Suggestion to decrease binge drinking



Ok - excuse my naivety here but anything is worth a shot (Excuse the pun) !!

WHat pubs should introduce is an alternative to the pint.

When we go to the continent we all happily drink glasses of beer.

We should introduce a glass of beer here.

Now - obviously we do have a glass alternative here - but lets face it no one buys it.

In my opinion what we shouls do is leave the pint and the current glass in existance ad introduce a third option.

Make it a different shape to what is out there at the moment and also make it maybe something like 2/3 of a pint in volume.

That way it will be a real alternative.

Nothing to lose in my book.
Re: Suggestion to decrease binge drining

looks like you've been doing some binge "drining"yourself

Its hard to type after a few drins:D
Re: Suggestion to decrease binge drining

looks like you've been doing some binge "drining"yourself

Its hard to type after a few drins:D

You are quite right. However - my drinking has been from a container which has 75cl - therefore ok given that is another alternative.

I have since improved my original posts spelling.
Re: Suggestion to decrease binge drining

Drinking Coke (yes, I mean the soft drink) should cost far less than alcohol, not more
Re: Suggestion to decrease binge drining

Pubs should be able to stay open to 5 or 6am if they wish. Our opening hours encourage binge drinking. As in, you go to the pub at 9 or 10 and drink against the clock.

I have lived in a few different places and wherever there where long opening times We would normally go for dinner and not hit a pub till atleast 12.30am, because the place didn't close, their was no rush.

The only big downside is that it would take a generation to shift our societies attitude to drink and until then expect mad sessions all the time.
Re: Suggestion to decrease binge drining

There also seems to be an Irish culture that we can't stop at one drink either. So how do we combat that?
Re: Suggestion to decrease binge drining

There also seems to be an Irish culture that we can't stop at one drink either. So how do we combat that?

But if i'm an adult and i want more than 1 drink why shouldn't i have it ???

Am i breaking any law if i want into a pub have 5 pints and go home. I don't drive, kick a dog, abuse anyone on my way home, damage property or beat up my wife ??

Just because someone else can't handle their drink should i be made just have 1 and go home ??
When we go to the continent we all happily drink glasses of beer.

I happily drink 0.5l when I'm in mainland Europe. This is 68ml less than an Irish pint. Reducing the available measure will not combat binge drinking.
Re: Suggestion to decrease binge drining

But if i'm an adult and i want more than 1 drink why shouldn't i have it ???

Am i breaking any law if i want into a pub have 5 pints and go home. I don't drive, kick a dog, abuse anyone on my way home, damage property or beat up my wife ??

Just because someone else can't handle their drink should i be made just have 1 and go home ??

I don't particularly have a problem with this but I do wonder why Irish people in general think that a good night out must involve > 1 drink ( myself included on the odd occasion ).

It would be nicer to see more of a cafe culture but I think we've already discussed that to death.
I don't particularly have a problem with this but I do wonder why Irish people in general think that a good night out must involve > 1 drink ( myself included on the odd occasion ).
Sometimes I have one drink, sometimes none, and on the very odd occasion, lots.

Not allowing people to buy alcohol after 10pm should be scrapped. This is a ridiculous idea that solves nothing, apart from encouraging more people into pubs.

We were at Tescos last week, and were not able to buy non-alcoholic lager at a few minutes past ten. However, ee could have gone across the road to the pub and drank whiskey instead. We couldn't get our non-alcoholic beer, so we ended up buying wine the following day, instead. It's just more convenient for us to do our shopping late at night.

One more thing - allow all shops to sell beer and wine if they like.
In Australia they have 'schooners' which are something less than a pint - ironic given that Aussie's love their hard drinking reputation even more than us.

My tip for reducing binge drinking - make everywhere sell food/dispense food. Breaks up the need to be horsing back the drink at such ferocity, plus should keep you a bit more sober.
i dont think we can ever decrease bing drinking...we are irish, its just in our genes!
anyway it keeps people in staff..nurses..gaurds..steeet cleaners..bottlemakers..ect ect
Re: Suggestion to decrease binge drining

There also seems to be an Irish culture that we can't stop at one drink either. So how do we combat that?

Do bear in mind that this is commonplace in other cultures as well. The UK, Germany, and Scandanavia all immediately spring to mind, not to mention other countries like the US, Netherlands and the Czech Republic whose drinking cultures, in my experience, aren't much different to our own. The only people who still believe in the Victorian stereotype of the drunken Paddies are the Paddies themselves.
In Australia they have 'schooners' which are something less than a pint - ironic given that Aussie's love their hard drinking reputation even more than us.

Beer is served in small amount in Oz because of the climate. By the time you get half way through a pint of beer is will have gone warm - hence smaller amounts.
Re: Suggestion to decrease binge drining

The only people who still believe in the Victorian stereotype of the drunken Paddies are the Paddies themselves.

I wish you were right Ubi, but don't think you are. Certainly in mainland Europe it seems to be commonly attributed to the Irish.
I think part of this view is the Irish themselves perpetuating the myth - it's often considered something to be proud of.

The other thing is that it is a predominantly beer culture in Ireland which can be viewed very differently in other countries: many Polish for example think nothing of drinking 8, 10 shots of neat vodka in a session.

IME, drinking 4 or 5 pints in the same session almost identifies you as a borderline lout or something.