Russell brand / jonathan ross?

Well I think it was ridiculous the way the media handled it - hyping it up and blowing it out of all proportion. "Top story" on Sky News and everything - surely there are more important issues going on in the world.
As regards the issue itself, I don't think it was the actual contents of the phone calls that were the issue - it's more the fact that it was a 78 year old man they were calling that caused the uproar. At the end of the day he is an old aged pensioner and I think it was in poor taste to be leaving such messages on his phone. If that was my father/grandfather and somebody did that to him I would be livid!!!.

But yes the whole issue certainly was over hyped and the media jumped on it and made it bigger than it was.
As regards the issue itself, I don't think it was the actual contents of the phone calls that were the issue - it's more the fact that it was a 78 year old man they were calling that caused the uproar.

I thought the issue was that the BBC allowed it to be broadcast which is why Lesley Douglas resigned?

TBH I think the whole thing has been hyped up and agree it should never have been a 'top story'.
I thought the issue was that the BBC allowed it to be broadcast which is why Lesley Douglas resigned?

Sorry, I meant the "issue" as in why it seems to have outraged people so much and caused so many complaints.
Well that is the thing - anyone i have talked to all seem to think teh whole thing was WAY over-hyped by the media.

And if most people think this - which seemingly they do - then what the hell is it doing as a top story for days?
Are the media not supposed to reflect the mood of the nation?

As far as I can see it is only the media themselves that seem to care about it at all - and we're all being dragged aong for the ride whether we like it or not.

Even Gordon Brown got involved for Gods sake.

And chris evans was actually crying on radio about it yesterday also.

It's all crazy stuff really. much so then lets start yet another discussion topic about it!

I actually did a search and couldn't find anything.
I also eye-balled for a thread. Was surprised that none existed.

Does anyone have a link to it?
Both of these twits should be charged with offending public decency and with harassment. If any normal citizen left messages on the phones of their neighbours boasting in lewd terms of their sexual conquests, they would end up on the Sex Offenders Register.
I think if the BBC had reacted more quickley there would have been less hype they should have just been fined and suspended for a month. And I also am raging friday night with Jonathan Ross isn't on. What they did was wrong though.
I find both of these guys clever and amusing sometimes but I also think they have childish, nasty streaks and this aspect of their personalities has now been revealed in a particularly silly and insulting stunt.

Brand probably doesn't give a damn but I'd imagine Ross would be miffed at what he would see as the audacity to pull him off the air and effectively fine him. I wouldn't be surprised that if it were possible to get out of his contract, he would give 2 fingers to the BBC and simply not return - not like he needs the money and I'm sure plenty of other channels would take him.

The media reaction was silly but both men could do with being taken down a peg or two for this and it looks like they have been.
Remember "Imus In The Morning"? America's most listened-to shock jock? Well, he got the high jump about a year ago and his star has been on the wane ever since.
Just listened to it on youtube. Absolutely pathetic juvenile behaviour. If they got away with this what next.
Both of these twits should be charged with offending public decency and with harassment. If any normal citizen left messages on the phones of their neighbours boasting in lewd terms of their sexual conquests, they would end up on the Sex Offenders Register.

Oh my gawd...the sex offenders register now is it ?

Why not take them out and stone them ?
What Ross & Brand did was silly and offensive but what the tabloid papers did was way worse. They printed word for word what was said for anyone who might have missed it (and missed the chance to get indignant) and they printed lots of pictures of the granddaughter in skimpy clothes just in case anyone was in doubt that she is a young attractive girl. And while I agree that it was stupid to leave offensive messages on a 78 year old phone I don't like the way Andrew Sachs gets talked about by these same newspapers as if he is a helpless old man who is at home blubbering - I saw him on tv and he is a very articulate gentleman who seems to be well aware and able to deal with this nonsense.
I don't like the way Andrew Sachs gets talked about by these same newspapers as if he is a helpless old man who is at home blubbering - I saw him on tv and he is a very articulate gentleman who seems to be well aware and able to deal with this nonsense.

Exactly. He's an intelligent, articulate actor with decades of experience in the industry and in full possession of all his marbles. I'm sure he has seen and heard far worse before. They make him out to be some pitiful, confused OAP afraid to open his curtains or answer his door :rolleyes:
They deserved the abuse they got for at any stage thinking that what they were doing was funny. I would love to meet the producer who listened to that and decided it was funny enough to put on the airwaves. I don't have any time for Brand but I do find Ross to be good entertainment most of the time. Have to say though that even though I didn't see it, I heard Tommy Tiernan was more offensive on the Late Late and there wasn't any uproar over here
Don't know much about Brand but I've always thought that Ross was a talentless, smug self adoring guy. If this incident was a once off there might be some grounds for defending Ross( though I personally think that telling anyone, particularly a senior citizen, that " Brand f***** your granddaughter", is beneath contempt and unforgivable ) but the fact is Ross is regularly obnoxious as the few examples in [broken link removed] illustrate. These examples are by no means exhaustive of how low this guy stoops. Personally hope he's never back on the screen or radio. Good widdance to the pwat.
Good god, what an over-reaction. I was away in Portugal all last week and the coverage of this was beyond ridiculous. Sky news had nothing but this and even listed it under breaking news, the papers for four days had the headlines dealing with this, unbelievable!. I think Brand is the biggest waste of airtime anyway, Ross is about as funny as siphilous - but surely this should have been dealt with by the entertainment channels/magazines and not primetime news.