Medical I have a case?

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Hi guys

Just looking for a bit of legal advice on a medical issue I have and on whether I have a case…sorry for the long post!

Over the last two years, I have had severe pain in my right hip which consists of both chronic and acute pain.

My GP first referred me for an X-Ray, which showed a “subarticular contusion” and the radiologist advised that it would clear up within 2 weeks. It didn’t and I was then referred to a consultant. He sent me for an MRI approx. two months later and this showed the same damage, obviously not healing.

The pain got worse and indicated far more damage than that shown in the MRI & X-Ray. He then sent me for an arthroscopy to get further scans on the joint. It didn’t show anything further so at this stage I was referred to a second consultant.

The second consultant told me not to worry as he “would fix” me. He brought me in and performed keyhole surgery, “sanding down” some of the cartilage. This operation did not work and the pain has increased considerably since then.

He referred me for another MRI on my hip and an MRI on my back. He then told me that he was at a loss as to what to do now and was going to refer me to a third consultant and do more tests. There was some more damage on the hip, as well as some fluid (which did not show up on previous tests) but this damage was completely inconsistent with the pain I was in.

I asked if there was any way he could do the tests more frequently, as I had the pain for a year and a half at this stage, and he replied quite rudely “No, this is how long these things take”.

This was back in June. I have had no further correspondence with him and have been on to his secretary every few weeks to see what is happening. Each time I was told that the consultant was seeking advice from the new consultant.

About a month ago, I rang to ask (yet again) and was told that, no, there was no third consultant involved, but that I was being referred back to my original consultant and I should expect them to contact me directly with an appointment. I rang the original guy on Thursday and they have not received anything! My consultant’s secretary has confirmed today that she will resend the letter.

At this point, I am considering going to the UK, as it is absolutely ridiculous. I am a private patient and am paying out considerable sums of money only to have them ignore me. I am only 27 and I can’t run, or even walk fast, haven’t slept a full night in over a year (wake up screaming in pain about 5 times on a good night), and the slightest touch can make the leg impossible to stand on.

Two physiotherapists and an osteopath have looked at my hip and deemed the key-hole surgery to have been unnecessary and all believe that this operation has actually exacerbated the injury.

Does anyone know where I stand on this matter legally? Can I force the consultant to look further into the matter or should I report him to the Irish Medical Council? It’s been 4 months with absolutely no communication.

Advice would be most appreciated, thanks!
As it's such an important issue, I suggest you speak to a solicitor.
Should you not be talking to a solicitor about this to see if you have any grounds for complaint/suing?
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Hi there,
Its really very hard to give advise like this, my mum went through something simular but with a different medical complaint.

I would advise see another consultant.
Legal advise is so expensive that I wanted to get some opinions and see if it was worth seeing a solicitor.

Apparently this guy has a really good rep and is one of the best in the country! I asked my GP this morning if she would refer me to someone else but she wants me to try and get a little further with this one - she wrote him a stern letter requesting another appointment...
Can you clarify what medical qualifications the osteopath would have had?
Legal advise is so expensive that I wanted to get some opinions and see if it was worth seeing a solicitor.

Apparently this guy has a really good rep and is one of the best in the country! I asked my GP this morning if she would refer me to someone else but she wants me to try and get a little further with this one - she wrote him a stern letter requesting another appointment...

Dont go to a solicitor. The doctors will close ranks and say that it was their 'opinion' that they did the right thing etc....

What you need is fixing, not legal battles. Go see another consultant. So what if this guy is classed as good - if he wont help then he is no good to you. GP letter being stern will get you nowhere. You need to research the best consultant to see for yourself.

Believe me, I saw the countries 'best' knee surgeon and then continued to suffer for 3 years when all that was wrong was torn cartilage - they dont always get it right.
I also had one actually scream at me that nothing was wrong, meanwhile I couldnt actually extend my leg.
It was my third opinion that sorted me, and told me quite frankly that private consultants like to cherry pick the cases they are interested in, never see the 'best', he is only the best because he chooses his cases. The real bests are the guys who sit both privately and publically - they see everything and learn more - go see someone in Cappagh or in a large teaching hospital like Tallaght or James's.
I'm not sure what medical background she has, although I know she's well educated. I'm not completely relying on her opinion but the fact that the other physios think the same thing, fluid didn't show up on my tests until after and the pain doubled after the operation (as well as radiated further) makes me think the same.
Thanks Truthseeker, that's some good advise. James' has been recommended to me by someone else also so I might look at that option.

At this stage, I'm willing to do anything that would get rid of the pain and get some sleep!
I'm sorry - I did not realise.

Thanks for all the replies guys!
Medicine is not an exact science. You should talk it over with your GP.and follow your recommendations.

I do not think going down the legal route would do you any good at this stage, and therefore do not recommend going to a solicitor.

Be careful about medical advice from an osteopath.
Apparently this guy has a really good rep and is one of the best in the country!
So was Neary on rep do not trust his reputation. Being one of the best in country could mean that like neary no one challenges him.
Thread Closed.

OP seek professional advice from a solicitor specialising in medical negligence.
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