Travelling to US - full name needed on ticket?


Registered User
Booked flights to NY for April 09 with Aer Lingus.
Having looked through email confirmation I noticed that I only gave my first name and surname when booking the flights, and not my middle name as it appears on passport. For example, lets say my name is Mary Murphy, with Ann being my middle name. The name I used when booking ticket was Mary Murphy. However Mary Ann Murphy is the name that appears on my passport.
Will this cause a problem at check in? Especially with US officials??

Thanks for any help!
Have travelled to the US many times and never gave my middle name or initial on the flight booking even though it is on my passport.
The US Customs and Border Protection I-94W (which is now completed online) does have a space for it and I fill it in on that. Have never had any problem whatsoever.
No issue at all .. I never put my middle initial/name on plane tickets and it is in my passport .. never caused an issue in the US
No, the middle name is not an issue. Name differences do come up from time to time, but generally where people book under a name they are known by ie Nancy while their official name is Anne, or where they have not changed the passport to a married name but booked the flights under that name. You may have to apply for your holiday visa on line prior to your departure thought, I think the new rules are coming in this Spring?
You may have to apply for your holiday visa on line prior to your departure thought, I think the new rules are coming in this Spring?

New rules already in .. you need to apply for your visa waiver online before depature with effect from Jan 12th 2009

[broken link removed]

Fairly painless process .. it's basically an online version of the paper I-94W form (which you still have to fill up in paper form anyway when you actually travel) .. once you fill it up it's valid for 2 years - so subsequent visits you dont need to do it again

Official site linked above - There's various scam sites out there trying to charge money for this ... it's free don't pay :)