing, etc

At that age, I was doing a lot. However simple chores such as making the beds, hoovering/sweeping, polishing, setting/clearing the table for meals, etc.

My two year old nephew loves hoovering!
When I was ten or younger my list of chores was very long! I got up every morning before school at 5 or 6 ( depending on time of year) and went down fields to bring up cows for milking. Same in evenings when I came home from school. I also had to feed calves and change bedding. On weekends I helped with housework ( hoovering, changing bed linen etc) and also added farm work- picking stones, digging potatoes, making reeks and standing up bales etc etc. Same as most other farm kids I'd imagine.
My ten year old asks each day what chores he can do.Reason being that he has 5e a week pocket money and that depends on how many chores he has done.I sometimes struggle to find things for him to do.but here are some.
Sort out the underwear basket (there are 5 of us)into each persons section.
Empty the dishwasher.
feed the dog.
tidy his room
gather up all the shoes lying around and put in each persons room.
The max amount of pocket money is 5e,and if he hasnt done all of the things on his list then reductions are made,sounds harsh,but we have found that when they start with a particular amount they dont want to lose it as opposed to the other way around where they earn money for doing things,we find its a better incentive to get them to hold on to what they have.Maybe Ill suggest this to the public .
service,haha ,only joking:)
Have to say for some reason ,the boy always manages to do what is required and get his fiver wheras his two sisters would rarely get the full amount,they are not as bothered.I dont think that its because he likes money more ,rather the girls are just lazier :)
When I was ten or younger my list of chores was very long! I got up every morning before school at 5 or 6 ( depending on time of year) and went down fields to bring up cows for milking. Same in evenings when I came home from school. I also had to feed calves and change bedding. On weekends I helped with housework ( hoovering, changing bed linen etc) and also added farm work- picking stones, digging potatoes, making reeks and standing up bales etc etc. Same as most other farm kids I'd imagine.

Gosh, when I think of it you're right - I'm not from a farm but the country, and did a lot of those things too - moving cattle for neighbours, bringing in the hay in summertime, my father kept some calves that we would help to feed, hoovering, picking potatoes, cycling to shop for groceries (no basket, balance bags on handlebars!), raking up grass on the lawn... Not up at 5am though - fair play to you!!

He tidies his room very well, and he's able to cook something small like toast under the grill or noodles, under supervision... and make hot chocolate (he offered me a coffee the other day :D).
Sorting the recycling comes to mind.. feeding the cat.. sweeping floor.
Amazing how things have changed so much - I was my mother's little helper at that age.
Suitable chores for a 10 year old eh?

1. Financial Regulator?
2. Governor of the Central bank?
3. Minister for Finance?

Must be an improvement on what's there...
This weeks list for my 10yr old are......
- finish building the garden wall
- milk the cows daily & clean out the cow shed
- fix the loose roof tiles
- change the oil in the tractor
- finish out his PHD
.... basic stuff really
This weeks list for my 10yr old are......
- finish building the garden wall
- milk the cows daily & clean out the cow shed
- fix the loose roof tiles
- change the oil in the tractor
- finish out his PHD
.... basic stuff really

I like this line of thinking... I need the tv aerial fixed, new tyres on car, some shelves put up - and if he could write a couple of chapters for my master's thesis that could only be a bonus :D
Can you hire these kids out? After a twelve hour day I'd love a footrub...

Can they make me dinner and open a bottle of wine/beer? Can they make cocktails, run me a bath and change my sheets so I can get into a fresh bed everynight??

I'd be more than willing to pay the going rate of a fiver a week...
Can you hire these kids out? After a twelve hour day I'd love a footrub...

Can they make me dinner and open a bottle of wine/beer? Can they make cocktails, run me a bath and change my sheets so I can get into a fresh bed everynight??

I'd be more than willing to pay the going rate of a fiver a week...

Are you having me on! That's just plain exploitation. Non of that here please!

reminds me of the when the US basketball team - during the China olympics - went on a factory tour......... as Jay Leno put it that they could meet the 5 yr old kids who make their shoes!
Thedarus, I think we were cut from the same mould! My ten year old has a similar chores list.

She keeps her own room tidy (I vacum and mop it), empties and reloads the dishwasher, set's the table, brings her washing and puts it in the machine (which I start), feeds the cats, cleans a litter tray daily, tidies the living room after dinner (never a huge job), washes the cars when we remember they need doing.

She can make herself toast but we don't have her handle hot liquid as she's a bit small for the kitchen units. Currently she helps her dad make her packed lunch in the evening but she'll be doing it herself soon and also giving me a list of lunch type things to buy at the supermarket. She gets €10 a week and rarely loses any for not doing chores, doesn't have to be reminded much either.
After a twelve hour day I'd love a footrub...

I'd be more than willing to pay the going rate of a fiver a week...

You'd have to pay them more than that surely, would be danger money involved?
Danger money... you need a slap slf

San, she wants to know my nearest airport to send him to. First mention of money.. flight is €400, birth cert €200... no more so far.. bit cheap for a kid!