Aero TV ad - guy wearing the towel - is this what women want?


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The guy who slinks around wearing a towel and talking about body temperature and bubbles in a voice that sounds like he's been heavily medicated.

I have to know - is this what the women of AAM want?

Because I have to say, as a male, I find the guy a bit repulsive. He's just creepy and sleazy. If Christopher Reeves was a pimp he might have looked like this. Kind of ironic that someone so reptilian should be going on about body temperature and all that.

Have the ad people got it right - is this guy really appealing to women?:confused:
I have to say I agree, I find him repulsive. I liked him in Sex and the City but the Aero ad turned me right off him. Shudder.
I don't find the guy particularly attractive myself, but I do think the ad is pretty funny :p
His character is gay in "Brothers & Sisters" so maybe he has dual appeal!
Too lean, looks like he needs a dinner, bodies that ripped and lean are just off putting to me.

I also hate the way he talks about chocolate at room temperature - yuck!!

And finally - looking at him I just dont believe he ever ate any Aero, much too lean!!!!

I did like him in SATC, but his lack of body fat has aged him and caused him to look slightly desperate.
Have the ad people got it right - is this guy really appealing to women?:confused:

No, but this is because of the context of the ad.

Objectively he is good looking but putting a good looking guy in a towel and trying to have him sell chocolate is slightly pathetic and desperate.

Women are above all that sort of thing...;)
Defo not what women want - but then again, I never did get the ripped muscle 6-pack thing. I assume it has a certain appeal, probably to the kind of gal who loves strippers at a hen night etc (some of my own friends included). I personally cannot stand that kind of tacky sexual innuendo. Nope I'm quite happy with Mr Ney and his one pack or keg as we call it! :D
Objectively he is good looking but putting a good looking guy in a towel and trying to have him sell chocolate is slightly pathetic and desperate.

Women are above all that sort of thing...;)

COuldn't have put it better myself! I find it cringingly pathetic and patronising.

I prefer the gorrila in the Dairy Milk ad's......better chocolate too!
I prefer the gorrila in the Dairy Milk ad's......better chocolate too!

But see, when they show the Aero ad, repulsive as it is to many women, I actually do want some Aero chocolate! On the other hand, the Cadbury's ad with the gorilla makes me want to change channel (animals doing human-type things or speaking freak me out). I much prefer the other Cadbury's ad where they show all the airport vehicles having a race to the soundtrack of Queen's Don't Stop Me Now :)
Objectively he is good looking but putting a good looking guy in a towel and trying to have him sell chocolate is slightly pathetic and desperate.

Women are above all that sort of thing...;)

I agree - everyone in advertising should realise by now that it's very simple: chocolate, shoes and magazines featuring weddings should all be used to sell each other. Job done. ;)
He does nothing for me (nor does the brown yoke in a boat with some girl). The aero man was okay in SATC but the pressures of hollywood must be getting to him cos he looks like he has had 'work' done in brothers and sisters.
While the ladies are not jumping at the bait, it would appear that the same does not hold re female models - or at least there are women making a career of being snapped at all sorts of promotions so it must be working.

You get the odd strange one, where the model seems totally incongrous, saw one lately for something serious & financial/medical, pension provision or check ups or something like that, and the geezer in the suit was flanked by one or more glamourous ladies and it looked completely ridiculous, the models totally distracted/undermined what was supposed to be a serious message.

From a fella's point of view theres an ad even worse than the Aero one, its Armani or some schlock like that but basically it a greek looking fella in a white "thong" looking aparatus on a boat in a little bay/between rocks and a similarly bronzed looking lady also in white. tbh it doesnt look like he'll be troubling her......
Looks like the advertisers got what they want - its stirred up a discussion...... This add seems to be running for ever..and more frequently lately (it seems to me anyway)..... I agree with the OP though..... its repulsive - the add really needs to have a slapper in it as a sequel ;)
Looks like the advertisers got what they want - its stirred up a discussion...... This add seems to be running for ever..and more frequently lately (it seems to me anyway)..... I agree with the OP though..... its repulsive - the add really needs to have a slapper in it as a sequel ;)

never liked them since they changed the package, it makes them look cheap and the last time I had on it tasted different in a bad way. anyway wjho wants to pay for air bubbles? besides mineral water drinkers;)