Workers & Management


Registered User
These terms seem terrible out of date to me. Does anyone other than the bearded brethren in their ivory tower on the quays in Dublin really use terms like "the workers" and "the management" anymore?
I find both terms offensive as it implies that managers don't work and "the workers" are some sort of exploited halfwits who are incapable of making a decision. In this age where intellect and skill count for so much in almost every job is it time to drop 19th century rhetoric?
Isn't "colleagues" the all encompassing politically correct term now? Used to refer to co-workers regardless of the hierarchy?

I think one of the supermarket chains started it. It all sounds a bit middle class and polite but it could be worse.

Co-workers sounds a bit communist to me for some reason :(
Lads, ye'd never do in the building game. Skivvies/lackies still answer to the 'heads or the suits!!
was in a "managers meeting" during the year when us middle managers were told that it was only called a managers meeting but that the only manager was my boss and we need not get ideas of managing the staff in our departments that they were "her staff". Of course this is the same manager who referred to my maternity leave as a "career breeak", sadly she retired during said career break and I missed it.
I was filling out a health and safety questionnaire a few years back as a site foreman and had to tick a box regarding my position, choice was junior or senior management. I asked the Rep which I was and he said 'Well you're not a gopher (Go-for) and you're not the, get this,'The Big-Boss-Man' so put yourself down as junior!! What a laugh and an instant promotion as far as I could see!
My boss calls me her colleague and remarked once that I should do the same. I told her I would if she wanted because she is the boss but did she really want me saying things I didn't mean.
I believe in meritocracy so titles are meaningless to me in this kind of context.