Nell Macafferty - very annoying


Mary Hanafin was worse. Does she really think that all the construction & assembly line workers are going to upskill for R&D!? Come on, Nell was no worse. Nell certainly gave me a laugh when she said she should have put her money on a horse than into a pension fund.

I nearly threw something at the TV when she kept saying this. The Government has not put any sort of proper resources into R&D so I don't know why they think it will suddenly save us. Universities are struggling for funding, I know PhD students who are struggling to get any sort of funding, the roll out of IT in schools has been abysmal. Maths and science results are poor and universities are struggling to attract candidates in these areas. Our Broadband infrastructure is so far behind the rest of Europe, it is not funny. A couple of small job creation annoucements is not going to make up for the job losses seen in construction and financial services.

Wonder how Nell's hedge funds are getting on today. I presumed she was drunk to be honest.
I presumed she was drunk to be honest.

Me too. She always struck me as being fairly clueless about Economics / Finance but last night she came across as a complete idiot. Trying to get the audience laughing and on her side and shouting down and trying to belittle fellow panel members only undermined all her views imo.
I'm still a fan of Nell's so will plug her autobiography for those who haven't read it. It's simply called 'Nell'. It throws some light on why she's still a valued social commentator.
She came across as more of a pub analysist than anything else. Her casual throwaway remarks had the soundings of someone who was out of her depth on the discussion and like has been said that she had only bothered to research the headlines.
Agreed , but the other people on the panel were out of their depth as well. Not only that, but the govt representative was speaking for the govt who actually got us in to the mess, by throwing fuel on the fire by extending the section 27 tax incentives again + again in 01, 02 , 03 etc, leaving thousands of unoccupied building in places like Leitrim etc etc

I agree with the point of the thread ; she is very annoying. Why is she on RTE so much ? Do people get paid to be " on the panel " I wonder ?
Funny, I thought whilst watching that last night that i'd start this thread - was beaten to it. How annoying can one person be? Even if any of her points are valid shes still very hard to listen to.
As soon as I see or (more often) hear her Mr. Remote comes out. I think that it's to do with her negativity and overbearing manner. She's right, everyone else is wrong.
I don't know why RTE put her on the panel in the first place, I commented to my OH that the producers must have found her wandering the corridors outside the studio. Talk about a fish out of water.:eek:
I have mixed feelings about her. I don't like her very much and find her rude and condescending but I also see someone who did valuable work for women’s rights and the civil rights movement in the North. Life has passed her by and she strikes me as a sad and lonely woman and for that I feel sorry for her.
Does Nell really exist or is she Dunphy after the makeup team have done a brilliant job?:confused::)
I didn't see the show so from all your comments I'm wondering did Nell Macafferty cause the current crisis? Who exactly caused the crisis, it can't have been the bankers trading in things that are impossible to understand and no one knows the value of surely. Or the governments/financial regulators who allowed them to do this and are now kindly bailing them out on our behalf. Where are the bankers now explaining how this mess happened, they're too busy in meetings arranging their next bonus and making sure their pensions are intact while some of us truly may have been better off backing a horse with our pension funds. If Nell wasn't on form maybe it's due to a recent bereavment of a previous former partner.
I didn't see the show so from all your comments I'm wondering did Nell Macafferty cause the current crisis? Who exactly caused the crisis, it can't have been the bankers trading in things that are impossible to understand and no one knows the value of surely. Or the governments/financial regulators who allowed them to do this and are now kindly bailing them out on our behalf. Where are the bankers now explaining how this mess happened, they're too busy in meetings arranging their next bonus and making sure their pensions are intact while some of us truly may have been better off backing a horse with our pension funds. If Nell wasn't on form maybe it's due to a recent bereavment of a previous former partner.

It is a serious show that we as licence payers fund so I think we are entitled to expect that those who appear on a panel to discuss the most serious matters that are affecting us all have the ability to actually add to the conversation. She was rude and irritating and that is what the gripe is.
I didn't see the show so from all your comments I'm wondering did Nell Macafferty cause the current crisis? Who exactly caused the crisis, it can't have been the bankers trading in things that are impossible to understand and no one knows the value of surely. Or the governments/financial regulators who allowed them to do this and are now kindly bailing them out on our behalf. Where are the bankers now explaining how this mess happened, they're too busy in meetings arranging their next bonus and making sure their pensions are intact while some of us truly may have been better off backing a horse with our pension funds. If Nell wasn't on form maybe it's due to a recent bereavment of a previous former partner.

Whats the point of that post? This has got nothing to do with the banking crisis. That just happened to be what was being discussed on Q&A. If you want to give out about bankers etc, start another thread. The problem from what I could see was that Nell was in her usual form which is not a particulary good thing.
Some of her points were valid but anyone coudl have made them IMO.

I didnt see the show, but I dont think the fact that anyone could have made her valid comments should be a problem. Sometimes you get all experts and no-one giving the 'man in the street' view, often a few simplistic or cynical comments from one contributor (or the interviewer/chairman) can draw the best out of the experts because they have to justify their views.

Nell is ok in small doses, would thoroughly wreck your head beyond that.
Personally I think Nell has had her day. She did a lot of campaigning for womens rights in the 80's and made a valued contribution. She is often on Newstalks lunchtime show with Eamonn Keane and to be frank when she comes on I turn off!
I didnt see the show, but I dont think the fact that anyone could have made her valid comments should be a problem. Sometimes you get all experts and no-one giving the 'man in the street' view, often a few simplistic or cynical comments from one contributor (or the interviewer/chairman) can draw the best out of the experts because they have to justify their views.

Nell is ok in small doses, would thoroughly wreck your head beyond that.

What your saying is right except in her case she didn't leave anything open ended for further comment so rather than stimulate discussion she more often than not ended it.
What your saying is right except in her case she didn't leave anything open ended for further comment so rather than stimulate discussion she more often than not ended it.

Yes. That is correct.

Once she said something the conversation ended.

She was thoroughly useless.

It was a show I was looking forward to given the day that was in it and her presence just wrecked my head.