Killester or Raheny?



hello:) l was wondering could anyone help me... I am thinking of moving to dublin, and was looking at houses in killester and raheny. I am not from dublin and have no idea what the areas are like!! .... your guidance would be much appreciated..... raheny or killester(donnycarney)?????:confused:
Raheny and Killester are both great areas to live in. The Donnycarney end of Killester would not be as nice an area.

I dont know exactly what you are looking for in the areas, for example, schooling, social activities, public transport, do you have a family etc?
hey mcb thanks for posting back..... i am more interested in the public transport... and ease of access to the city... i was thinking of an apartment in inner city but as i have a child i dont think this would be suitable! i stayed in ashcroft in raheny, when at college and tis is why i am gravitating towards the area
what can you afford? The houses near st annes park in Raheny are in a lovely location for someone with a child, playground, sportsfields, beach all nearby.
Donnycarney end of Killester not so bad....presume you're referring to in and around Collins Ave? You have the best of both worlds having the dart in Killester and the QBC on the Malahide Rd. Good schools in the locality on Collins Ave and then on Griffith Ave....very handy for M50/airport....huge Tesco in Clarehall...although there is a good Supervalu in Killester too.
I'm from the country also but have lived in Raheny for over 10 years. I would think that Raheny is more of a community than Killester. Being near DART is great for work and St. Anne's is great for running, walks, children, etc. Also, there is easy access to the beach at Dollymount. A big consideration in the northside is schools and several people are trying to get into Raheny so as to get access to Manor House and other schools in the dearary (spelling??).

Ashcroft is near the Dart but Belmont Park (which is where I live!) which is just up from it are better more spacious houses in my opinion. There is 1 house for sale in Ashcroft at the moment, and likewise 1 in Belmont.
I'd prefer Raheny. It has all you'd ever need - family or not - pubs, supermarket, butcher, couple of restaurants etc and parking is generally ok in the area if you need to pop to the shops. The DART is handy and the buses are frequent. Raheny to town is about 15 - 20 minutes, or less if you're driving off peak.
Price wise for renting is probably on par if not cheaper that Kilester. The houses in the area vary from houses bulit in the 30s to newer built apartments, but 3+ bed houses tend to be cheaper to rent than 2 bed apts for some bizarre reason..

Not a bad area at all. Parts of Edenmore near the Concorde/shopping centre can be a little lively at night which you may not like...

Kilester is a nice area too but i think raheny has a bit more to offer.... sure, as it is most of Kilester now considers itself Clontarf :)
A colleague of mine who once lived in Ard na Greine off the Malahide Road used to tell people she lived in Malahide. Delivery vans had desperate trouble trying to find the place as a result!
If the DART is a major consideration, it's much easier to get a peak time DART in Raheny than Killester, in particular the one that gets you to city centre for ~ 9:00.
what can you afford? The houses near st annes park in Raheny are in a lovely location for someone with a child, playground, sportsfields, beach all nearby.
Best bit of advice I've seen on this thread. That's the best place to try if you have a limited budget.
thankyou all so much for the good advice.... i think i have settled location... and its raheny!.....thank u all so much
This is the one I referred to above - passed it the other day and it's probably worth looking at.

[broken link removed]
I visited Raheny last year accompanying my good friend. The place is a good location; the residential area that we stayed for almost 2 weeks is very nice. The public transportation is very accessible, there are number of bus routes that go through it, the Dart, St Annes Park, the beach, lots of shops, pubs foods places etc. Hopefully we could go back early next year.
hello:) l was wondering could anyone help me... I am thinking of moving to dublin, and was looking at houses in killester and raheny. I am not from dublin and have no idea what the areas are like!! .... your guidance would be much appreciated..... raheny or killester(donnycarney)?????:confused:

Donnycarney West is a good area with shops etc. North Donnycarney (Killester End) is a ok area.