Systematic overcharging by supermarkets!


Registered User
What normal person can remember the cost of 50+ items in their supermarket trolley?

It's not like the 'old days' where the price labels were on each item and you could check them as they were 'rung up' and placed in your bag.

These days it's all bar codes and incredible feats of memory.

I've caught my local Tesco out 4 times in the last few months in charging more than the price labelled on the shelf, but only by writing each price on my shopping list as I chose the items from the shelves.

I've been greeted by distain and hostility by the Customer Service staff when pointing out that I have been overcharged - today €6 more than the marked prices.

There's no apology, no explanation and still no price tags on the individual items that allows us to check that we are being charged the correct price.

How many of you realise you are being ripped of by the bar code scam?
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

This has only happened me once in the last few months, was overcharged for a six-pack of beer by an extra 30%. When I went back with the receipt and pointed out the big sign showing the special offer price, the manager refunded me the full amount I'd paid for the six-pack. It was something that shouldn't have happened in the first place, but my husband was very happy!

A couple of times I have felt when an item was rung up that it was not the price I had thought, but when going back to the shelf to check I've found that the item had not been stocked where the label for it was, but perhaps next to it. So now I try to check that the item matches the description on the label in front of it.
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

I love when Tesco overcharge me.
I used to buy the same magazine every week and since they never fixed the display price, I'd buy it and stroll over to customer service and get it free.

Turn a positive into a negative, get your free items!
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

Check out the GS1 code of practice
The key message of the Scanning Code of Practice is that the price you see is the price you pay meaning that the price displayed on the shelf edge label will match the price charged at the checkout.
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

I love when Tesco overcharge me.
I used to buy the same magazine every week and since they fixed the display price, I'd buy it and stroll over to customer service and get it free.

Turn a positive into a negative, get your free items!

:D Great isn't it.
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

I've caught my local Tesco out 4 times in the last few months

I love when Tesco overcharge me.

I fact, I've been slightly dissapointed that Tesco have hardly overcharged me in ages:D as they will refund the entire amount.

I've pretty much stopped shopping in Superquin as I'm nearly always overcharged & they make a big deal about calling someone over, checking the price, getting the relevant pricing person for that department, hand writing a refund (only for the overcharged amount) and then making you queue up again at the cash desks to get your own money back!!

I've compained numberous times but (at least until 6 months ago) they never changed their policy.
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

I suspect that at least some Centra outlets in my own neck of the woods practice systematic overcharging, especially at weekends when the normal checkout staff aren't on duty and part-time students are manning the tills. When they are challenged on a discrepancy it is laughed off by the manager as a "mistake" on the part of the part-timer.

I also have had problems with Tesco, but at least they operate a "get the item free" deal if you spot the overcharge. That said, I presented manufacturers' vouchers worth €9 to them recently to buy a certain product, and got €0.09 in credit for the vouchers! When I queried this with the checkout girl, and asked her for my money back, she told me "I'm not paid to sort out problems" :eek: They duty manager eventually arrived and gave me my refund. I asked for the store manager to phone me with an explanation but three months later I'm still waiting.
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

Tesco are great at overcharging. :D I've got a fair few bob back from them under their "get the item free" policy. I don't like the procedure in our local store though, they act like you're trying to do them out of money..making a huge issue out of checking the price. I've also been caught by the label being in the wrong place so I always check before I buy thinking if it looks too good to be true...........

At the end of the day though, a quick practised eye over your reciept on the way out should suffice, you might miss a small mistake here and there but it's worth it. I find they make most of their mistakes on the reduced price or BOGOF offers.
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

(I know I was the last person to post to this thread but it's a continuation)

I ran into Tesco yesterday as I was caught in, an hour to kill and no book with me. Picked up three in their "buy 3 for 6 Euro" offer, scanned them through the self service checkout and was charged €14.98..(the full price).

Now I KNOW I could have called over an assistant but knowing their policy I paid up then went swiftly over to the service desk where I got a full refund and the books for free. :D

I'd never do this in a small or local business's Tesco! ;)
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

Not to be talking about Tesco's all the time but got a free bottle of whiskey that I was overcharged €10 for. Happy Days. Should have bought a box of them.

Anyone get caught with Dunnes? Might try them next.;)
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

Not to be talking about Tesco's all the time but got a free bottle of whiskey that I was overcharged €10 for. Happy Days. Should have bought a box of them.

Anyone get caught with Dunnes? Might try them next.;)

Now, the temptation there would be to take the hit on the single bottle and go back and buy half a dozen more. Not sure I'd have the nerve though :eek:

Tesco do seem to make more mistakes in this vein than any other shop (maybe because I shop there a lot more than anywhere else).
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

But remember there is 1970's prices weekend in superquinn this weekend !
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

Not to be talking about Tesco's all the time but got a free bottle of whiskey that I was overcharged €10 for. Happy Days. Should have bought a box of them.

Mrs Murt had an upset stomach a few years ago and I was dispatched to the local Tesco to buy a 1/2 bottle of brandy. The price on the shelf said 10.95. I was charged 10.99. The assistant wasn't too happy but there you go.

Best brandy I ever drank.

Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

But remember there is 1970's prices weekend in superquinn this weekend !

I went in to my local was like Christmas. I couldn't stomach the thought of it and the bread was sold out anyway so I left. Believe it or not I got mozerella cheese cheaper in my local Spar than in SQ!
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

Mrs Murt had an upset stomach a few years ago and I was dispatched to the local Tesco to buy a 1/2 bottle of brandy. The price on the shelf said 10.95. I was charged 10.99. The assistant wasn't too happy but there you go.

Nice one! :D

I once bought a 24 pack of beer once during college rag week, got it free for this very reason.
Was going to stock up with even more but the manager instantly removed the incorrect price label :(

Come on people, get your free items in Tesco!
Most of the time it's the special offers and the BOGOF. Those yellow price labels have an offer end date. Always check this before you buy as you'll get most freebies when this is wrong.
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

Now, the temptation there would be to take the hit on the single bottle and go back and buy half a dozen more. Not sure I'd have the nerve though :eek:

Be brave. Remember, you are helping Tesco by doing their price checking for them.

So actually, you are doing them a favour :)
Re: Systematic rip-off by supermarkets!

Anyone get caught with Dunnes? Might try them next.;)

My experience with incorrect charging in Dunnes is that you only get the difference back, not a freebie!

My other Dunnes experience involved being charged for an item I didn't even buy! I bought 5 items, was charged for 6 (a non-scanned bakery item if I recall), queried it with the assistant there and then, but the supervisor had to be called over, the query had to be relayed to her, she disappeared to the customer service desk and eventually came back with my refund.
shop assistants don't have the power to give refunds or even to open the till when a item isn't being put through.

Ever been in Dunnes when they ring the buzzer at the till? They are calling a supervisor over so they can do it
My local tesco doesn't give free items ... :(
Does anyone know where the policy of giving overcharged items free is written down? I would love to go armed with this info when doing my next shopping in tesco.