Cat found - protocol (if there is one)


Registered User
The situation is that a stray cat is trying to make its home in our back garden.
It definitely is (or was) a pet as it doesn't make strange when you pick it up, jumps on the window ledge to look in at us and at half a chance will shoot under our legs to get into the kitchen and have a nose around.
We have contacted the local animal shelter, checked the newspaper and have put a collar on the cat with a "do you own this cat, if so please call..." notice.
What do we do next?
Check with your local vet too - the cat might have been micro tagged.

Sounds like you have a new pet! ;)
Check with your local vet too - the cat might have been micro tagged.

Sounds like you have a new pet! ;)

Yes, check with your local vet - they will have the scanning equipment necessary to check whether the cat has been chipped. Read this story to see how effective microchipping can be!
She might not belong to anyone. I have a stray in my backgarden that lives in every other house on the road i think! I think sometimes strays can get friendly, or maybe at some stage they used to be someones pet. Other than that all previous posters have advised the best way to go about it. Other useful sites are and also in the community section there is a "lost and found" and "pets" section where people advertise.
Thanks all.
The funny thing is I want a dog while the missus wants a cat..:rolleyes:

Why do you think the cat is hanging around - your wife has been feeding him/her and giving milk on the sly.
rmelly beat me to it- if the cat is hanging around one or both of you are feeding it.
I wonder what proportion of 'cat owners'* woke up one morning and decided that they wanted to get a cat?

*People don't 'own' cats.
I have two cats I choose to have and 4 cats in the garden that chose to look at me lovingly so I had to give in and feed them! Little buggers, since then I had to catch one of them twice to get treatment and next I have to get cat-traps to get them spayed, unless I want a colony - and I can't afford that!
I have three gorgeous cats who choose to live with me. They do so because they receive respect, love. adoration and food (in that order!) from me and do not seek it elsewhere. However, I also have two regular visitors (cats know a good home when they see one) I occasionally feed them and pet them (until my very jealous and possessive tom-cat comes along and chases them away) both are obviously someone else's pets but they're keeping their options open! Cats are amazing animals who you never really own, I would never try to entice away a cat from another owner but if cats are happy they'll stay and if they're not, they'll go!
I suppose it's handy having one patrolling the house, it has caught a couple of mice since he's been hanging around - ate the whole mouse too which was a bit of a shock to me. Apparently now is the time the local fieldmice will try and gain access to the house for warmth etc.
Well there you go Norfbank - dogs are useless in that regard :) so the missus wins!
Ah now Petal, I won't let you have that one. All my dogs were good rat and mice catchers. We might have to have a rodent catch off..
Well I have to admit that my cats are fairly useless at it :) One bird and one mouse in one year, mind you, that's plenty as far as I'm concerned!!!