Legalise and tax Marijuana

Opium? mescaline? salvia divinorum?

There are plenty probably. I think there should be a public safety concern too, regardless if something is 'natural'.

Opium grows ? No, Poppies grow and opium is cultivated from it and processed.

Mescaline grows ? No, it occurs in Peyote and is processed further.

Never heard of the last one but Wikipedia says
Salvia divinorum can be chewed, smoked, or taken as a tincture to produce experiences ranging from laughter to much more intense and profoundly altered states. The duration of effects is much shorter than that of other, more well-known psychoactive compounds; the effects of smoked Salvia typically last for only a few minutes. The most commonly reported after-effects include an increased feeling of insight, an improved mood, a sense of calmness, and an increased sense of connection with nature—though, much less often, it may also cause dysphoria (unpleasant or uncomfortable mood).[9] Salvia divinorum is not generally understood to be toxic or addictive, and as a κ-opioid agonist, it may have potential as an analgesic and as a therapeutic tool for treating drug addictions.
So no, it should definitely not be illegal.

As for public safety concerns, that's totally different. plenty of things grow naturally that will kill you, but they're not illegal. Belladonna & Hemlock, for example. By all means inform people of the dangers of these things, but having a bagful of it shouldn't get you arested, unless you intend to poison someone else with it.
Opium grows ? No, Poppies grow and opium is cultivated from it and processed.

Mescaline grows ? No, it occurs in Peyote and is processed further.

C'mon you know what I mean. Sure potatoes are processed in that they will make you ill if eaten raw. Likewise most cereal crops.

It is possible e.g. to achieve intense, acid-like highs from the peyote cactus without the use of a laboratory - that's what I'm getting at.

I just think it's a bit sweeping to say that something that grows wild should never be illegal (e.g. there are a few non 'altering' plants/fruits/trees that are illegal for one reason or another) but in principle I take the point.
Considering how immature Irish people are when it comes to alcohol, I'm not sure we're ready for another mind altering drug.

But yeah, the revenue would be nice.
Considering how immature Irish people are when it comes to alcohol, I'm not sure we're ready for another mind altering drug.

Thats the thing, It's not about being ready for another drug, Weed has always been here. It is easy to come across, thousands of Irish people already smoke it. Maybe even people very close to you.

This whole thing about Irish people being immature with drink is also overplayed. I have lived in a few countries and nearly all of them have problems of some sort with drink, it just isn't an Irish problem.
The people who matter in this country are too ignorant to accept a progressive idea on anything so you're urinating into the wind Im afraid.
Leaving aside the social issues, there is a very strong case to legalise marijuana, and apply an excise duty. Importation would of course have to be strictly controlled, and possibly use (cafes as per Amsterdam for example). Hold off on the kneejerk reactions for a second and consider;

  • Government revenues would increase
  • Policing costs would fall/be more effectively employed
  • The courts would be less choked up with drugs cases, making for a faster dispute resolution system which could only help the business environment
  • There would be increased tourism as people come here for a legal high (particularly from the UK)
  • Quality could be monitored, improving safety for users
  • Supply could be regulated, taking the trade from the gangs, and reducing their power on the streets
  • Taking marijuana out of the criminal circle would most likely reduce the propensity to move on to other more dangerous drugs.

Unfortunately it would be political suicide, but financially it would be a good idea.

I don't smoke it btw (used to in college, but not any more)
Why limit it to dope? You could apply the same logic to ecstasy, coke, maybe even heroin....
The people who matter in this country are too ignorant to accept a progressive idea on anything so you're urinating into the wind Im afraid.

The point is really whether its progressive to stay as we are or to give in and allow drugs to become socially acceptable and easier to access. There are plenty of people who would not try drugs because of the legal aspect and if this were removed it would take away another barrier. I don't believe that legalisation would prove to be a positive move.
Why limit it to dope? You could apply the same logic to ecstasy, coke, maybe even heroin.
Class A drugs would probably have to have a more strict distribution system, to stop more people becoming addicted. Maybe like the Swiss scheme, where they provide rooms for people to administer the drugs.
Yes, in principle, why limit it to dope? There are always new drugs coming along when the old ones become illegal.

There are plenty of people who would not try drugs because of the legal aspect
The legal aspect was the least of my worries when I tried BZP (which is legal). Do people really care about the legal aspect? - unless of course they're selling or distributing drugs.
The legal aspect was the least of my worries when I tried BZP (which is legal). Do people really care about the legal aspect? - unless of course they're selling or distributing drugs.

I do think the legal aspect would deter some people. Depending on upbring etc some teens would be very wary of falling foul of the law and bringing shame on the family etc especially in smaller towns and villages.
I do think the legal aspect would deter some people. Depending on upbring etc some teens would be very wary of falling foul of the law and bringing shame on the family etc especially in smaller towns and villages.

I agree.

In fact I recently experienced a scenario where the legal aspect appeared to be the only deterrent. On returning from Amsterdam I was describing a 'smoking' experience to a relative - because it was all legal, not an eyelid was batted and there was genuine interest/amusement etc.

I know if I had been describing the same thing - but it had happened in my home at the weekend for example - they would have been outraged.
I agree.

In fact I recently experienced a scenario where the legal aspect appeared to be the only deterrent. On returning from Amsterdam I was describing a 'smoking' experience to a relative - because it was all legal, not an eyelid was batted and there was genuine interest/amusement etc.

I know if I had been describing the same thing - but it had happened in my home at the weekend for example - they would have been outraged.

Which is probably common enough, and says a lot about the herd mentality in Ireland.

Oh them drugs are illegal, so they must be bad. Alcohol is legal so I'll go out and drink myself stupid and it's fine. I'll drive home then. Oh no, now it's illegal, so it must be bad...etc.etc.

I don't agree with legalizing Crack, Cocaine, LSD, Heroin or Methamphetamines, but that's a big topic as Heroin is probably the safest drug to use long-term and unless OD'd on or using contaminated product, the body suffers no long-term ill effects. The reality is however, that it's supply is ropey at best and the addictive properties of it make it highly problematic, from a social perspective.

However, Ecstacy and Weed are used by millions of people every week in Ireland alone and there is damn all harm caused when compared to Alcohol/Tobacco...even given the cocktail of compounds found in the average E, and the inherent dangers of smoking spamspamspam.

I think this is all a moot point anyway as the Ireland we live in will never dream of legalizing any 'drug'. We're the most conservative bunch of whiners when it comes to certain things, and 'drugs' are well up there.

Here's my solution for what it's worth. Legalise the possession of one spamspamspam plant per person. Owning 2 will result in a hefty fine. 3 could mean jail time. 5 or more will definitely mean a year inside. 10 or more will mean 2 years. 50 will mean 5 years. Keep it illegal to buy/sell weed/hash. Then the people who want it will grow their own and the casually interested will still be put off by the illegality of buying it.
Which is probably common enough, and says a lot about the herd mentality in Ireland.

Oh them drugs are illegal, so they must be bad. Alcohol is legal so I'll go out and drink myself stupid and it's fine. I'll drive home then. Oh no, now it's illegal, so it must be bad...etc.etc.

Oh them drugs are illegal so yes you shouldn't break the law by buying, selling or using them, it's not herd mentality.

If the public voted to make spamspamspam legal then let it be so but i don't think that there is a real desire by the majority to want this to happen. Regarding your take on heroin, it isn't the most responsible take on drug use to promote heroin as the safest drug around.
Oh them drugs are illegal so yes you shouldn't break the law by buying, selling or using them, it's not herd mentality.
It is the acceptance that comes with anything that was popular and is then made illegal. The smoking ban is one. People shrug their shoulders and say "oh well, it must be bad now, so I'll go along with it". What needs to be asked is WHY are they illegal ?! Give me one good reason that spamspamspam should be illegal when Alcohol and tobacco (and caffeine for that matter) shouldn't ....

Regarding your take on heroin, it isn't the most responsible take on drug use to promote heroin as the safest drug around.
I'm not promoting Heroin, simply stating the truth. It's a very safe drug, however, the street versions are completely unsafe due to the agents it's been cut with, flour, rat poison, sand, etc.etc.
Remember, Morphine & Heroin (or Diamorphine) are practically identical with Heroin just being quicker-acting and more addictive. Heroin is used as a hospital-administered painkiller in the UK. Codeine, such as that in Solpadeine sold over the counter is highly effective painkiller but is also highly addictive and many people in Ireland are addicted to Solpadeine. Should it be banned too ?

This topic has hundreds of facets, but pointing out that I 'promote' heroin use is false and smacks (excuse the pun) of the majority attitude about drugs in Ireland. They're all bad, and anyone who smokes weed or beats up old ladies to get their next fix of heroin are exactly alike and deserve to be tarred with the same brush, because the dope smoker WILL move onto heroin's a gateway drug, after all...
The smoking ban is one. People shrug their shoulders and say "oh well, it must be bad now, so I'll go along with it".

Not sure if you think the ban is good or not but as a non smoker i definitely am thankful for it, it was a bad thing to smoke and still is and only for the industry being so powerful and the level of smokers widespread it would have a case for being banned too.

Give me one good reason that spamspamspam should be illegal when Alcohol and tobacco (and caffeine for that matter) shouldn't ....

If spamspamspam were made legal then it would be regulated and the level of a 'hit' would probably be diminished so I think users would still opt for the stronger stuff. Moonshine, poitin etc are illegal but drinkers by and large don't look for it but plenty of people I know that do or have smoked spamspamspam quickly decide that they want to try something stronger (not necessarily a different drug but a stronger version of the one their using). There are social smokers of course and enjoy it like having a drink but I don't the two can be compared.

This topic has hundreds of facets, but pointing out that I 'promote' heroin use is false and smacks (excuse the pun) of the majority attitude about drugs in Ireland.

ok I shouldn't have said promote but to again conclude that it is a very safe drug could be construed as misleading, how do you tell if it is safe without the use of a lab?

They're all bad, and anyone who smokes weed or beats up old ladies to get their next fix of heroin are exactly alike and deserve to be tarred with the same brush, because the dope smoker WILL move onto heroin's a gateway drug, after all...

They are not all bad of course but there aren't too many positive images that spring to mind from the activities of drug users whilst high.
Not sure if you think the ban is good or not but as a non smoker i definitely am thankful for it, it was a bad thing to smoke and still is and only for the industry being so powerful and the level of smokers widespread it would have a case for being banned too.
If smoking has a case to be banned, then so does alcohol, coffee, cars, air-con etc ... As compliant as we generally are, the merest suggestion of banning smoking outright would cause mayhem. Of course the killjoys in ASH would love to tell other people that smoking anywhere but on a desert island with no other living organism is illegal, but then I don't know anyone who takes ASH seriously anyway.

If spamspamspam were made legal then it would be regulated and the level of a 'hit' would probably be diminished so I think users would still opt for the stronger stuff. Moonshine, poitin etc are illegal but drinkers by and large don't look for it but plenty of people I know that do or have smoked spamspamspam quickly decide that they want to try something stronger (not necessarily a different drug but a stronger version of the one their using). There are social smokers of course and enjoy it like having a drink but I don't the two can be compared.
This makes no alcohol is regulated, there are numerous types of Vodka for example. some are stronger than others but the middle of the road 35-40%abv stuff is the biggest seller. Smirnoff sells extremely well, but Grey Goose doesn't even though it may be much nicer as it's also much more expensive. No-one that I know drinks poteen (at 70-80%abv, or whatever it is), even though they may partake in other illegal activities like smoke dope or take ecstacy. Unregulated spamspamspam in Amsterdam, for example is unheard of, AFAIK, because why bother, if you can go somewhere and buy a consistent product legally ?

ok I shouldn't have said promote but to again conclude that it is a very safe drug could be construed as misleading, how do you tell if it is safe without the use of a lab?
Well I can't but studies of recovering addicts have shown that the damage caused by heroin itself (as opposed to the cutting agents, physical damage due to injecting etc..) is reversible with little permanent damage. Addiction and dependency, as well as the risk in taking a synthetic street drug which can 1% or 10% pure, with no way of knowing, leading to overdose as well as the risk of it being adulterated with any manner of things, is where the danger lies. A BBC documentary last year(about Heroin users and ex dealers, stereotypical 'junkies' and functional addicts, who held down day jobs) reported this, which is where I remember it from.

They are not all bad of course but there aren't too many positive images that spring to mind from the activities of drug users whilst high.
Well the fit of the giggles or just taking complete and utter tosh about how 'deep' the latest Britney Spears song is, are about the worst effects of someone I've ever seen stoned. Sad to report then, that we have all seen much, much worse on a quiet night in any town outside a bar at 11pm.

If there were a nationwide poll tomorrow which would change the law based on its results, asking "Should spamspamspam Be Legalised?", it would undoubtably be a 'No'. I suspect the result would be principally based on the votes of people who never smoked it, or 'knowingly' knew anyone who smoked it, and would probably, if asked, cite the 'gateway drug' response. Most people have little clue or care about the realities or differences between it and Class A drugs like Heroin and Cocaine, but will always remember Katie French and forget about the 3 lads who died in Wexford in the same week. Tabloid fodder, and boy, would the red-tops love it !
If smoking has a case to be banned, then so does alcohol, coffee, cars, air-con etc ... As compliant as we generally are, the merest suggestion of banning smoking outright would cause mayhem. Of course the killjoys in ASH would love to tell other people that smoking anywhere but on a desert island with no other living organism is illegal, but then I don't know anyone who takes ASH seriously anyway.

Smoking won't be banned but the ban in public places has been a success i think because no matter how hard you try if you are smoking in an enclosed area you will not be able to stop your smoke affecting others.

This makes no alcohol is regulated, there are numerous types of Vodka for example. some are stronger than others but the middle of the road 35-40%abv stuff is the biggest seller. Smirnoff sells extremely well, but Grey Goose doesn't even though it may be much nicer as it's also much more expensive. No-one that I know drinks poteen (at 70-80%abv, or whatever it is), even though they may partake in other illegal activities like smoke dope or take ecstacy. Unregulated spamspamspam in Amsterdam, for example is unheard of, AFAIK, because why bother, if you can go somewhere and buy a consistent product legally ?

OK I take your point on this, I guess I'm just thinking back to a few old acquaintances that would things a bit far a the best of times.
On the whole gateway drug thing. One thing I've noticed is that of the few friends I have who indulge in cocaine on a recreational basis, they would never even countenance doing so without alcohol involved. Thankfully one of the few positive effects of the recession is that this is becoming less common now but interesting in that for some people at least alcohol could be viewed as a gateway drug. Yet I've never known anyone who views spamspamspam as a gateway drug.

I've never liked the stuff myself but am of the opinion that people should be allowed do whatever the hell they like once what they like doing doesn't infringe upon the rights of others.
... am of the opinion that people should be allowed do whatever the hell they like once what they like doing doesn't infringe upon the rights of others.
Ditto... J.S.Mills 'On Liberty' is well worth a read relating to this. However, as there is a link to 'drug gangs' who DO infringe on others to suppply the customers, maybe 'grow your own' is the only true way of doing this....