Is there legal provision for "Whistle blowers" reporting waste in public/civil servce


Registered User
Could someone tell me if there is a whisteblowers law now and if it applies to the civil service?

I have several civil service friends who are almost like MI5 in the care they take, not to say anything about their jobs. One works in a sensitive area and having known her always as an extremely honest person, I know that she would hate to see waste but is there anyway that she can communicate this legally as she took the Official Secrets Oath.

Now I work in an area where many, not me, deal constantly with the government and again we see many blatant misuses of very expensive transport. We are forbidden to contact any member of the press with any complaint, it is part of our job spec, and it is taken very seriously if a breach occurs. What can we do? Within the last few years, a situation has arisen where professionals are needed in the organisation and retired people are brought back who basically make small fortunes. However an increase in basic pay would attract new entrants people who would work full-time and provide a better service. Now the decision to not pay higher rates is controlled by the Dept of Finance but they will allow astronomical spend on these temp people which is not a satisfactory situation for our dept. Yet what resource do we have - none.

Funnily enough , travel and sub budgets are very carefully controlled and there are no nail bars. Nor do we ever have subsidised Christmas dinners and we buy our own coffee/teaa/ biscuits.

But I have seen things which I feel were a waste, not large scale but still annoying and it bugs me. I am naturally frugal, the type who turns off lights etc and recycles envelopes at work as well as at home and I think we could save a lot .

But whistleblowers must be allowed.
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Re: Whistleblowers in public/civil service.

Very good post.
I saw an abuse of a government credit card only this week. It was for less than €5, but it still annoyed me and the others who witnessed it.
Re: Whistleblowers in public/civil service.

A public sector customer of ours sends items to us for service (that could easily have been posted or couriered) by private taxi - a 200km+ round trip. :eek:
Re: Whistleblowers in public/civil service.

This reminds me of the story of Prince Philip's visit to Dublin some years back. Philip was to be wined & dined in the Dept of Foreign Affairs in Iveagh House and someone in the Dept made a discreet call (presumably to the British Embassy) to enquire as to his favourite fine wine. They were told that Philip was not a wine fan but preferred "brown beer". A lackey in the Dept was summoned to procure a few tins of Smithwicks from a local off-licence :)
Re: Whistleblowers in public/civil service.

I don't think any whistleblowers laws anywhere apply to reporting waste, they are generally reserved for illegal activity.

But I completely agree with the thrust of your post - there is waste that goes unnoticed and it is annoying to see it happening.

As regards the situation you see, it is entirely possible that the Dept has done a cost benefit analysis of the situation and deems temp workers to be a better solution than taking on full time people (who would then get a pension on top of salary). The bringing back of retired people could just be tapping the vast amount of experience these people have, rather than having to expend large amounts of money in training and trying to bring new people up to speed. Of course that may not be the position, but equally it might.

And with Finance, it is far easier to get them to agree to temps than permanent staff.
Re: Whistleblowers in public/civil service.

Try approaching Sen Shane Ross and discuss with him.
Re: Whistleblowers in public/civil service.

Sorry to be blunt, whistleblowers get fired. I do admire them greatly though. Think long and hard about it before you do it.
Re: Whistleblowers in public/civil service.

Sorry to be blunt, whistleblowers get fired. I do admire them greatly though. Think long and hard about it before you do it.

I agree or at the least they get treated very badly. If anyone who is a Civil Servant has information on waste of public money, then they could copy the papers and send them with a letter to the Comproller and Auditor General, I'm sure he would be happy to investigate.
Re: Whistleblowers in public/civil service.

I agree or at the least they get treated very badly. If anyone who is a Civil Servant has information on waste of public money, then they could copy the papers and send them with a letter to the Comproller and Auditor General, I'm sure he would be happy to investigate.
Fax them (from a secret location, a long way from where you live, where no one knows you, where there are no cameras) to the newspapers or Shane Ross. I'm sure that's how a lot of information is received by journalists.
Re: Is there legal provision for "Whistle blowers" reporting waste in public/civil se

totally agree Bronte, but it would definitely be career suicide....

better if Official Secrets Act was amended...the main reason for that is to protect the government & politicians...that's the real reason why civil servants can't spill the beans..and there's lots to spill!

Re: Is there legal provision for "Whistle blowers" reporting waste in public/civil se

I've come across some scandalous waste in my time. I could personally attest to having first hand experience of a Government/Tax aided project that racked up a cost of €300k only to end up being abandoned.

There seems to be a general acceptance that waste in the public service is inevitable but this acceptance (general apathy?) has permeated our society for decades. It even translates to our apathy at the ballot box.

If we don't sort our work ethic attitudes and our attitudes to waste we'll end up being left behind as other economies thrive.

Change has to happen from the top down. I don't see anything in our current leaders that would inspire me to believe that change is going to happen anytime soon.

When I hear our Finance Minister declare that he doesn't know where the 'missing millionaires' are I despair. He knows where Jack and Jill P.A.Y.E workers are .... so he finds it easier to hit them.

This government is floundering from crisis to crisis. There doesn't seem to be a viable economic plan in place.

We shouldn't need whistle blowers. Not if those at the top came up with a 'planned' plan!