Gerry Ryan is a prat

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Having watched Gerry Ryan being interviewed on his own programme, Ryan Confidential by the insidious Ryan Tubridy, it confirmed to me the morning show host is a complete and utter prat.

It was a well disguised effort to promote his book which, from reading a couple of extracts, is a load of old cobblers.

He was asked about his personal life and wouldn't divulge despite the programme having a 'Confidential' title attached to it.

He spoke about his upset about getting bad reviews for his innocuous TV shows but surely he should be used to that by now.

It was difficult to understand what this was all about . . . were we supposed to feel sorry for him or to agonise with him. I did neither.

He is just a self centered individual who no longer presents a programme on television and instead want to become the subject matter of the programme he hosts.
But isn't this true of all the "media", where they manufacture revolting material about what other branches of the "media" are doing?

Its positively incestuous and boring as hell, IMHO.

Fat Kenny interviews Lewis Welch about his next / last "super-group", Ryan Turbulently talks to baby ex-Taoiseach about her next / last book / play / picture deal, and to cap it all in last Saturday's Irish Times Woman's Own Magazine, Ms. Kinndy has John Connolly interviewing Laura Lippman about things literary, dragging in of course mention of Ms. Lippman's hubby, David Simon.

So they all fall and fawn over each other in a vomitingly consistent obsequious fashion trying to convince the rest of us to purchase their latest and greatest.

And nothing else is newsworthy? - no wonder I watch re-runs of Road Wars and The Simpsons and am resorting to reading back-copies of the Our Boys.
And don't forget the never ending interviews with Kathryn Thomas about her book which chronicles every wasp that bit her on the bum. They even tried to humanise the Seoige sisters on some teen programme on RTE earlier this evening. RTE just scour their own offices to see whoever is available for interview — and if they have a book to promote all the better!
Yes he is! My question who is more annoying Gerry Ryan or Joe Duffy?

If by some act of ( a merciful) god they were both abandoned on a desert Island who would bore the other to death first? Would anyone attempt to rescue them? If so would the would be rescuer be killed before leaving Ireland?

Or would they be able to fly home over thousands of miles fueled only by their own hot air?
Yes he is! My question who is more annoying Gerry Ryan or Joe Duffy?


Gerry Prat IMHO, at least the Joe Show has some redeeming features (the Funny (sometimes) Friday Frolics, for example), whereas the other one just rhymes with Frolics.
whereas the other one just rhymes with Frolics.

Excellent and I wholeheartedly agree :D

They had a great skit on Newstalk this morning about a certain book promotion and while they were reviewing it, they made noises as if they were chomping through breakfast. The same noises the author makes when he's eating, drinking and giving his (many many) opinions on the morning's headlines. It made me laugh out loud.
Excellent and I wholeheartedly agree :D

They had a great skit on Newstalk this morning about a certain book promotion and while they were reviewing it, they made noises as if they were chomping through breakfast. The same noises the author makes when he's eating, drinking and giving his (many many) opinions on the morning's headlines. It made me laugh out loud.

I listen to Gerry and most of the time I find him okay HOWEVER the eating and drinking noises disgust me - even drinking a glass of water the noise is unreal and the bit AHHHHHHHH after it ! :mad::mad:
Gerry Ryan once stood on my foot as he made his pompous way through the Ilac centre to open a new shop, and didn't even apologise. So I agree - he is a prat :p
I was flicking through the channels last night and caught a minute of Ryan Confidential - does the camera need to be so close to his smug shiny face? Gerry was holding forth about the wife and I thought it was a bit ridiculous that he was interviewing Ryan Tubridy (although it appears from earlier posts that he himself was being interviewed - what rubbish!).
Yes he is! My question who is more annoying Gerry Ryan or Joe Duffy?

I'd glad I dont live in Clontarf - could you imagine having to put up with this pair as neighbours? You cant change channel. :)
If by some strange twist there are people reading this who actually LIKE GR, he'll be signing copies of his book in Easons at 1pm today.
Watched this last night -

I got the feeling the questions were written by Gerry for Gerry!!...
I think it would have been easier - if he just jumped from one side of the table to ask the question, and then back to answer it.

The camera was incredibly close.... and he was incredibly SHINEY!!!

He discussed the death of his parents - and that he took a picture of his mother on his mobile phone as a lasting memory...

... but as you were slowly starting to feel sorry for him - you were quickly reminded why the title of this thread is more apt for him.... not only a prat but a vain one at that!

“Normally, the guest on Ryan Confidential is taken to a restaurant of my choosing”, says Gerry, “and I tend to favour those that serve haute cuisine. However, young Tubridy was having none of that. For the first time in six series, the interview was filmed in an American-style diner – and I have to admit I enjoyed my burger and French fries.”
Watched this last night -
However, young Tubridy was having none of that. For the first time in six series, the interview was filmed in an American-style diner – and I have to admit I enjoyed my burger and French fries.”

Hope Turbidy eats in one of these places 4 times a week - he need the meat.

So that the thread has a littel balance.

I like Gerry Rayn. Now I don't listen to the show becasue I prefer Turbidy but do download the podcasts from time to time.

He has made me laugh out loud so many times.
Fat Kenny interviews Lewis Welch about his next / last "super-group", Ryan Turbulently talks to baby ex-Taoiseach about her next / last book / play / picture deal, and to cap it all in last Saturday's Irish Times Woman's Own Magazine, Ms. Kinndy has John Connolly interviewing Laura Lippman about things literary, dragging in of course mention of Ms. Lippman's hubby, David Simo

And of course RTE using advertising space to advertise their own programmes :mad:
I was flicking through the channels last night and caught a minute of Ryan Confidential - does the camera need to be so close to his smug shiny face? Gerry was holding forth about the wife and I thought it was a bit ridiculous that he was interviewing Ryan Tubridy (although it appears from earlier posts that he himself was being interviewed - what rubbish!).
I flicked over for about 3 nanoseconds and got full-face close-ups of the two geezers. Talk about an early Halloween scare. I haven't jumped so quickly for the remote since Big Brother finished up.
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