Logical Budget Suggestions


Registered User
Tired of listening to the platitudes of the opposition parties, I believe that the collective knowledge of AAM should be able to come up with logical changes for the budget.

Suggestion No.1… means test children’s allowance. There is no social benefit in giving money to parents who do not require it for the needs of the child.

What else?
Whatever they do it'll have to be pretty major.
Stuff like 10c on a packet of fags probably won't help too much.

Means testing children's allowance will mean more public sector admin costs, an area that needs to be drastically cut. It will also really annoy voters and mightn't bring in much money.

Maybe something drastic like
1. Nationalise and combine all the Irish banks
2. Irish citizens have to use the new super bank
3. All existing taxes are abolished
4. New tax taken directly from bank accounts.

This will mean 100% tax compliance and we can also get rid of bunches of public sector employees, and the revenue.
Maybe something drastic like
1. Nationalise and combine all the Irish banks
2. Irish citizens have to use the new super bank
3. All existing taxes are abolished
4. New tax taken directly from bank accounts.

This will mean 100% tax compliance and we can also get rid of bunches of public sector employees, and the revenue.

How do you propose the new tax be calculated?
A one off percentage of deposit.
5% for business, 10% for people (or whatever respective percentages will plug the hole)
If the Banks are nationalised what happens to all the pension funds that are invested in them?
What do retiring private sector people do for money?
Tired of listening to the platitudes of the opposition parties, I believe that the collective knowledge of AAM should be able to come up with logical changes for the budget.

Suggestion No.1… means test children’s allowance. There is no social benefit in giving money to parents who do not require it for the needs of the child.

What else?

Spot the person with either no kids or grown up kids
Get rid of half the councillors in the country (by firing squad preferably :) )
Destroy the Unions!
Slash the number of civil & public sector workers (should be easy to do after the unions are gone)
Remove the old motor tax and expand the CO2 version to include all cars.
Reduce taxes/increase incentives for Irish start-ups. We need innovation & indigenous business growth from our own now...not relying on crumbs from foreign multinationals who'll happily pull up sticks when they next best thing to Ireland becomes the best thing.
Introduce a 3rd tax rate. 0-25k 10%, 25-50K 20%, 50k+ 40%.
Introduce property tax on all second properties (logically, if you can afford a second house, you should be well enough off to afford to pay tax on it....definitely if it's sitting empty.
Dump the Metro.
Improve the Rail network and incentivise it's use for freight, rather than road networks.
Introduce property tax on all second properties (logically, if you can afford a second house, you should be well enough off to afford to pay tax on it....definitely if it's sitting empty.
Yes, that would do wonders for our banking liquidity crisis :rolleyes:
Remove car tax and apply the tax to the fuels. Collect the tax from 10-20 suppliers rather than 2-3 million vehicles - huge cost savings.

In that way people would be incentivised for using eco-friendly cars rather than just buying eco-friendly cars and continuing to use lots of petrol.
Remove car tax and apply the tax to the fuels. Collect the tax from 10-20 suppliers rather than 2-3 million vehicles - huge cost savings.

In that way people would be incentivised for using eco-friendly cars rather than just buying eco-friendly cars and continuing to use lots of petrol.

We've been through this one before - rural drivers with no realistic public transport options would be screwed in order to benefit their city cousins, with the lions share of public transport infrastructure.
Remove car tax and apply the tax to the fuels. Collect the tax from 10-20 suppliers rather than 2-3 million vehicles - huge cost savings.

In that way people would be incentivised for using eco-friendly cars rather than just buying eco-friendly cars and continuing to use lots of petrol.

We could call it a carbon tax to satisfy our international obligations to tax polluters.

We've been through this one before - rural drivers with no realistic public transport options would be screwed in order to benefit their city cousins, with the lions share of public transport infrastructure.

Taxpayer cannot be expected to pick up the tab for peoples lifestyle choices. Same logic could be applied to a lot of taxes, but you have to look at things in the round and what is best for the country as a whole, not one particular category of person.
How do you propose the new tax be calculated?

A great incentive for everyone to reinvest in our wonderful property market, so :rolleyes:

Yes, that would do wonders for our banking liquidity crisis :rolleyes:

We've been through this one before - rural drivers with no realistic public transport options would be screwed in order to benefit their city cousins, with the lions share of public transport infrastructure.

Are you Clubman in disguise ? :p
My last one for now ! Put a development levy on airport passengers of €10 to leave the country. Use this €50m a year to allow the investments in transport links to airports to survive the budget cuts. This is not a unique idea and has been done in many airports to fund development.

Possibly also increase the duty on wine.
My last one for now ! Put a development levy on airport passengers of €10 to leave the country. Use this €50m a year to allow the investments in transport links to airports to survive the budget cuts. This is not a unique idea and has been done in many airports to fund development.

er, how many airports, exactly?

Possibly also increase the duty on wine.
Sainsbury's will love that one :)
Wow - one person's logical suggestion is a red rag to someone else

.. means test children’s allowance. There is no social benefit in giving money to parents who do not require it for the needs of the child.

and what determines 'do not require it' ? How do you quantify something subjective such as ability to pay ?

Nationalise and combine all the Irish banks

Right on comrade ! Power to the people ! Create one huge monopoly in which to place all our eggs.

Close the Senate. Fire all Senators.

Set aside the Constitution for the good of the country ? That has worked out well in the past :rolleyes:.

Introduce a 3rd tax rate. 0-25k 10%, 25-50K 20%, 50k+ 40%.
Because people earning 51K are 'rich' and should be bracketed with people earning 251K :rolleyes: ?

rural drivers with no realistic public transport options .. peoples lifestyle choices

Not sure how to read that one :confused:. People who live in rural areas do so out of choice, or that people who live in urban areas do so out of choice ? Either way, it's a fallacious 'argument'.