Distributing leaflets


Registered User
Good evening All,
I am going to promote our company product distributing leaflets, could you advise me
a reliable and cheap company which could develop and print them, but not distribute, please?
Thanks in advance
Nicky, Your post is a little confusing, but a friend of mine has a business distributing leaflets door to door. Has a team that drops off thousands upon thousands per week. PM me if you want further details.
I dont know if its a minority but I find it really annoying with the amount of leaflets that I get. They dont even take notice of "no junk mail" sign. I'm not trying to rain on your parade but I dont even read the leaflets that come in the door, they just go straight in the bin.
I dont know if its a minority but I find it really annoying with the amount of leaflets that I get. They dont even take notice of "no junk mail" sign. I'm not trying to rain on your parade but I dont even read the leaflets that come in the door, they just go straight in the bin.

- I agree and as for those bogus charity collection stickers. If I see another sticker which I will I'll scream.
... I dont even read the leaflets that come in the door, they just go straight in the bin.
Nor do I, and it costs me when I put them in my recycling. Whenever I meet leafleters, I hand them back the leaflets with a request to stay away.
- I agree and as for those bogus charity collection stickers. If I see another sticker which I will I'll scream.

They've increased in frequency lately. We've been getting about 3-4 per week for the past year. bin bin bin
hi nicky. A friend of mine may have given u my mobile number about 30 mins ago. Please send me a pm.


Thanks people for the responds,
I am not going to put leaflets from door to door, I do hate get them too, but I need the leaflets to give them to buyers as additional
information, and I am looking for a company that can help me develop leaflets but not distribute. That's all I want.
I saw a very good way of advertising, and one I wish to use if only for exisiting clients.
It may be expensive though. Fridge magnets, a little bigger than a business card contain all company activities.
I found the one I got was usefull for sticking stuff to the fridge (photo).
People get a life there are more important issues to moan about than getting leaflets. This is one of the cheapest forms of advertising and for some small businesses keeping the cost down is important. I would argue the point that if the leaflet contained something of interest to you the situation would be different. I would agree with Davy in so far as there are other alternatives however they come at a price. I would suggest that if you have a computer and a printer to do it yourself. All you have to do is to type on a word document and bobs your uncle.
People get a life there are more important issues to moan about than getting leaflets. This is one of the cheapest forms of advertising and for some small businesses keeping the cost down is important. I would argue the point that if the leaflet contained something of interest to you the situation would be different. I would agree with Davy in so far as there are other alternatives however they come at a price. I would suggest that if you have a computer and a printer to do it yourself. All you have to do is to type on a word document and bobs your uncle.

Yeah stop moaning about leaflets, it's the damn take away menus that really get on my nerves!!!:D