Riddle - can you solve ?



This is a real math problem so don't say that a bus has no legs, and no there is no driver in the bus.

There are 7 girls in a bus.
Each girl has 7 backpacks (on their backs on a bus).
In each backpack, there are 7 big cats.
For every big cat, there are 7 little cats.

Question: How many legs are there in the bus?
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Darn maths puzzles - I can't resist them! Well, assuming that all occupants of the bus possess the number of legs that Nature intended, I reckon it's 10,990 legs in total.
Excluding the legs on the bus seats (tee hee), I get 10 990

There are 7 girls - 14 legs
There are 49 backpacks
There are 49 x 7 big cats - 49 x 7x 4 legs = 1372
There are 49 x 7 x 7 little cats - 49 x 49 x 4 legs = 9604
Excluding the legs on the bus seats (tee hee), I get 10 990

There are 7 girls - 14 legs
There are 49 backpacks
There are 49 x 7 big cats - 49 x 7x 4 legs = 1372
There are 49 x 7 x 7 little cats - 49 x 49 x 4 legs = 9604

demoivre and Celtwytch A+ gipiman E :D
7 girls with 7 back packs each = 7x7 = 49 backpacks in which there are 7 big cats per back pack so 49 x 7 = 343 big cats x 4 (legs) = 1372. For every big cat there are 7 little ones so 343 x 7 = 2401 little cats x 4 (legs) = 9604 + the initial 7 girls x 2 (legs) = 14 + 1372 + 9604 = 10990 legs in total

after all that and someone got in before me in a much simpler fashion
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(7x4x7x7x7) + (7x4x7x7) + (7x2) = 10990

Excluding the legs on the bus seats (tee hee), I get 10 990

There are 7 girls - 14 legs
There are 49 backpacks
There are 49 x 7 big cats - 49 x 7x 4 legs = 1372
There are 49 x 7 x 7 little cats - 49 x 49 x 4 legs = 9604

Go to the top of the class !
The first post states that there's no bus driver.

I'm finding it hard to see how anyone could come up with something other than 10990.
Hey, wait a minute! I was the first to give the correct answer!!!

But is it the correct answer? It says the 7 girls are in the bus. (14 legs). It says they have 7 backpacks but it doesn't say the backpacks are in the bus.