What would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire?



Since Halloween is coming up I thought about a movie I saw some time ago called Underworld (movie about the war between werewolves and vampires).

Then I got to thinking about which I'd rather be

a vampire:- stay up all night...get to wear cool clothes...young women fall under hypnotic spells...after being staked you get to come back as soon as someone drops some blood in the wrong place.

or a werewolf:- have to get 1 new set of clothes every month...look scruffy (I have that down to a fine art already)...you get to howl at the moon...food is free and no cooking time...you live a normal life other than growing fangs and turning into a mindless carniverous flesh-tearing monster once a month.

Hard choice but I think the werewolf option is what I'd choose.

Anybody else get an opinion on the subject of which they would rather be?
I think Vampire every time. I like the idea of changing into a bat (or bats?) and flying around the place looking for big busty maidens to love-bite.
... you live a normal life other than growing fangs and turning into a mindless carniverous flesh-tearing monster once a month.

A handy defence mechanism for men - I think this would be my option. :D
looking for big busty maidens to love-bite.

I think werewolves look for big people to bite anyway so your options are at least doubled:D

What about Frankenstein?

Because Frankenstein was a mad scientist I'm not too sure how many people would be keen to be him.

Now Frankenstein's creation/monster would have to be a group choice since he is made up of various people's bits.
Because Frankenstein was a mad scientist I'm not too sure how many people would be keen to be him.

Now Frankenstein's creation/monster would have to be a group choice since he is made up of various people's bits.

What about the ability to give life? Your 'creations' would be forever in your debt if handled properly. You could put together an army of super soldiers and take over the world.
Werewolf: You pretty much live an ordinary life except for the once a month thing (sort of like pmt for men). Can't see the advantages.

Vampire: you could easily assimilate into a pack of goths and voila...vengence. Plus the comely maiden appeal etc wouldn't hurt.

Frankentein's monster: a tragic lonely figure (at least in the book version) so no thanks.

Zombie's: the slow shuffle, mumbling and rotting limbs don't really appeal.

Vampire any night.
What about the ability to give life? Your 'creations' would be forever in your debt if handled properly. You could put together an army of super soldiers and take over the world.

I suppose one of the big problems would be to try to find a ruined castle like the one in Young Frankenstein plus you need a mad laugh and of course there is always the danger of a pack of villagers with flaming torches and pitchforks to deal with.

You have the same problem if you are a werewolf or a vampire but at least you can fight back!

Zombies don't do it for anybody!
Actually just thought of a major vampire disadvantage..... The probability of meeting tom cruise is vastly increased.
Since Halloween is coming up I thought about a movie I saw some time ago called Underworld (movie about the war between werewolves and vampires).

If I got to have a go on the Kate Bekinsale character from said film then a vampire I would be (to the tune of the Monty Python traindriver song) :D
Vampire. Being immortal is a huge advantage for making long term investments.

Yeah but all the long term investments are fine but you can't go on summer holidays and you have to sleep in a coffin with soil from your own country so you might get to sleep all day but it's not sleeping in a comfortable bed with a duvet and pillows.
you can't go on summer holidays and you have to sleep in a coffin with soil from your own country so you might get to sleep all day but it's not sleeping in a comfortable bed with a duvet and pillows.

After a few centuries a careful vampire could accumulate massive wealth, €1 trillion say, then he'd create a SPECTRE-like organisation to run the next phase of the plan. He would construct a massive solar power collecting array in space that would collect and beam down energy to earth as an alternative to burning fossil fuels. The array itself would be hundreds of kilometers across. It would pay its own way and still be a good investment but to make sure SPECTRE could be used to sabotage any alternative energy sources that posed a serious threat while seeking not to constrain the overall size of the economy too much. When the vampire wanted to go on holiday and go out during the day the collector would be maneuvered to block out the Sun. Normal mortals would just have to accept this and hope that he didn't go on holiday where they lived.
After a few centuries a careful vampire could accumulate massive wealth, €1 trillion say, then he'd create a SPECTRE-like organisation to run the next phase of the plan. He would construct a massive solar power collecting array in space that would collect and beam down energy to earth as an alternative to burning fossil fuels. The array itself would be hundreds of kilometers across. It would pay its own way and still be a good investment but to make sure SPECTRE could be used to sabotage any alternative energy sources that posed a serious threat while seeking not to constrain the overall size of the economy too much. When the vampire wanted to go on holiday and go out during the day the collector would be maneuvered to block out the Sun. Normal mortals would just have to accept this and hope that he didn't go on holiday where they lived.

Vampires can't swim,
don't eat food,
can't take the sun,
don't drink alcohol.
Not much point in them going on holidays.

But werewolves can do all the above.
Vampire for sure!!!
I love the idea of a bit of vampirism, looking all sexy and cool by night, sleeping in my silk lined coffin by day, nice teeth, immortality, no worrying about diets or eating the wrong foods.......all sounds good to me!!