Share the pain


Registered User
If we are all to be burdened with the pain of this recession come depression I am curious to know just what our feted leaders intend to do in setting a fine example to us the great unwashed.
Exactly what in terms of sacrifice are the swathes of Government ministers intending....if any, to make as their commitment during this financial meltdown.?????
I would have a smidge of grudging respect for the lot of them if they made the admiarable pledge to cut their cloth accordingly as we all must, in order to galvanise the people of Ireland behind them in the call to share the pain.
Are there any intentions among any of them whatsoever to set an example ?
:D Good one.

Remember you're talking about a group of people who refuse to accept responsibility for their individual departments let alone for the shambles they've made of our finances.
Can I assume that they do not intend to relinquish one red cent of their hefty pay packets, if not this is astoundingly obscene.
Are there any intentions among any of them whatsoever to set an example ?

Same as under Haughey.....our belts pulled so tight we can hardly eat while champagne and charvais shirts for the elite.

Why would they give up their lovely pensions, their excess teachers salary (those who are teachers) their salary? Why would they insist (like Obama) on a top salary of 350K for the bank executives? Why, when they can distract the country with much more popular topics like pitting the public sector against the private sector and vv; and get us all going on Social Welfare being unaffordable?

Just look at what topics get the most responses here........:rolleyes:
On Obama you can not help but admire the man. He has been in office for how long ? and has already formulated plans that will be put through congress shortly, and indeed bills have now been passed in the lower house of representatives.
I like the way he publicly stated "I screwed up" on some such matter, a stark contrast to any Irish politician.
He is publicly saying " The time for talking is over, the time for action is now".When was the last time Cowen addressed the country ?
As the U.S. put together a fiscal plan and implement it our shower of morons will still have their fat a***s in the starting blocks.......Anyway if a grand plan is formulated in the next few months isnt there a well deserved and earned extensive Summer recess to negotiate.